Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Blue Light emanating from the future as Formless Awareness: Notes from Poonjaji Memoir: Nothing Ever Happens by David Godman

 Notes from the early days of Poonjaji - the yogi disciple-protege of Ramana Maharshi:
Uncaused Happiness....Drawn into that current that was flowing through me. ...The Thing that Pulled Me had no form. ...An ocean of inner silence.... You could not stand the splendour of the dazzling sight....His hair would stand up on end during these transformations. It is more like a flight through the air in an airplane.....I often used to see a flood of light even though my eyes were closed....
At midnight I got out of bed, sat in padmasana [full lotus yoga position]....The chanting of Om Shanti Shanti Shanti caused my whole body to become numb. I became paralyzed [nirvikalpa samadhi]. ...The word, 'I', is different. No one has seen it!...We are doomed to die, but who cares? Who tries to escape? Virtually no one. Childhood and youth are the easiest times to escape....Intense inner feelings of bliss....
The secret of Inner Silence as eternal listening that creates blue light from the future!
As he gazed into my eyes, my whole body began to tremble and shake....A thrill of nervous energy shot through my body. My nerve endings felt as if they were dancing. And my hair stood on end. Within me I became aware of the spiritual heart. Within the heart I saw or felt something like a closed bud. It was very shiny and blueish. The spiritual heart shiny and blueish....With Ramana Maharshi looking at me and in the state of inner silence I felt this bud open and bloom. ..This Heart, this Heart of my Heart was neither inside the body nor out of it. ...
I felt every atom of my body being purified. A new body was being created. God is not an object that can be seen. Don't concern yourself with objects that can be seen. Find out who the Seer is. You alone are God....if you do yoga practices your face will begin to shine.... Waves of bliss would surge up inside me, when I thought of Him [Krishna/Christ/Buddha/Ramana Maharshi]. ...
By remaining in silence, he quietened the mind of the people around him. ...
The below is very funny - the works that Poonjaji managed in the forest mines - they were astonished that Poonjaji did not go Number 2 bathroom hardly at all. We made this joke about Chunyi also at the 20th anniversary conference - or was it the Level 3 class soon before that? Anyway it was me and two other males - and qigong master Chunyi Lin walked past us to go to the bathroom. We were all hanging out at the end of the building - just us three young males and Chunyi Lin who walked past us to go to the bathroom. I said that he probably uses his laser energy to just burn it all up! Apparently I was not so much off subject:
You were a yogi in your last life. You used to sit for many days in meditation. You did a lot of pranayama and you developed the jvlana, a prana fire in your stomach that burned up all the food that you did not digest. You never had to go to the toilet because this prana fire was burning up all your waste. This fire has come back again. You don't go to the bathroom much do you?
 And so then students of Poonjaji experienced the same thing just as Poonjaji describes Ramana Maharshi:
I like the story because this is how the power of the Guru works. He sits silently not stirring a single thought. Those he looks at get mesmerized and become his prey. The motionless silent Gurus are great predators. ...This is the magnetic power of Silence.
and so...

When the  Divine Mother blesses you from within you, there will arise the desire, I want to be Free! You will not get this desire from your biological Mother. You will only get it from the Divine Mother who lives within you. This Shakti. This Divine Mother gives you the urge to look within. To find out who she is. What she is and where she comes from.
 and then for a student of Poonjaji:
There was a tingling sensation in my spine followed by waves and waves of pure joy....A radiant energy engulfed me and I was floating on an ocean of pure energy. Nothing existed except pure Happiness.... and an unbelievably real feeling of total fulfillment. ...
Whenever I remember it, I instantly drop into a state of thoughtlessness. ...No one before or since has given me a happiness like this. A happiness that was dependent on nothing material.
  and so we reveal the "hypertube" of light (as J.P. Vigier, student of Louis de Broglie, called it) - science (relativistic quantum physics) has proven that within the light is a hidden supermomentum that is silence and yet a phase energy from the future! It emits a BLUE light as relativistic quantum spacetime energy from the future - secretly guiding our reality:
Turn your face still more Inside...Within the Inside!...Keep Quiet....See what happens next...Keep Alert! Look inside of the Inside....
But this is very difficult!

When he is asked about classical yoga methods and in particular kundalini practices, he usually replies: they need absolutely clean air. A very pure diet. And constant supervision. Nowadays these conditions can not be found, even in the mountains! There is too much pollution for these techniques to be effective. Even the food we eat is all contaminated. I have done these techniques myself, so I know what works and what doesn't.
And then....a student of Poonjaji:

I found his eyes to be so bright and piercing I could not hold his gaze. I lowered my eyes and then closed them. I kept them closed for a period of what...15 minutes. During that period I was told that [Gurudeo aka Poonjaji] looked at me steadily and continuously. As I sat there I felt as if some kind of electricity was flowing up my spinal cord, to the region of the heart. The mind was calm. And the whole body was filled with bliss....
Throughout that day, the fire he had ignited in me burned strongly. ...
And so...

I followed his advice and at the beginning of 1983 I began to have what seemed like kundalini experiences. When I meditated the back of the body would get hot. There would be a rising of energy in the spine. My limbs would start to vibrate. My head would shake. And occasionally strange sounds would come into my right ear....
I wrote to Gurudeo [Poonjaji] about this and he replied: Let your Sadhana be as natural as breathing. The movement on the top of your head is due to the effort to concentrate. Let it be effortless meditation. All the vibrations show the rise of the kundalini. Keep it up! Devote yourself more seriously to this Shakti. Do not entertain any fear. The fear you describe is due to your going upstream in an uncommon way of life. The mind does not like its killer. Hence there is fear.
And so then...
 The eternal Shakti Ma is standing with extended arms, waiting to give you a Kiss! A Kiss the taste of which you've never tasted, my dear child....Devote more time to it, in Silence, love and seclusion.
But the difficulties? 
Foreign countries are interested in Bhoga [enjoyments] Whereas India is known for Tyaga [Sacrifice]. Foreigners have sex attachments. Even at an early age. The environment is not favorable in foreign countries, because the atmosphere of sex is everywhere! There are no places and no times that are favorable for meditation. ..India is the only country that is favorable for spiritual advancement....It is the one place where one can obtain Moksha, Liberation.
 So then what happens....

Suddenly without apparent reason or cause, I lost outer consciousness and had an inner experience of indescribable bliss. Words always fail me when I try to explain what happened or what I was experiencing. The following day we were again sitting in Satsang with Bhagavan [Poonjaji]. It was around 5 pm and Bhagavan appeared to me to be in some kind of Samadhi state. As I was watching him I suddenly beheld a bright blue chakra spinning behind him. This vision lasted about three or four hours. 
....He further blessed me by saying this is Moksha [eternal liberation]. 

Friday, November 29, 2019

My Permanent Yellow Skin gets Empirical Corroboration: the strange case of Howler Monkey sulfur pesticide ingestion

Mantled howler monkeys typically have a type of melanin—the pigment that colors hair and skin cells—called eumelanin that is black, gray, or dark brown. In the yellow hairs, the researchers noticed the melanin had changed to a sulfur-containing type called pheomelanin, seen in animals with yellow, red, or orange tones.    The researchers believe the animals are ingesting the sulfur when they eat leaves on the trees surrounding pineapple, banana, and African palm oil farms that have been sprayed with pesticides. This sulfur may be mixing with the hair’s pigment structure and changing its overall composition, scientists suggest. In recent years, farms in Costa Rica have used a greater number of these pesticides."

On equilateral triangle UFO military craft and the Eco-apocalypse

On retro-causal reality - I just posted a bunch of quotes from Olivier Costa de Beauregard - including one of his papers that was recently "declassified" by the CIA, with all the paranormal references highlighted. So Costa de Beauregard was the assistant to Louis de Broglie who was the "father" of quantum physics. I added his quotes to my de Broglie "book" or article that I just uploaded to

I don't do skype and my over-use of my psychic energy has left me in a strange liminal state (that is difficult to explain). Essentially the qi energy too easily shoots out of my skull instead of staying stored in the small intestines (you can see how this would cause problems). haha. So either I have to maintain a super strict diet (which I don't - except sometimes I do). Or I just have to meditate a ton and be a hermit with lots of fasting (I do this sometimes).

So right now I just chillax by doing research while in full lotus at the computer.  Here you go - just word search that for Costa de Beauregard to get the retro causal quotes on the paranormal.

On the Stillwater "flap" - are you referring to 1978 or 9? I know there were several articles about them that I used to have (I may still have them). But actually the National UFO Reporting Center regularly has triangle craft sightings for our area. The local journalist who gave me the articles for that mass sighting in the 1970s - she said - that this area is a "military flight test corridor." I realize that someone came up from Chicago to hypnotize a local who then realized she had been abducted by aliens (but I don't trust the hypnotism method at all). That was someone from the Hynek Center.

No - I am of the Mark Pilkington view - that the CIA military has been pushing the alien E.t. disinfo on the masses. I am of the view of "The Stargate Conspiracy" by Prince and Picknett.

Also I am a radical ecologist so I tend to support nonwestern spiritual training while I am against Freemasonry (and its offshoots) for structural reasons. I am against the math of the Golden Ratio and commutative math in general while relativistic quantum math is due to noncommutative geometry (instead of the commutative algebraic geometry of standard Western esotericism and science). Since hardly anyone knows what noncommutative geometry even is - then that saves me a lot of time or worry of what people think of me. haha. So the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center knows what noncommutative geometry is - and Eddie Oshins there realized that it explains Daoist Neigong (alchemy training).

Yes that Paul Dong book features qigong master Yan Xin who was the first teacher of Twin Cities qigong master Chunyi Lin (whom I trained from to finish my master's degree). So the title of Paul Dong's book is actually from an official Chinese government documentary (called Yan Xin Superman qigong hero) or something. I saw this documentary (and it was in Chinese or Mandarin). The Chinese Yan Xin meditation club at the University of Minnesota showed the documentary and then translated for us two white dudes that were allowed to be in the club. That was back in 1998 and then the chinese regime declared Yan Xin to be illegal (along with the Falun Gong crackdown in 1999). Suddenly the club went underground, etc.

So Yan Xin has a great book on qigong called "Secrets and Benefits of Internal Cultivation" or something - it should be readable free online or else it's at the University Wilson Library.

Yes i really don't have much more to say about the 1978 mass sighting of the UFO - I'm not sure if it was triangle. I think some people said it was triangle. The triangle craft I saw was so close I could have literally hit it with a rock - summer of 1997. No fuselage - just an equilateral triangle defying gravity. Low and slow - not a blimp. So in my own research - someone online saw the insignia on the bottom of the triangle craft that someone else identified as the US Space Innovation Center out of Colorado. So I'm sure these craft are military craft. I realize Michael Schratt was recently on Richard Dolan's show but I have emailed Dolan about how I disagree with his peddling of Robert Hasting lies about Eric Carlson. I have read James Carlson's expose about the lies of his dad while working with nuclear missiles. So I do not trust the whole "military" witnesses to UFO alien stuff.

Anyway my has most of my recent research that is all free to read or my blog has more research.

I have a free "training manual" for what I advocate and practice but it is essentially based on the original human culture - the San Bushmen - that is 90% of our human history (yet amazingly hardly anyone knows anything about the San Bushmen and they are still around!!) The San Bushmen had no rape, no warfare and lived with ecological spiritual culture and ALL males were required to do spiritual training (also no masturbation and they did not even know what homosexuality was). So that is too strict for our postmodern Western mentalities to consider - yet it is already biologically and empirically true.

Yep - I did "progressive" activism for 25 years - so I'm well aware of the scene. I also read one scholarly book a day for 10 years after finishing my master's degree from U of MN. is a good source on the state of our times.

 "As discussed in a recent post, a 2020 El Niño could be the catalyst triggering huge methane releases from the Arctic Ocean seafloor starting in 2020 and resulting in such a 18°C (or 32.4°F) temperature rise within a few years time."

There is a methane bomb in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - and next year there's an 80% chance of El Nino kicking in - which could easily release the Methane Bomb - thereby frying the planet with a huge temperature increase in just a few years time.

Thanks again (and feel free to ask any questions, etc.)


 the Self can not be seen but only LISTENED to in Silence - the source of the I-thought. So archaeologists call it the "symbolic revolution" - this hard-wired error of modern humans - about 10,000 BCE - with monocultural agriculture. It was created from the error that a rectilinear visual geometry could "contain" infinity. Infinity is MOther Nature that can not be seen - we can listen to her though. The ancients knew that time was alive as the Cosmic Mother - so the Pre-Socratics called time Aion (as in Eons) - but Aion also means the kundalini energy of the spine - celibacy going into the brain. I can get you the direct quote if you want - from the Pythagoreans.

So in India - Time is Kali, the Cosmic Mother, that is also Kala as time. The West is based on time as a visual geometric measurement that supposedly can be "contained." This is just logically false. We humans started out in the forest where LISTENING was the dominant perception but as Professor William Calvin points out - global warming as a natural wobble of EArth - that is what first caused hominins to leave the forest and enter the Savannah - around 2 million years. So then there was a supervolcano explosion at 50,000 years ago - Mt. Toba - this forced modern humans into a bottleneck of just a few thousand humans alive on Earth. That is why a troupe of chimpanzees is genetically more diverse than all 7.8 billion humans. And humans have been on Earth for only 1 twenty millionth of Earth's history.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Is my Nature's Head composting toilet in an RV or my home? I am asked....It's a Hermit Hut.

 A great new vid on how to use a Nature's Head composting toilet

and this article link is given in the comments

Last summer I reconstructed a Bronze Age primitive dwelling from 3000 BCE - so it's a locally harvested double wattle willow wall filled in with 6 to 8 inches of clay-slip straw for insulation. Then the wattle is covered with daub (horse-manure clay-slip) and the exterior has lime cement coating for waterproofing. 3 silicone-polyester canvas weave tarps and 2 layers of rockwool insulation for the gable roof - now being tested with over 6 inches of snow. A center pole to support the roof - nearby the wood stove. It's a Hermit Hut. 

I have 5 acres of forest for a "seasonal campsite" where I grow forest shiitake shrooms. I can camp in a tent there 7 months a year - legally. I also built a teepee tent as my 1st shelter. The Nature's Head (vid) was in a temporary tent that collapsed under the snow last winter. A tent still up after 6 months then legally turns into a "structure." I can have 300 total square feet of structure and anything over 120 sq. ft. needs a permit. So the teepee structure and primitive dwelling are each 120 square feet. So now the Nature's Head (another vid) is in the primitive dwelling structure for the winter instead of a collapsed tent. haha.

 Just use lime ash for the odor and recombine the yellow water and dry septage with the lime ash when you compost. The urine will compost the lime wood ash (that stops the septage odor).

I need to go up there, now that deer hunting season is over. I didn't want to get caught in cross-fire. I fast and meditate - so I don't need to use the Nature's Head (a third vid) a lot. Last year I used snowshoes so I could use a hand saw to cut down trees for the spring mushroom logs - drill 30 holes in each log. Offgrid - solar panels for power. I got 100 logs to harvest shiitake shrooms for my first time this spring. Then if I need to live there all year round I can just camp for free in the nearby national forest or state forest. So my living fees would be $60 a year for taxes since it is unimproved rural vacant status in a forest agriculture zone.

So then I just compost in the mini-forest since as your husband emphasizes - there's no sewage. I called our state pollution agency - I called the person in charge of sewage treatment systems for our area. I asked him about a composting toilet. He said: Is there discharge? I said no. He said: So no permit is needed. I said thanks and bye. Wow - I was so happy! haha. Keep the guvmint off my land!

Nature's Head - a fourth review vid

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Quick Fire Breathing as the Wim Hof Method and the Bohr Effect as asymmetric Proton Gradient yang qi energy build up.

So this dude training in the Wim Hof breathing (tummo) method (vid) realized that at first he was wrongly chest breathing - and the secret was to breath with this diaphragm and bring his belly back into his kidneys.

Maybe he picked that up from me - as I've been advocating that breathing method for the Wim Hof method on youtube comments. But regardless - as I read down the comments I too picked up some good secrets.

When you are hyperventilating you are not hyper oxygenated rather you are becoming hypoxic and hypocarbic which causes constriction of your blood vessels in your brain. If you don’t believe me just test your oxygen saturation during this period. You are becoming euphoric because your body is releasing catecholamines from the hypoxia, most prominent dopamine and epinephrine [adrenaline], to cause the sense of euphoria.
So yes the science states that adrenaline is DOUBLED from the deep breathing - so that comment explains WHY it is doubled. Fascinating.

But there is something deeper going on as well.

I think the chemistry you described is created and enhanced by Bohr effect. By not exhaling fully you retain and build up concentration of CO2 which will make hemoglobin to release O2 from the blood to the cells of your body hence tingling sensation and super oxygenation of the body.

OK so then when I read the link given....

The Bohr effect enables the body to adapt to changing conditions and makes it possible to supply extra oxygen to tissues that need it the most.
Obviously that is crucial...

So it means you do not develop lactic acid as much - so you have more energy for exercising.

But what else? It is a proton gradient process and we know from Nick Lane that proton gradients are the literal basic substrate of life itself - a proton gradient is yang qi energy!!

 In areas where oxygen concentration is high, such as the lungs, binding of oxygen causes haemoglobin to release protons, which recombine with bicarbonate to eliminate carbon dioxide during exhalation. These opposing protonation and deprotonation reactions occur at an equal rate, resulting in little overall change in blood pH.
 So normally it is a "symmetric" reaction. But the key to storing up the energy is to make it asymmetric - and so the holding of the breath after Exhale then charges up the brain tissues with oxygen also - and the brain with oxygen from increased blood flow to the brain.

the shift in the oxygen dissociation curve caused by changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide or the pH of the environment. Since carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid, an increase in CO2 results in a decrease in blood pH,[2] resulting in hemoglobin proteins releasing their load of oxygen.
 So Wim Hof consistently claims he is super-charging the body with oxygen from his deep breathing. Science claims he is doing the opposite - increasing his CO2 levels. YES both are correct - the CO2 increase then forces the blood to dump oxygen into the body tissues.

This really helps to explain the secret of tummo breathing as increasing Lung energy - as Metal or Yang Qi energy! So fascinating!! It is really the Bohr Effect!!

Here is a Follow Along Wim Hof practice vid

  OH I just learned the secret of Wim Hof breathing - it's called the Bohr Effect. So you breathe in MORE than you exhale - which builds up your CO2 in your blood . The CO2 turns into carbonic acid thereby forcing the oxygen (alkaline) OUT of your blood into your body TISSUES. So that is how the body gets energized from the oxygen going into the tissues. So the breathing doubles the adrenaline and dopamine by activating the vagus nerve and also the CO2 build up stops the diving reflex to rebreathe. Then retaining the breath after exhale forces the oxygen via blood into the brain. So anyway - it's the tummo Wim Hof breathing is an asymmetric proton gradient aka yang qi (acid/alkaline) compared to normal breathing which is just a symmetric exchange of oxygen-co2 protons. Called Quick Fire breathing in daoist alchemy.

Oh the shen spirit exchange always catches me off guard as it's at the speed of light - shooting out of the eyes. So there is an "after" effect - so light itself does not experience spacetime. So the "Exchange" itself is Nondual - it just "happens" but then AFTER the exchange you become "conscious" that it happens. The Qi is what powers the light - so it's a mini-spacetime shift. It's relativistic quantum biology. haha. Or you could say it's the hidden momentum between the protons and electrons. So the "magnetic moment" of the SPIN is the 5th dimension (think of a slow backwards wobble spin versus the Earth's rotation).

Monday, November 25, 2019

Oludamini Ogunnaike and Sufism: How Racism in the West is hard-wired into a Platonic structural mathematical eugenics

From Heathen to Sub-Human – A Genealogy of the Influence of the Decline of Religion on the Rise of Modern Racism, Part 2 (Oludamini Ogunnaike) pdf

read it online there

video lecture of the talk on sufism of West Africa

Dear Professor Ogunnaike: I read the book The Racial Contract for my Race, Class, and Gender course at University of Minnesota, taught by Professor Rose Brewer. She was also chair of the African Studies Department. I then finished my master's degree by doing self-directed research via Professor Rose Brewer, with my project being that Platonic "natural law" is racist, and so a need for non-Western philosophy training is needed. I then trained from a Chinese spiritual healer and this was in fall of 2000, as my self-directed research project. It was a permanent life changing experience -

My approach is via music theory that is Orthodox Pythagorean. has connected the Sufi sources of Pythagorean philosophy and also connected this to Eastern shamanism as well.

I did also study Western science as my "intellectual self-defense" since I am a white male and so my social context had no idea what I had gotten into. Also I myself needed to "translate" my experiences to better understand them. I finally discovered "noncommutative phase" philosophy as the only explanation of my training. Eddie Oshins working at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, as a quantum psychologist, was also a teacher of Wing Chun, martial arts. He realized that noncommutative phase logic explained why "neigong" (Daoist alchemy meditation) worked. This explanation is very rare - Eddie Oshins was pissed that his research got assimilated and the noncommutative phase secret was lost.

Thanks again and I look forward to studying your work more (I'm listening to you as I type this).

P.s. the book The Religion of Technology by David F. Noble (former MIT history professor) also corroborated your research on Platonic racism as a structural drive of the West, built into the symmetric logic. Oh there is an anthropologist of Africa who figured out this secret also. What was his name again? I corresponded with him - he is Dutch I think. I'll look it up. You probably have come across him already. Vinsbergen? Something Wim Bergen? 

Before the Presocratics: cyclicity, transformation, and element cosmology: the case of transcontinental pre- or protohistoric cosmological substrates linking Africa, Eurasia and North America

take care,

drew hempel

  He holds a PhD in African Studies and the Study of Religion from Harvard University, and spent a year as a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University's Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies. Professor Ogunnaike's research examines the philosophical dimensions of postcolonial, colonial, and pre-colonial Islamic and indigenous religious traditions of West and North Africa, especially Sufism and Ifa. He is currently working on a book entitled, Sufism and Ifa: Ways of Knowing in Two West African Intellectual Traditions and maintains a digital archive of West African Sufi poetry.

 A corporation is legally a human being. So Al Gore explained that he could not change his trust fund stocks since the corporate lawyer has a "fiduciary responsibility" to maximize profits. I knew he was telling the truth as even a Rockefeller would have to SUE their family lawyer to change their trust portfolio. A good book on this is "The Paper Economy" by David T. Bazelon - from Platonic philosophy - profits are tied to logarithmic/exponential math as tied to patent law.

So the US government is actually also a corporation that was "chartered" through conferences. So technically a human in the U.S. is sovereign and the corporate-state WORKS for us. But the corrupt judges turned this around - check out for details. And why did it get turned around? Read the book "The Religion of Technology" - Western civilization is controlled by the structural drive of the mathematical logic.

So Plato declared that each citizen is valued at 9/8 (the major 2nd music interval ) that must be COMPROMISED for the "good of the state" into a closed materialistic infinity (9/8 cubed is the Tritone or Devil's Interval). So it's Democracy as a logarithmic music harmony (equal-tempered tuning that we are all mass mind controlled by). But in reality it's the inverse exponential function creating wealth for the elite via Greek Miracle technology patents (economist Michael E. Hudson understands this well as he started out in music training).