Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Brian Josephson shows of his key that was bent at the 1974 paranormal test conference




 His interests were piqued further after returning to Cambridge, when Josephson got to know the mathematical geneticist George Owen, who in his spare time investigated poltergeist claims. “He talked to me about parapsychology generally and got me interested in that, particularly as I could see parallels between psi phenomena and quantum mechanics,” Josephson recalls. In 1974, shortly after picking up his Nobel prize in Stockholm, Josephson was invited by Owen to a conference on “psychokinesis” in Toronto, where he saw demonstrations of metal bending. “I did some research on this but have always regarded it as a sideline,” Josephson says.


I wonder if it was Alex Tanous who bent the key?  

Brian Josephson responded that it was Matthew Manning - news to me!

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

Was that Alex Tanous who bent the key? thanks
No, it was Matthew Manning.
 @Brian Josephson  Wow - fascinating! I was not aware of him. Thanks so much.

New Talk by Prof. Dr. Ivette Fuentes on Quantum Frequency Interferometry

 She is testing Roger Penrose's claims

 Quantum Gravity in a laboratory

 Hi Professor Ivette Fuentes: I was listening to your talk on Quantum Frequency Interferometry and obviously it is beyond me. When you said a person would have to be brave - was that in regards to using noncommutative matrices? Isn't the focus of Penrose on asymmetric time that is noncommutative?

All the best,

The Real Truth on the Master Hai Deng "one finger" hand stand!

  it is Master Haidan who taught Yan Xin who taught "the original qigong master" as I call him  Master Haidan is demonstrating the "one finger handstand."



That article claims Hai Deng was fake but I think that's just the Communist materialism propaganda.
what he became his most famous skill  - erzhichan (one finger chan ‘handstand’)
At 86 years old, Abbot Hai Teng is as agile, flexible, and strong as a 26 year old. Using the secret Shaolin "one-finger form" of Kung Fu, Abbot Hai Teng can stand on the index finger of one hand--even as an octagenarian.
The movie - "Sichuan Unusual Records" (四川奇趣录  - Si Chuan Qi Qu Lu) filmed by Hong Kong Great Wall Films - became an overnight sensation once it was broadcast. This Movie featured Master Hai Deng who – despite his old age – was still able to perform amazing martial feats of strength, agility and endurance! He was filmed supporting his entire bodyweight (in an inverted position) seemingly ‘balancing’ through the power of just two fingers. This became known in the West as the cultivated practice of ‘Two-Finger Zen’ (二指禅 - Er Zhi Ch’an).
According to people who were there – Master Hai Deng was still able to assume the hand-stand on his own prior to his feet being secured to increase the length of time of the demonstration.

  Most witnesses recall that whenever they remember seeing Master Hai Deng performing this exercise – he invariably used one-hand (and two-fingers) whilst his feet touched the floor and his body was side-on! What happened during the filming was that the director had Master Hai Deng’s feet pulled-up into position by a rope around each ankle. Once in the inverted upside-down position – both ropes were removed and 80-year-old Master Hai Deng did legitimately ‘hold’ the position (with one foot supported on the wall but cleverly hidden through camera-work). After some minutes, Master Hai Deng was helped down and back onto his feet. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

How Peter Kingsley misunderstood Orthodox Pythagoreanism? The promotion of Archytas instead of W.J. Verdenius

 I finally was able to read Dr. Peter Kingsley's book in full - 2010 - "A Story Waiting to Pierce You"

There's nothing in the book that is inaccurate as far as I can tell - only his promotion of Archytas as a real Pythagorean is I think the big flaw of the book.

Kingsley hasn't done any music theory analysis that I can tell - of Archytas and Pythagorean philosophy yet we know that music was key to understanding the truth of Pythaogrean teaching.

So Kingsley critiques Carl Huffman's understanding of Philolaus and Archytas but two wrongs don't make a right! It appears that just because Huffman was wrong doesn't mean that Kingsley figured out the secret of the Pythagorean music theory.

This secret requires analyzing the music and mathematics - and so I can understand why that is not part of Kingsley's academic focus.

As I noted three years ago - the later Andrew Barker book also did not figure out Philolaus's math.

So really it was Professor Richard McKirahan who explains the math of Philolaus. But McKirahan supports the math without realizing its error.

It's ONLY Alain  Connes who realizes the secret truth of the Pythagorean math as noncommutative phase - what I had previously been calling "complementary opposites" for some fifteen years.


So here I quote Huffman on his wrong math about Philolaus - actually it is Jordan Bell quoting Huffman. But the Jordan Bell link is now encrypted and inaccessible.

It's just that Kingsley's big point in his 2010 book is that the origin of Pythagorean philosophy is really from Central Asia - and previously he had made the connection to Daoism as well. So if he properly understood the music theory of Pythagorean (Orthodox - not Archytas) - philosophy then he would realize it is the same as Daoism.

I get it - someone's academic specialty is philosophy and translating ancient Greek, etc. and so they don't want to get bogged down in mathematics and music theory. People in academia are required to be specialized - it's unfortunate then that the bigger picture is lost.


So I had previously critiqued Zhmud's take on the whole issue as well. Turns out he may have the closest angle on it all.


As much as I enjoyed "A Story Waiting to Pierce You" - it seemed to have missed the inner core secret teachings of the Orthodox Pythagoreans.

So that is Carl Huffman

Verdenius, W.J. (1949). Parmenides' Conception of Light. Mnemosyne, 2(1), 116–131. doi:10.1163/156852549x00131 

Amazingly this is better than Peter Kingsley! haha

Wild - a 1942 Ph.D. thesis! Originally in Dutch.

W. J. Verdenius (1947). Notes on the Presocratics. Mnemosyne (Third Series), 13(4), 271–289. doi:10.2307/4427107