Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Blue Light emanating from the future as Formless Awareness: Notes from Poonjaji Memoir: Nothing Ever Happens by David Godman

 Notes from the early days of Poonjaji - the yogi disciple-protege of Ramana Maharshi:
Uncaused Happiness....Drawn into that current that was flowing through me. ...The Thing that Pulled Me had no form. ...An ocean of inner silence.... You could not stand the splendour of the dazzling sight....His hair would stand up on end during these transformations. It is more like a flight through the air in an airplane.....I often used to see a flood of light even though my eyes were closed....
At midnight I got out of bed, sat in padmasana [full lotus yoga position]....The chanting of Om Shanti Shanti Shanti caused my whole body to become numb. I became paralyzed [nirvikalpa samadhi]. ...The word, 'I', is different. No one has seen it!...We are doomed to die, but who cares? Who tries to escape? Virtually no one. Childhood and youth are the easiest times to escape....Intense inner feelings of bliss....
The secret of Inner Silence as eternal listening that creates blue light from the future!
As he gazed into my eyes, my whole body began to tremble and shake....A thrill of nervous energy shot through my body. My nerve endings felt as if they were dancing. And my hair stood on end. Within me I became aware of the spiritual heart. Within the heart I saw or felt something like a closed bud. It was very shiny and blueish. The spiritual heart shiny and blueish....With Ramana Maharshi looking at me and in the state of inner silence I felt this bud open and bloom. ..This Heart, this Heart of my Heart was neither inside the body nor out of it. ...
I felt every atom of my body being purified. A new body was being created. God is not an object that can be seen. Don't concern yourself with objects that can be seen. Find out who the Seer is. You alone are God....if you do yoga practices your face will begin to shine.... Waves of bliss would surge up inside me, when I thought of Him [Krishna/Christ/Buddha/Ramana Maharshi]. ...
By remaining in silence, he quietened the mind of the people around him. ...
The below is very funny - the works that Poonjaji managed in the forest mines - they were astonished that Poonjaji did not go Number 2 bathroom hardly at all. We made this joke about Chunyi also at the 20th anniversary conference - or was it the Level 3 class soon before that? Anyway it was me and two other males - and qigong master Chunyi Lin walked past us to go to the bathroom. We were all hanging out at the end of the building - just us three young males and Chunyi Lin who walked past us to go to the bathroom. I said that he probably uses his laser energy to just burn it all up! Apparently I was not so much off subject:
You were a yogi in your last life. You used to sit for many days in meditation. You did a lot of pranayama and you developed the jvlana, a prana fire in your stomach that burned up all the food that you did not digest. You never had to go to the toilet because this prana fire was burning up all your waste. This fire has come back again. You don't go to the bathroom much do you?
 And so then students of Poonjaji experienced the same thing just as Poonjaji describes Ramana Maharshi:
I like the story because this is how the power of the Guru works. He sits silently not stirring a single thought. Those he looks at get mesmerized and become his prey. The motionless silent Gurus are great predators. ...This is the magnetic power of Silence.
and so...

When the  Divine Mother blesses you from within you, there will arise the desire, I want to be Free! You will not get this desire from your biological Mother. You will only get it from the Divine Mother who lives within you. This Shakti. This Divine Mother gives you the urge to look within. To find out who she is. What she is and where she comes from.
 and then for a student of Poonjaji:
There was a tingling sensation in my spine followed by waves and waves of pure joy....A radiant energy engulfed me and I was floating on an ocean of pure energy. Nothing existed except pure Happiness.... and an unbelievably real feeling of total fulfillment. ...
Whenever I remember it, I instantly drop into a state of thoughtlessness. ...No one before or since has given me a happiness like this. A happiness that was dependent on nothing material.
  and so we reveal the "hypertube" of light (as J.P. Vigier, student of Louis de Broglie, called it) - science (relativistic quantum physics) has proven that within the light is a hidden supermomentum that is silence and yet a phase energy from the future! It emits a BLUE light as relativistic quantum spacetime energy from the future - secretly guiding our reality:
Turn your face still more Inside...Within the Inside!...Keep Quiet....See what happens next...Keep Alert! Look inside of the Inside....
But this is very difficult!

When he is asked about classical yoga methods and in particular kundalini practices, he usually replies: they need absolutely clean air. A very pure diet. And constant supervision. Nowadays these conditions can not be found, even in the mountains! There is too much pollution for these techniques to be effective. Even the food we eat is all contaminated. I have done these techniques myself, so I know what works and what doesn't.
And then....a student of Poonjaji:

I found his eyes to be so bright and piercing I could not hold his gaze. I lowered my eyes and then closed them. I kept them closed for a period of what...15 minutes. During that period I was told that [Gurudeo aka Poonjaji] looked at me steadily and continuously. As I sat there I felt as if some kind of electricity was flowing up my spinal cord, to the region of the heart. The mind was calm. And the whole body was filled with bliss....
Throughout that day, the fire he had ignited in me burned strongly. ...
And so...

I followed his advice and at the beginning of 1983 I began to have what seemed like kundalini experiences. When I meditated the back of the body would get hot. There would be a rising of energy in the spine. My limbs would start to vibrate. My head would shake. And occasionally strange sounds would come into my right ear....
I wrote to Gurudeo [Poonjaji] about this and he replied: Let your Sadhana be as natural as breathing. The movement on the top of your head is due to the effort to concentrate. Let it be effortless meditation. All the vibrations show the rise of the kundalini. Keep it up! Devote yourself more seriously to this Shakti. Do not entertain any fear. The fear you describe is due to your going upstream in an uncommon way of life. The mind does not like its killer. Hence there is fear.
And so then...
 The eternal Shakti Ma is standing with extended arms, waiting to give you a Kiss! A Kiss the taste of which you've never tasted, my dear child....Devote more time to it, in Silence, love and seclusion.
But the difficulties? 
Foreign countries are interested in Bhoga [enjoyments] Whereas India is known for Tyaga [Sacrifice]. Foreigners have sex attachments. Even at an early age. The environment is not favorable in foreign countries, because the atmosphere of sex is everywhere! There are no places and no times that are favorable for meditation. ..India is the only country that is favorable for spiritual advancement....It is the one place where one can obtain Moksha, Liberation.
 So then what happens....

Suddenly without apparent reason or cause, I lost outer consciousness and had an inner experience of indescribable bliss. Words always fail me when I try to explain what happened or what I was experiencing. The following day we were again sitting in Satsang with Bhagavan [Poonjaji]. It was around 5 pm and Bhagavan appeared to me to be in some kind of Samadhi state. As I was watching him I suddenly beheld a bright blue chakra spinning behind him. This vision lasted about three or four hours. 
....He further blessed me by saying this is Moksha [eternal liberation]. 

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