Sunday, July 31, 2022

Because you need to have a Nonlocal Knowledge (Roger Penrose new interview with his antagonist L. Krauss, Mr. "Randomly")

 1 hour into this interview

So how would Nature, if crystal assembly as I was mistakenly believed at the time, you got this little ridge .. and they build up... you can't do it that way! So how would Nature do it? And then Paul Steinhardt and I were both at the conference in Israel on something completely different - on cosmology I think - harmonically it was. And we were both giving talks on something different - I was talking about energy... and he was talking about cosmology, inflation problem...

He said, "I want to talk to you about something else... " OK Nature has found someway to do it - it wasn't a complete shock. It was a pleasant surprise. I would say, Yes Nature has found some nonlocal way of assembling these things - or else maybe it's not quite as accurate as they think. You could see these pictures were pretty... the construction patterns were amazing."

Krauss.... goes on....back to Penrose:

See what I think, when I think it's a mystery, I think it's a mystery still not resolved, because I think it has to do with the collapse of the wave function....when you go from a fluid or a gas to a rigid thing like a crystal it's got to have collapsed because the crystal really knows where its atoms are....whereas the fluid or the gas, these states, there's going to be something where the atoms are not localized. And so there's a reduction of the state involved in making the crystal....

Krauss doesn't like this since he believes in random Platonic irrational materialistic NeoDarwinian B.S.

 Dirac's Two-dimensional spinors is what took Penrose into the singularity theorem as the inevitability of black holes in general relativity. Fascinating. Back to Penrose around 1 hour 30 minutes:

 I used to walk in the woods to try to get inspiration... it had to be a nonlocal problem [the singularity of the black hole]. Infinity had to have a spherical structure...I looked at the boundaries of the future of a point...I felt this elation and I didn't know why...

The idea of a trapped surface... for the boundaries of a future.

 Conformal transformations - Riemann Spheres inverted...Penrose at 1 hour 40 mn:

You invert and the point of infinity is singular - it doesn't work - what a pity. Conformal transformations - Maxwell equations were conformally invariant...

To be more precise have a look at Escher's circle limits - they're very unusual conformal maps - just look at the edge and there you can see infinity into a finite boundary....

 You didn't just have - the leading term was null...but if you look at 1 over R squared - ....that I learned from my understanding of spinors. You could look at the Weyl curvaturve - the part that describes gravity. You remove the Ricci part that is the mass part. The pure part is the gravity part as the Weyl curvature.... You can classify them how they coincide - in the Null Part - the leading term at infinity - they all come together. If you come in from infinity they peel off one after the other - that is to say 1 over R, 1 over R squared, 1 over R cubed, 1 over R fourth, 1 over R fifth .. It was a very beautiful result. Very striking and beautiful result.

Penrose made a Trap Door down to his private study !! awesome.

the thought came to me I've been going the wrong way - I've been going a Spatial Direction. if you go the Null Light Cone it doesn't go out at infinity - .... I had realize this is a different power. That made everything finite instead of infinite. If your Weyl Curvative is finite at infinity you look at the different components - the curvature is finite at the boundary. I began to realize looking at these conformal boundaries was a fruitful thing to do...

Krauss HAS to throw down the "randomly" word since he really doesn't understand Penrose and is apparently trying to warp his meaning of Penrose....

Once I had shown that singularities were generic in collapse then they would clearly be generic in a Big Bang of the Universe...

Roger Penrose....

 so if you had a universe that was closed, then how do you do it? Stephen [Hawking] used it in a way in a reverse time direction, in a way that I hadn't thought did become the basis of our much much later joint paper that we wrote - where - he then developed the ideas with discussions with me from time to time. But they were probably people in Cambridge...correcting mistakes and things like that. ... Hawking was a little bit sloppy of his arguments - mistakes of the first kind - you just change the argument and it becomes correct....

Penrose at 1 hour 58 minutes:

That's accurate - it's not quite as forceful as I would put one else seems to be worried about it and yet to me it seems to me to be a huge conundrum...
the microwave background radiation blackbody means you're looking at some equilibrium - you go back and back in time and surely the 2nd law of thermodynamics means the entropy should be small. It's such an obvious, obvious point, why don't people talk about it and stress it....

 We've got a universe that is not at see there's the mistake in thinking that the expansion of the Universe is going to make it bigger - there's more room for entropy as the universe gets bigger - ...yes Gravity was not thermalized....Gravity has to start off low! God said, "Let there be a universe in which the degrees of freedom and gravity were not excited."...

Krauss has a hissy fit.....promoting the eternal exponential expansion of the Universe....

I think the strongest argument is in "Fashion, Faith and Fantasy" (book by Penrose).. I can't see why you don't have an inflation - given our galaxy - why do we need all those other ones way over there? We don't need them do we? What's the use of the Andromeda Galaxy to us? That's the trouble you see, God has made all these useless universes out there, not doing anything for the natural selection which evolved on the Earth....

Inflation is terribly wasteful - it's trying to produce the entire Universe - it's really an anti-anthropic argument...It's somehow using an argument of this sort to...that the reason the entropy was low... the entropy is low in gravity was because it needed to be in a place, for us to be around, you need to have a part of the Universe of that nature....

 Krauss promotes Brown's Law (anything that can happen will happen) ....

But why does it [inflation] do it globally of the whole universe rather than just locally? It does it in a uniform way? It has to know exactly when to turn off..yes locally...
it shouldn't happen so uniformly globally... perhaps I shouldn't go into all this. I'm worry about dissimilarity between this picture and what happens at collapse. Gravitation is absolutely different.
The book needs rewriting [Cycles of Time]... I have to be writing three books now...How am I going to write three books at once? I don't think even these observations of the circles was present there... there must be some indication. But the fact about them - no one was believing a word of it at that time. And I think with some reason....

It's not quite clear what you could trust and what you couldn't. The Polish group came in and they found it completely independently and they see them [the circles in the background radiation as remnants of the previous universe]

 The Heart of the Argument is that the singularities in collapse are utterly different than the Big Bang....

You haven't really gone back to the Big Bang - you've gone to an early stage before inflation as started yet...[for the quantum mechanics inflation origin argument]
Why is it such an unlikely one because in the collapse you have these singularities and they represent some kind of end...quantum gravity probably comes in, what good does it do you? It doesn't. They wouldn't be black holes - they'd be white holes....

You want to get rid of it - the point is the entropy is so low... in the beginning....that's a different argument.

Krauss argues the issue is why is the universe hot because the entropy of matter so high?


Where is the time asymmetry in any of this? I don't see it? It's so different than what our Universe is like. To me it's just that we haven't got the right theory. We're talking about the early universe in ways that we could talk about the remote universe but we get the wrong answer - but the remote universe is not like this at all. There you do have the gravitational degrees of freedom dominating - they run ahead of everything else. They dominate completely.

 Only in the tiny spots - only in the Hawking points [do we not know the physics] 

I don't think that's at all fair. Almost the entire crossover from one to the next is not.... You do need a mass fade out and that is a big assumption and I've always said that. However it is based on something which is mathematics - mainly the first thing you do in particle physics, more or less, is look for the Casimir Operators of the Poincare Group. These are Mass and Spin... So you say they are absolutely conserved quantities. What i say is these are only approximately correct. The right group is NOT the Poincare Group but the De Sitter Group. The cosmological constant - the real one, the one that Einstein mistakenly introduced,'s certainly observed to be there... it's not a tooth fairy....

I'm trying to say there is that term (cosmological constant] - that the group that actually could be relevant at cosmological scale is the De Sitter group rather than the Poincare Group, it's not so surprising that mass is not absolutely conserved. It's not saying that mass is not saying that it decays in specifically this or that way - I agree that's missing - on the other hand it's not such a tooth fairy. You've got to have something if you're going to do a cosmological constant into your particle physics.

 Most - look at the conformal picture - it's almost entirely the junction to the next eon is almost entirely smooth. That is the - all the effect of - take a galactic cluster it gets swallowed by a supermassive black hole. That thing stays around for maybe tens to the one hundred years - finally evaporates by Hawking Evaporation. If you look at the Conformal Picture it's less than the Planck Scale on the other side...

You know all about it - you know how much mass - I should go into this because I'm still in the middle of this - I'm trying to write two papers with Kristoff - it does use Twistor Theory - so we can avoid that. It uses a bit of Twistor Theory to show how you can work out what the mass - how much energy comes out of the spot - the Hawking Point. You can work out - there should be a certain amount of energy which will spread out to a certain size by the time you see the Mie Scattering.

No, We've got an inflation given for free which is the cosmological inflation and that is the universe. They are a natural consequence of the evolution of the general universe. I think one has to be careful about these things...there's hydrogen running around in this...I see where you're coming from but I don't believe it. I think these arguments which are a little so anthropic - "if we wait long enough than anything can happen" sort of arguments. I think that's not right.

When I'm saying that - it's probably that - it's more a kind of a feeling that's grown up since coming across CCC - from the conformal perspective it's not that long. I mean the end of the Universe is infinity - but that's not such a long time if you've got mass fade out. It depends on how quickly it happens. You can't think of that as enough time for energy to....I'm trying to say it's not that a certain sense, compared to any mathematician who plays with infinity, 10 to 100 years is trivial time...

 The question of probabilities of things happening - do the probabilities stay the same or do they go down when they become more rarefied. I'm trying to say the CCC picture gives you a perspective on the world which makes you not scare of infinity....

That's an interesting thing - the way that Kristoff has been playing with it [inflation] - the question of inflation has come up in it [CCC] - I've always dismissed it playing a role, but he's taking it more seriously of it - and there is a role for some of these things. It's not quite - the picture we have at the moment is not quite...

And Jim Peebles, whom I have a lot of respect and liking for, asked me, would I take part in one of the discussion sessions and they had several of them. And each one would present a paper and give their own point of view and then turn to discussion. Now I'm almost the last one -... [they didn't allow Penrose to show his slides and he got cat-called and heckled...]

The Hawking points are 98.. % accurate....these are observational facts.

in black hole singularities we seem to be led to something like quantum gravity - yes they're a mess. But that is NOT going to answer the problem of the Big Bang.

the Hawking Point signals are stronger - but the rings - the rings are consistent.














My responses to questions on my latest video on abrupt global warming, Planck's Constant and qigong meditation

 Truth Duel Official

So the resolution to "I'm totally freaked out by the alleged end of the world" is do 100 days of 5 elements and maybe we can hop over to alternate timeline?
Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
by hop - if you mean like the Transcendental Meditation people hopping in full lotus on foam - hoping to levitate? Nah - this "alternative timeline" concept is not it. There is an ether energy that we are already immersed in - and yes when the third eye opens up then we realize that all matter is light and our own physical matter is a holographic imprint of the physical matter that our coherent biophoton laser holograph interacts with via the 5th dimension (that is noncommutativity). So for example if I sit in full lotus and make eye contact with someone who has an internal liver blockage - I will suddenly sense their great anger and also my own liver will start to burn hot!! So then that is a lower frequency holographic blockage that then is transduced to a higher frequency via the heart "Yuan Qi" (right side vagus nerve connection to the heart). So then the energy is emitted back out to the person via the pineal gland that is in fact a kind of gravito-electric transducer of the ether energy. Or as the "Taoist Yoga" book states - the yuan qi emanates out of the pineal gland. So as the energy then is shot back into the person whom I made eye contact with - the eye contact is no longer needed since the pineal gland is omnidirectional and the ether is not limited by spacetime (or a timeline as you call it) - so the energy could easily be going out of the back of my head now if the person is now behind me. Slowly the burning heat in my liver dissipates as more higher frequency light energy is shot out of the pineal gland into the person to heal the person. The full lotus pyramid power acts then as a noncommutative torus or Klein Bottle of the 5th dimension via this ether energy of the future and past overlapping. So once my liver is completely cooled back down to normal then I can feel safer that the person's anger blockage has also dissipated. In this case since the person being healed was a big Native Indigenous man - he suddenly came up on me from behind as I sat in full lotus - reading a book (reading is left brain dominant while the energy sent out is right brain dominant - so the two can be done simultaneously) - and this stranger actually said to me, "thanks." I thought that was pretty impressive on his part to not only acknowledge the energy on a subconscious level but to actually have gratitude publicly for the healing. It wasn't me that did the healing - it was simply the 5th dimension of the future and past overlapping and thereby rewiring the physical matter via the frequency of the photons. So for example blue light when seen while sun gazing is actually a quantum undertone of the negative frequency and reverse time negentropy that powers the sun's quantum entanglement. So if you stare at the sun early in the morning or late in the evening - and then close your eyes - you might see a beautiful bright blue light as I see - and that is the secret of the blue light. That is also explained in the Taoist Yoga book and that secret of the blue light is also explained if you study the quantum chemistry of the element gold. The quantum chemistry of the element gold relies on Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony to explain it - so it's actually relativistic quantum chemistry. I'd be happy to provide you the details of that secret of the color gold of the element gold. That is also the secret of bilocation from meditation - the ability to create another physical body replication outside your own body - as perceived by others. Such a "yang shen" bilocation body can also walk through walls, etc. This is of course a very rare ability as is the real ability to levitate. Qigong master Chunyi Lin did levitate up nine feet while he was in full lotus meditation but that was right after he just completed 28 days of nonstop full lotus meditation in a cave at Mt. Qingcheng - in China - no sleep allowed while in nonstop full lotus padmasana meditation for 28 days!! haha. thanks
 @Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang  so the external reality is a holographic reflection of the inner blockages? And the fifth dimension -- this is outside space time (3 spatial + 1 time), so the yang shen body would extend into the 5th and is not subject to acts of God as mortals are. So when the mortal is cleared of his blockages, it would appear to him as if there never were famine and drought in addition to the elimination of his health challenges?
 @Truth Duel Official  hmm - actually the 5th dimension is what we Westerners call God as in "creatio ex nihilio" yet it has to be an eternal process of harmonization via meditation. So this is the big difference between Mahayana Buddhism and say Advaita Vedanta - if you read Bill Bodri's tome, "Measuring Meditation" based on his studies with Ch'an Master Nan, Huai-chin (a best-seller in China who died about 10 years ago). So as Master Nan points out - when I read his books three times each - the key goal for our time is to "empty out" the sixth level of consciousness - meaning "conceptual consciousness." So I did 20 years of research to obtain that goal. The 7th level of consciousness emptied out is what Advaita Vedanta achieves - also Theraveda Buddhism. Essentially that is called "mind yoga" or "jnana yoga." The spiritual ego as coherent biophoton laser holographic energy is the 7th level of consciousness. So a spiritual master will actually create new "yuan shen" to heal other people - via the 8th level of consciousness (the Emptiness of the Universe). I saw qigong grandmaster Chunyi Lin doing this in 2000 when I had my enlightenment experience at age 29 - to finish my master's degree (by doing intensive nonwestern yoga meditation with his healing energy guidance). So the "yuan shen" is our soul energy from before we were born - and what we activate and see during our enlightenment experience - it means that not only can we see the coherent biophoton light inside of us but we also now see auras around other people and spirits and ghosts, etc. Then the Yuan Qi is what builds up more Yuan Shen energy. For the typical modern person who does not meditate - then the biophoton spirit energy is essentially just burned off as they age since the Yuan Qi is also used up internally. But when the third eye is opened up then the Yuan Qi or 8th level of consciousness of the Universe can be directly resonated with and also stored up internally in the body. So a qigong master is able to do this in "real time" and therefore create new "yuan Shen" with each spirit forming out of the top of his head - each yuan shen shaped like a human but in light form. The yuan shen then breaks off and floats out to the person being healed - and it is the 8th level of consciousness or the Emptiness that then is directly manifesting a person's own soul energy to heal themselves completely. The person being healed though has to also be resonating with the Emptiness in meditation to then receive this Yuan Shen to be healed - this is how the grace of the guru is activated. The Yuan Qi is also then the "unconditional love" as this Ether shakti energy. So this process occurs through noncommutativity that scales up to the macrolevel - and hence why the standing active exercises are based on the secret of the yin-yang channels of the body. Eddie Oshins figured this out (also) when he studied quantum psychology - a term he coined as a new discipline - as he was hired to do such research for the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. He collaborated with math professor Louis Kauffman with whom I've corresponded as Kauffman has continued his noncommutativity math research. So by healing famines, etc. - the productivity of the land relies on a natural regenerative cycling of this yin-yang energy that originally was called N/om energy. If you read Dr. Elizabeth Marshall's first book - "The Harmless People" - she lived with an uncontacted original human culture tribe in the 1950s - for two years - and she documents how our original human culture relied on a detailed interaction with the complementary opposites energy of Nature. So for example if a bird is killed for food the hunter leaves the bird for a day before sharing the bird with the others to eat the bird - otherwise the spirit of the bird as a ghost would tell the other birds that the humans are eating the birds, thus scaring away the rest of the birds. To us that seems primitive when in fact is it a much more advanced relativistic quantum biology reality. For example if you study quantum biology it's well detailed now that our sense of smell is based on quantum nonlocality from quantum phase and frequency. I experienced this when I smelled cancer of a man way in the front of our conference room - I didn't know it was cancer at the time. I just wondered how anyone could stand to be in the same room as him as he reeked of rotting flesh. Then he said he had come from ARizona for a special healing. And when the qigong master healed him then his rotting flesh smell went away and the qigong master said to us all, "qigong masters can smell cancer as rotting flesh." He never pointed out that it was this man who smelled like rotting flesh of course - but I put that together.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Comparing Peter Wadhams chart to Joanna Haigh's chart



 Joanna Haigh


12 to 15 microns wavelengths and that just so happens to be the peak of this
spectrum of the radiation that would be leaving the planet were it not there so
it's a sort of double whammy of co2 at the peak of the spectrum and having a very strong absorption at those wavelengths along with the fact that nitrogen oxygen have no effect at all that makes carbon dioxide uniquely