Saturday, March 9, 2019

Conspirachi part 1: On the Domestication of Males via TechnoFeminism: Dr. Shelly Ortner

Gravitational lensing effect produced by a
Klein bottle wormhole from a single luminous source.

[This version has no images - so the formatting is a bit screwy - and you need to click on "newer post" at the bottom of the page to get to the next part].

Noncommutative Klein Bottle
 Tuning to the Infinite: The Conspirachi of Noncommutative Time-Frequency Consciousness F.W. Schelling in 1809 wrote of the conspiracy of life and unity as a secret breathing exercise wherein the body takes up a strong internal heat, while the formless void is contemplated. The Conspiracy of Life: Meditations on Schelling and His Time by Jason Wirth 2012 googlebook review:

cyclic universe brain branes from 
inner ear vortices to 3rd eye

Schelling uses the Latinate-German Konspiration, which stems from conspiro, to breathe or blow together. Spiro, to breathe, is related to spiritus (the German Geist), meaning spirit but also breath....The conspiracy is a simultaneous expiration and inspiration, and each thing of nature is both inspired yet expiring. This is what I call the conspiracy of life, that is life beyond and within life and death....Schelling's own discourse often sounded downright mystical. For example Schelling often spoke of the development of the 'spiritual eye' in a way almost reminiscent of the way that certain aspects of the the Hindu tradition spoke of opening one's third eye.
The early Christians before 200 AD were known to practice a secret breathing together to tie them to the holy spirit, "an exchange of breath or spirits" as Stephen Benko describes it in Pagan Rome and the Early Christians, googlebook review 1984. This mouth kiss of spirit exchange continued controversially and then evolved into the Church ritual of the hand shaking gesture of peace. Ivan Illich, “The Cultivation of Conspiracy,” address given at occasion of receiving the Culture and Peace Prize of Bremen Germany, March 14, 1998 states:
Explicitly, corporeally, the central Christian celebration was understood as a co-breathing, a con-spiracy, the bringing about of a common atmosphere, a divine milieu...The shared breath,

Sonofusion acoustic cavitation
the con-spiratio, are the "peace" understood as the community that arises from it.
Professor Elaine Pagels documents in her best-seller Beyond Belief that the early gnostic Christians relied on meditation internal listening trance, the Logos, to see the light as the means to God. Pagel quotes Jesus in The Gospel of Thomas:

Neo-Gnostic 3 in 1 Logos

'There is light within a person of light, and it lights up the whole universe; If it does not shine, there is darkness.' In other words one either discovers the light within that illuminates 'the whole universe' or lives in darkness, within and without. And Star Wars?
Anakin has no father and is thus born of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit, as Qui-Gon-Jin correctly speculates. The Holy Spirit (spiritus = air, holy = sunny) is equivalent to “the force”. Qui-Gon-Jinn is a play on QiGong (Chinese life energy cultivation related to breathing techniques) and Djinn (a spiritual = air creature in the Qu`ran), therefore we have two clear references to air. It is stated in the movie that Anakin is the one “bringing balance to the force”. This is precisely one of the aspects of Christ Jesus, who is the “mediator” who brings balance, which is another relation to air/ breath, because the word “Jesus” is a modern misnomer.George Lucas, a high level Freemason

The secret of the Logos, then, from the book of John, (in the beginning was the Word aka Logos) is God first said, "Let there be light." From Logos to Trinity: The Evolution of Religious Beliefs from Pythagoras to Tertullian (2012, googlebook) "The Hebrew 'word' of Genesis, a
metaphor of God’s activity, could in John be interpreted in the Philonic manner as an agent of a transcendental God, the

Quantum physicist Niels Bohr symbol

Logos." pdf "Egypt is the only country in the Mediterranean basin
where we find an idea of the divine tri-­unity." We can trace a lineage in the West whether it's the Cathars or the Ranters and Levellers - the Quakers and Shakers -  the Pietists
(“Pietism was a ‘song and sing movement'” (to quote Christian Bunners’ phrase). Singing hymns —and Pietists wrote 70,000 songs and poems,)
or the Tarentella dancers - or the Beatniks and Hippies ("The fool on the hill sees the sun going down and the eyes in his head see the world spinning round!") inspired by the Maharishi yogi - of a trance dance deep breathing means of seeing the light through internal sound or inner silence. For example the Quaker Archive has this description:

microsphere resonance (top) third eye in middle of brain is pineal gland
 stand still and act not, and wait in patience till light arise out of darkness to lead thee. .... Thus the practice of inner silence is the same as the love of God
"The Ranters have in common with the Quakers a desire for a sonorised divinity," proffers Prof. Steve Connor (2008). Sonoluminescence - an experiment to save the world BBC Another translation of the Latin conspirare is "to be in harmony" and so the "six-time Grammy nominated" youth choirs are called Conspirare. Like the Hank Williams song, I Saw the Light! Why is it a conspiracy? How does trance sound breathing turn into light energy and heat energy as holy spirit or conspiratorial consciousness? (As Paul McCartney sings, "Nobody ever hears him, or the sound he appears to make.")

Logarithmic singularity at zero as rainbow, red is the smallest, violet is the largest

"Importantly, this means that an extremely short pulse of sound has infinitely many tones."

Black Hole phonons create more phonons, bouncing back and forth                    
The above statement is a concept that captures this secret of breathing exercises and internal trance sound turning into light -  the time-frequency uncertainty principle. Acoustic cavitation generated by microsecond pulses of ultrasonic pulses as short as one cycle at a frequency of 1.0 MHz give rise to luminescence flashes characteristic of violent cavitation. But what is overlooked is that time-frequency uncertainty or Fourier Uncertainty is actually noncommutative! That's why it's a conspiracy. Uncertainty principle and music tuning:

tunable "whispering" electron light microsphere resonance
You may think that the Uncertainty Principle has nothing to do with music. But the formula can be transformed into the relation between time and frequency of waves. ...Now we have found out the fact that it is impossible for us to know the exact frequencies in our sound wave at an exact moment in time.... In other words, theoretically we cannot get the perfect fifth tone with a frequency f from a root tone with a frequency f0 by calculating f = f0 × 3/2.

Pythagorean Tetrad or Tetractys

Perfect Fifth Yin/yang Body Tuners
"Non commutativity is the central mathematical concept expressing the uncertainty." 2012 pdf link This number theory is the great conundrum of trying to unify ("are we there yet?" googlebook link) noncommutative quantum physics to relativity (pdf link - "you can not visualize noncommutative spaces - you fundamentally cannot.") but time-frequency uncertainty was already known to be noncommutative by the Pre-Socratics! This first music harmonic of the Pythagorean Perfect Fifth as 3/2 is actually noncommutative (C to G is 3/2 as the Perfect Fifth overtone while C to F is 2/3 as the Perfect Fifth subharmonic) and so Western mathematics and

Vagus Nerve Pineal Gland Inner Ear resonance
Dr. Stephen Porges "Polyvagal Listening Project" teaches middle ear muscle flexing
to resonate high frequency sound to the brain
for emotional vagus nerve activation 
technology can not resonate harmonically to it. All human cultures use the Pythagorean Tetrad harmonics - aka the 1-4-5 music intervals but Western tuning made them disharmonic - "compromised" the tuning into a symmetric closed geometry.  As quantum consciousness neuroscientist Stuart Hameroff says, ""Change the Music.... Indeed, microtubule

Quantum consciousness is anharmonic - noncommutative time-frequency
resonant vibrations have been likened to music, specifically anharmonic Indian Raga (Ghosh et al, 2014)....As the Beatles sang, “Take a sad song and make it better”."
"Bandyopadhyay and his team will couple microtubule vibrations from active neurons to play Indian musical instruments. Consciousness depends on anharmonic vibrations of microtubules inside neurons, similar to certain kinds of Indian music, but unlike Western music which is harmonic [commutative logarithmic]" Hameroff explains (Science News, 2014)Tuning the Brain talk video by Hameroff June 2014  Hameroff:
In my imagination I see microtubules as a kind of musical instrument being played by the cosmic Casimir force. here
and the Casimir effect, due to the zero point fluctuations of the noncommutative complex scalar field, [pdf]
Kasdan: The Force was available to anyone who could hook into it?
Lucas: Yes, everybody can do it.
Kasdan: Not just the Jedi?
Lucas: It’s just the Jedi who take the time to do it.

Symbol of quantum physicist Amit Goswami
Marquand: They use it as a technique.
Lucas: Like yoga. If you want to take the time to do it, you can do it; but the ones that really want to do it are the ones who are into that kind of thing. Also like karate. Also another misconception is that Yoda teaches Jedi, but he is like a guru; he doesn’t go out and fight anybody.1981 transcript of George Lucas discussing Star War prequel series
Noncommutative means there is no "one to one correspondence" between number and geometry and so changing the order changes the value. Franz Luef, a Marie Curie Fellow at UC Berkeley who focuses on Time-Frequency Analysis

Noncommutative time-frequency: You can't always hear the shape of a drum, different shapes can have the same frequencies. It is not possible to reveal the shape of
a closed domain by knowledge of the spectrum.
analysis (youtube lecture, Oct. 2015) states: "But our everyday experiences, especially our auditory sensations, insist on a description in terms of both time and frequency," citing Dennis Gabor who rediscovered Pythagorean

Tori - plural of torus, half of a Klein Bottle
noncommutative time-frequency resonance. Luef uses a noncommutative torus to model time-frequency resonance and a Klein Bottle is a 2D surface (watch video here) as a pinched torus (2 Möbius strips) that can not be visualized in 3D spacetime.
problems in time-frequency analysis, in particular in Gabor analysis, give rise to the same structures underlying noncommutative geometry over noncommutative tori.
Luef is not stating that noncommutative time-frequency is

completely solved by geometry but simply that it translated into noncommutative geometry analysis. Because human hearing and breathing are noncommutative then deep internal trance human hearing can achieve this conspiratorial harmony!  - with the inner ear as a spiral, the infinite spiral of noncommutative fifths, that activates the pineal gland to create light spirit energy. Based on noncommutative time-frequency consciousness Human Hearing Outsmarts Physical Limits. In India this is called "The  Nāda yoga system [which] divides music into two

Samkhya, oldest philosophy of India, based on 3 in 1 gunas harmonics as OHM
Sattva is 1:2 (Emptiness), Tamas is 3:4 (yin) and Raja is 3:2 (yang) 
categories....the anahata chakra, which is considered responsible for the reception of the internal music, but not in the way of a normal sensory organ...the Vedic concept of unstruck sound (the sound of the celestial realm)." Or as a science

Noncommutative Tai Chi Tetrad
journal reports:
For the first time, physicists have found that humans can discriminate a sound's frequency (related to a note's pitch) and timing (whether a note comes before or after another note) more than 10 times better than the limit imposed by the Fourier uncertainty principle. Not surprisingly, some of the subjects with the best listening precision were musicians, but even non-musicians could exceed the uncertainty limit.

Read more at:

The Tai Chi has to be a 3 in 1 unity as the 3 gunas
 For the first time, physicists have found that humans can discriminate a sound's frequency (related to a note's pitch) and timing (whether a note comes before or after another note) more than 10 times better than the limit imposed by the Fourier uncertainty principle.

Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth as noncommutative time-frequency
For the first time, physicists have found that humans can discriminate a sound's frequency (related to a note's pitch) and timing (whether a note comes before or after another note) more than 10 times better than the limit imposed by the Fourier uncertainty principle. Not surprisingly, some of the subjects with the best listening precision were musicians, but even non-musicians could exceed the uncertainty limit.

Read more at:
Musicians are proven to have better training so they can hear perfect harmonics of complementary opposites - beyond the limits of technological measurement - this is actually an inner sound trance skill that is conspiratorial. Non-musicians could do so also. The biologists Jacob N. Oppenheim and Marcelo O. Magnasco give the details here:
Time-reversal symmetry breaking [noncommutative time-frequency] is a key feature of many classes of natural sounds, originating in the physics of sound production. While attention has been paid to the response of the auditory system to “natural stimuli,” very few psychophysical tests have been performed....the best performers fall almost exactly on this line, indicating a perfect tradeoff between time and frequency acuity when going from “notelike” to time-reversed pulses

noncommutative yin-yang Perfect 4th/5th resonance
"Non-commutative Operations in Consciousness Studies" by Harald Atmanspacher in the Journal of Consciousness Studies (2014) discusses how commutative math is actually the "exception" while non-commutativity is the rule to perception of reality. But this is why it is the conspirachi! The noncommutative resonance of time-frequency is the secret foundation of science from the Pythagorean Tetrad (1:2:3:4 with 3/2 as the Perfect Fifth) yet it was covered up as the original conspiracy with logarithmic, symmetric-based math ever since Plato, what I've called the "rotten root." 

noncommutative quantum time-frequency inner ear piezoelectric qi    

vagus nerve inner ear 3rd eye
In other words symmetric Western math and science can not achieve the perfect fifth 3/2 harmonics since it would take an infinite time that is non-commutative to the frequency 3/2. This is why the noncommutative quantum time-frequency uncertainty

 earbud delivers electrical stimulation to vagus nerve via music to ear canal  
principle is applied to Western science because Western science defines time by converting it to commutative amplitude from non-commutative phase. (more details on this as the focus of the next section). Western science assumes the math is a contained geometric materialistic infinity that is symmetric [see this review "The Power of Symmetry" AmSci, 2007] which
fMRI images of Dr. Sun's brain show a high level of activity as he practices qigong
mysteriously and inexplicably has a "symmetry breaking" as the first cause. In fact the symmetry breaking was already there as noncommutative time-frequency consciousness which can not be contained by Western science! "University of Wisconsin-Madison neuroscientist and psychiatrist Giulio Tononi, argues that consciousness resides in an as-yet-unknown space in the universe." here Quantum biology has

My quantum physics prof. pdf has the Klein Bottle
proven now that quantum physics applies to "macro" scale life. I took quantum physics as my first physics class for my first year of college and the professor is an Ivy-league quantum physicist - his research (i.e. his SciAm pdf) got classified by the military without his knowledge! haha. You can see his successful results this summer 2015 - quantum teleportation Quantum cryptography and quantum

Quantum Consciousness as Nada Yoga Tai-Chi Tetrad
telepathy computing kind of stuff. But in 2006 I got banned from biology professor PZ Myers' blog since I was promoting "quantum biology" and qigong training - Myers was rated the "top" science blog but he refused to investigate the qigong master living in Minnesota, as does PZ Myers. I have been somewhat now vindicated!
Can our new understanding of life replace the soul with a quantum vital spark? Many will regard the very posing of this question as suspect, pushing the boundaries of conventional science beyond respectability and into the realms of pseudoscience or even a kind of spirituality. That is not what we are proposing here. 2014, Life on the Edge, p. 310.
Myers instead dismissed and attacked qigong healing since it was featured on our local MN news (youtube link) - and as the usual "skeptic" PZ Myers refused to actually personally investigate the qigong master even though the qigong master works with the Mayo Clinic and the qigong master has had "gold standard"

non-commutative quantum resonance
randomized controlled proof of his external qi energy healing - results called "very impressive" by the Mayo Clinic doctor who led the study.
Schrödinger suggested that life was based on a novel physical principle whereby its macroscopic order is a reflection of quantum-level order, rather than the molecular disorder that characterises the inanimate world. He called this new principle “order from order”. But was he right?...Just as Schrödinger predicted, life seems to be balanced on the boundary between the sensible everyday world of the large and the weird and wonderful quantum world, a discovery that is opening up an exciting new field of 21st-century science.You're powered by quantum mechanics. No really... (UK Guardian, Oct. 2014)
Anyway so it was easy to dismiss quantum biology in 2006 as quackery or too fringe or woo-woo since it's a macroquantum phenomenon and the human brain is supposed to be "too warm" for quantum physics. Luckily all of that has been disproven now and in 2011 SciAm did a cover story on quantum biology.
 So the claim that delicately arranged quantum entangled states could survive in the warm and complex interior of living cells was thought by many to be an outlandish idea, verging on 

Macroquantum Metamaterials have "net chirality" noncommutive resonance
madness. Yet in recent years our knowledge of such things has made huge strides - and not only in connection  with birds. Life on the Edge: The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology 2014, Johnjoe McFadden and Jim Al-Khalili
 Scientific American, 2011 - Vedral, "Living in a Quantum World." pdf link or his 2015 Oxford talk, a quantum universe, youtube Then a recent quantum biology book, Life on the Edge, was published, cowritten by one of the earlier quantum consciousness authors whom I promoted in 2006 - JohnJoe McFadden. here    (Of course they emphatically and repeatedly dismiss and reject any paranormal implications of quantum biology - doth protest too much).
Once again we see Schrodinger's order from order capable of capturing quantum events, and what Jordan termed amplification of quantum phenomena into the macroscropic world. Life seems to bridge the quantum and classical worlds, perched on the quantum edge (p. 132)....If we return to our musical analogy one final time, with the guitar acting as the odorant molecule

Noncommutative time-frequency consciousness
and the guitar strings as the molecular bonds that need to be plucked, then the receptors come in Eric Clapton or Jimi Hendrix forms. Both can play the same molecular notes, but right- or left-handed molecules have to be picked up by right- or left-handed receptors, just as right-handed guitars have to be played by right-handed guitarists....This combination of shape and quantum vibration recognition at last provides a model that fits nearly all experimental data. (pp. 163-4)
So the Life on the Edge book (2014) emphasizes that contrary to quantum being limited to cold tiny realms the quantum entanglement is coherent and so resonates the energy into the macroscopic level, but at the same time this resonance is noncommutative. The music analogy then actually is best modeled by the truth of music also being

Micrometer quantum "visual microphone" recovers sound imprinted visually in objects
noncommutative as an infinite spiral of fifths. In Western science this is now discovered as "noise-induced coherence" aka the "quantum Goldilocks effect" pdf link for macroquantum

On right, macroquantum EER Goldilocks Effect for entanglement of all sizes
resonance or quantum chaos engineering: "...the optimal rate of decoherence is to ‘fuzz out’ the local energy levels until they

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