Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free Qigong Master Jim Nance Qi-talk tonight! on the Mob Mentality and Music as Meditation:

ever heard of the "small universe" meditation? that is the music of reality - just listen with your eyes closed and you listen and visualize the 12 music notes of the body-mind as infinite energy resonance based on noncommutative phase or voidisyinyang energy. haha. It's also called Daoist Neidan but it's from the original human culture -the San Bushmen. So you can get the 30 minute c.d. as part of their level 1 class. That c.d. gives the teaching method. But it is really just LISTENING as meditation-music with your body-mind as the music instrument. EVERY human culture uses the Octave as 1:2 and Perfect Fifth as 3:2 and Perfect Fourth as 3:4 - and so it is the "3 in 1" unity as noncommutative phase. ONLY the West developed the irrational magnitude symmetric logic from the wrong music theory - with the exponential math as the inverse. that c.d. has the "instructions" - with where the points are along the body. Or you can just go to my channel for the pdf links of my free research.

So when I recently posted a thread about Dr. Stephen Porges and the "freeze" trauma reaction caused by perv-predators then a Perv-predator began stalking me on a supposed "Daoist" forum. I did a previous blog post that someone was rereading yesterday - about "why" I left that daoist website. The person reading it is the person who got banned from the daoist website for promoting my research. haha.

So now that the owner of the website did a HUGE PURGE of all the blatantly right-wing goons, there are still some "lurking" goons left who are hell-bent on ganging up on me, like a pack of chimpanzees. haha. Why? Well there is also NO moderation at the site anymore - no more "mods." Because I left the Matrix and strange things happened as I sat in full lotus in public and I recorded those things and I posted them on the forum. And that was 12 years ago and the males there are STILL freaking out about it. haha.

As someone posted in response to this reaction:

No idea. Probably some sort of self defense? People don't like being told their pleasure or arousal in social situations might not be dependent on themselves?
Yep - nondualism makes the Universe a strange place for those who are mass-mind controlled by Western civilization!

 “The Man Does Not Part His Robes, Nor Does the Woman Loosen Her Belt”: Controversy over Non-Contact “Sexual” Alchemy

So when I posted this article - the claim against me is that the practice is "consensual" and based on "sovereignty" of the individual. Well I am not sure how true that is in Daoist culture of 1000 years ago. If reality truly is based on complementary opposites of yin-yang energy via the Emptiness as the Female Formless Awareness - as I call it - or the Cosmic Mother - then it appears that males have a lot to learn about, regarding what is considered "sovereignty" and "consensus." (Dr. Camilla Power lecture)

 this language in a subversive way, claiming that, whereas transcendents or buddhas intermingle or copulate using their spirits
Yes - subversive INDEED!! Western mass-mind control tries to deny that the spirit world actually controls our minds based on the frequency of the light.

So for example when the qigong master Jim Nance was healing a friend's dog that was dying, Jim related how the dog KNEW to have her spirit LEAVE her body, so that the qigong master could HEAL the dog's body more easily, without the spirit getting in the way! That is some deep teaching right there. Our spirit as death turns into a ghost that is "detached" from the Yuan Qi in terms of physical matter - and so the spirit floats around in a confused dream state based on the "yin qi" energy blockages of the lower emotions.

guiding qi talks  
with Master Jim Nance
In Focus
Thursday, October 24th
A live teleseminar
   8:30-9:30pm (ct)
So just sign up for the email subscription at to get the phone number emailed to you for the free Qi-talk tonight.

So this is the "meme" being charged against me at the supposed Daoist website. The funny thing about this is that we humans think we are NOT animals, and so we think we are "in charge" of our lives and reality. In fact the Cosmic Mother as Yuan Qi energy is in charge.

The spirit is the "yang shen" as meditation - to be visualized back inside the body. When the third eye opens up then the "yin shen" can leave but also the Yang shen can leave as well - if it is developed enough. And finally the physical body is "pulverized" by the Yuan Qi. All that remains is the Yuan Qi controlling when the Yang Shen will appear as "physical" matter that is in fact golden light from the future!!
So what is more common is that people do "physical" training without opening the third eye - and not having the "enlightenment experience" of the Emptiness as the Cosmic Mother. So the illusion of this left brain "control" still remains and it still needs to be exorcised - as a lower body blockage of the pancreas (worry as too much thinking). Then the other lower emotional blockages start taking over and pretty soon a Mob Mentality develops if there is any hint that the male Chimpanzee-modern humans are NOT in control!! haha.

As Professor Noam Chomsky emailed me:
 God save us from our friends -- not for the first time.
So we can see why the qigong masters charge LOTS of money to do phone healings or teach classes, etc. It is to protect themselves from the Mob Mentality of the lower frequency energy blockages.

 So when I pointed out this Mob Mentality as fascist - I was told that obviously I don't understand what fascism is. But then I said - hey maybe you should read this book! Indeed fascist culture is much more common than we realize. The Mob Mentality of the male chimpanzees take over.

So then when I was warned that "Calamity" was going to happen for me - I just turned that around - yes Calamity is indeed going to happen! Not because of me but because of this Mob Mentality!

Concerning the Evolution of Religion

Bernard J. Verkamp
The Journal of Religion
Vol. 71, No. 4 (Oct., 1991), pp. 538-557

has the details.

And so another correspondent posted a nice defense of me:
Drew has character.  He has personally helped me in ways that I cannot get into here, but have impacted my life in a significant and meaningful way, and I cannot be anything but grateful towards Drew.
He speaks of things that are outside yours and my experience, and is therefore easily misunderstood.  I see why esoteric teachings, vis a vis Charles Luk, are just that.
I don't post on the Internet as a rule anymore, but there is something very true about the information he has generously made accessible, and in doing so has opened himself up to the basest of criticisms.
The way I understand it, he emits a healing love energy, like most of the Spring Forest Qigong adepts, a la Master Nance, Master Gran, Master Lin.  And those with blockages feel drawn to him, at which point they are duly exorcised.  It's difficult to impose a conventional morality on that, because the usual paradigms do not account for paranormal phenomena.
But this stuff is too radical for most of the males even on a supposed "Daoist" website. haha. I had already "warned" (no, not "warn" as in an illegal physical threat as was made against me by the Mob at thedaobums) this person in our private correspondence about the forum - and so the person had not been posting on the website otherwise.

As one book is titled:

Dog is to Man as Man is to God.
 A dog will bark at strangers and the dog will stay irritated and keep barking. But the "alpha dog" shows he is in charge by "playing" with the other dogs as "play fighting" - while still not hurting those dogs. For example putting its jaws around the dogs neck and yet not killing the dog.

This is what qigong master Jim Nance did to me when I was ranting at him about politics while I drove the car. At first he raised his voice and said,

"But Drew I'm on your side!"

But that was not good enough for me so I kept ranting.

So then he got real silent and all of a sudden I felt a strong electromagnetic force deep on the right side of my heart - but from BEYOND my heart!!

So he gave me the experience of the Yuan Qi beyond death. And then he said, as I shut up on shocked silence, "I just wanted to see if you were speaking from your heart, and you were."

and so:

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