Thursday, October 24, 2019

Olivier Costa de Beauregard on Bergson and paranormal phenomenon via asymmetric time

It's HILARIOUS that Wiki makes NO mention of the Paranormal on Costa de Beauregard's page - when in fact at least half of his published papers mention the paranormal! 

Maybe because the CIA had classified it?

So what Costa de Beauregard is stating is that paranormal phenomenon HAPPEN OUTSIDE or "beyond" spacetime as an "advanced wave" - from the future! aka as "will" via Negentropy as a partial amplitude measurement process that is non-local and entangled. But our "Cognizance" of this Will is a "retarded wave" in the PAST and therefore we usually are not aware of the paranormal happening.

 "The time asymmetry of the quantal measurement is of macroscopic origin. ...There is an analogy between the intrinsic symmetry versus factlike asymmetry of, on the one hand, retarded and advanced waves, and of particles and antiparticles on the other hand. Not only is there an analogy but a partial binding..."
"Finally what would the phenomenology of advanced waves, decreasing probability, blind statistical retrodiction, and information as organizing power, look like? Exactly to what parapsychologists call precognition and/or psychokinesis....Consciousness has two faces symmetric to each other, cognizance and will. Both should show up in the quantal measurement process.

So Costa de Beauregard is the BEST physicist on explaining paranormal phenomenon! It is quite stunning that he realized the SECRET was Asymmetric Time!!

aka "noncommutative phase."

"Then comes the question: What would the de jure allowed, but de facto repressed, direct information-to-negentropy transition look like, and consist of? Well, such a phenomenon is nothing less than the one termed either 'precognition' or 'psychokinesis' in parapsychology....Why, then, if such phenomenon do exist, are they so alien to our Western culture, while, as it seems, they are alien neither to the more 'primitive' cultures nor to the elaborate cultures of the 'Far East'?...

"The spacetime background is not objective...What can be said to be 'in fact' inside spacetime is the two pieces of the macroscopic apparatus: the preparing and measuring devices. They are 'inside spacetime' inasmuch as they are participating in the intersubjective day dream all of us are dreaming, relying as we do on retarded causality and information-as-cognizance.

"the next thing to do is to explore how this telegraph can be used, which is an interdisciplinary 'mind-and-matter' problem."

...the miraculous phenomenon - convergent final state with coherent phase - may be more or less "simulated" by a "conspiracy of causes" in the form of antecedent sources that are coherent in phase....Louis de Broglie thought I was completely mad. Nevertheless I published the idea...but I believe that much significance is lost by not making use of relativistic quantum mechanics. In sum the "new quantum mechanics" describes and experiment entirely confirms, the paradoxical correlation, or non-separability in B. D'Espagnat's phrase, either between two distance measurements...or between two distant preparations for measurement...coupled by their common past or future respectively....
"I assert then that relativistic quantum mechanics accounts completely for all this...the observer is also an actor, and therefore what parapsychologists call "psychokinesis" must be logically accepted. "Precognition" too must be logically accepted if the future exists in actuality, and if convergent waves are not to be discounted.      The indirect transmission of messages to Elsewhere along Feynman lines implies "telepathy" and "telekinesis" - and this is what frightened Einstein, twice mentioning "telepathy" in this connection in 1949, Schroedinger using the word "magic" in 1935, and de Broglie, seeing in 1956, "an incompatibility with our conventional notions of space and time."  "Cosmos and Consciousness," in Science and Consciousness: Two Views of the Universe, 1980....
Rauscher and Targ stress that paranormal distant knowledge in space or in (past or future) time is well established by serious investigation, and they produce useful references. They also stress that (notwithstanding "rationalistic" prejudices) arguments in favor of the paranormal can easily be drawn from the relativistic and the quantal paradigms. This I have recently claimed also in Foundations of PHysics (Costa de Beauregard, 2001)....
Only a paradigmatic change can state what is lost by discarding the phase relations. These, reversibly telegraphed throughout spacetime, connect the preparing and the retroparing physicists - and beyond them all feeling and willing beings. So what decoherence discards is the paranormal. Far from being "irrational," the paranormal is postulated by today's physics....It is then simply reasonable to envisage that there should exist low-level neurophysiological manifestations of this peculiar sort of nonlocality.  Olivier Costa de Beauregard, assistant to Louis de Broglie
Costa de Beauregard: "It goes without saying that great experimental care is needed for exhibiting over macroscopic distances these aspects of the quantal microreversibility because they are easily blurred by loss of phase coherence. They are specific of a sui generis space-time telegraph using waves as channels and a wavelike cybernetical coding. It is then simply reasonable to envisage that there should exist low-level neurophysiological manifestations of this peculiar sort of nonlocality....
"The claim here is that beyond the empirical reality entangled in the telegraph there is, exchanged between the investigators, discarded by decoherence, the paranormal....With Wigner we believe that psychokinesis is the lawlike reciprocal to cognizance, but is made factlike paranormal by the smallness in practical units of Boltzmann's k. We claim also that "the beyond reality" set aside by rejection of the phase relations but returning uninvited in the form of "nonseparability" is none else than the paranormal....
"Psychokinesis is legitimized as the reciprocal to the gain in knowledge. Precognition, telepathy, psychokinesis and teleporting are allowed....If past, present, and future of matter coexist (not now, of course, which would be self-contradicting), why not those of the subconscious mind immersed in Jung's "collective unconscious?" Retro- and pre-cognitive flashes could then cross the border line of consciousness. The whole concept of "non-locality" in contemporary physics requires this possibility....
"Believing in operationality of the final cause excludes that the psyche be a byproduct of evolving matter. Quite the contrary, it implies that matter is under the control of some universal psyche....Rediscovery of the hidden face of information implies that a chance event is not just a mechanical accident - or rather that it is such insofar as the subjective side of nature, Jung's collective unconscious, is dormant....Postselection, the reversed recipe, formalizes the paranormal phenomenon of psychokinesis, retro-causation via converging waves....
"Telegraphing faster than light is normally forbidden, but paranormally allowed by associating psychokinesis with an EPR correlation....So via the relativistic and quantal telegraph, some sort of universal telepathy-and-telekinesis must be going on at a very low energetic level, expressing the subjective face of nature."
"So via the relativistic and quantal telegraph, some sort of universal telepathy-and-telekinesis must be going on at a very low energetic level, expressing the subjective face of nature....It is the future that is significant in "creative process," the "elementary" forms of which should be termed "precognition" or "psychokinesis" - ....
"Let it be made clear that psychokinesis essentially is retropsychokinesis - if only because much less energy control is needed at the level of a random event than after its amplification for "registration."...
At the macrolevel, of course, advanced actions are much repressed by retarded ones, very much like antiparticles are by particles. These two factlike asymmetries define the realm of validity of macrophysics, which would merely collapse in their absence. This builds up the comfortable "maya" in which we are living."

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