So Tiller does a fascinating job of clarifying what is typically very obtuse science analysis. But he seems hell-bent on maintaining "symmetry" while trying to also incorporate "absolute phase" as a photon invariance. Fascinating! Does he even acknowledge noncommutative geometry as a scientific discipline (much less the basis for Non-western energy training?)
So what he is stating here is something that is corroborated in my 77 quotes on the Law of Phase Harmony analysis link - that the superluminal momentum in de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony is NOT CONSERVED!
So Dr. Nisha Manek, formerly of the Mayo Clinic, now is a research scientist FOR Dr. William Tiller and Dr. Manek was co-author with qigong master Chunyi Lin on a medical qigong chapter for the Mayo Clinic's textbook on complementary medicine.
Small world!!
So Dr. William Tiller has relied on Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony to analysis qi energy - and when you read his "white paper" Paper VII.pdf
He goes into how the Photon fits the requirement for the "symmetry breaking" at the origin of reality - or what he calls infinite "absolute phase." This is precisely the same analysis as what other scientists call "noncommutative phase."
So I guess his website doesn't have an email contact and I doubt he knows about Eddie Oshins - too bad!
For example Oshins critiques the Fourier Analysis that Tiller still relies on.
But anyway - it's a fascinating science model to explain qigong.
It's probably the "closest" yet to really capture the secret!!
So then in the book TAoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality - the Yuan Qi is from yang qi and is considered fundamentally yang while the Yuan Shen is considered fundamentally yin. So then after the Yang Shen is created - then finally the golden light is purified of its "yin qi" (red light as yin shen) blockages in the body. The physical body is then pulverized and the Yang Shen vaporizes into pure Yuan Qi of the universe.
But the Yuan Shen as the photon remains part of the Absolute Void of the Yuan Qi also - meaning that the Yuan Qi is always emanating light.
In relativistic quantum physics this is explained by the fact that white light shining on gold then only absorbs blue light due to the nonlocal (and non-commutative) phase shift between relativity and quantum physics. This is explained by de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. I did a blog post on this also.
So again just as in real science, in TAoist Yoga you absorb the blue light of the yang qi as a "spacetime shift" of the Yuan Qi which then converts the red light of the yin qi blockages (yin shen) into the yang shen - but my point is that this process occurs via the "Shen of No Shen" or the Yuan Shen.
So the "white light" can also be considered to be "clear light" as the Tibetan yogis call it (or the "light of no light" as it is called in the Taoist Yoga book - because the white light still needs to be "turned around" and so phase-shifted back to an infinite "absolute phase" from the FUTURE - as an absorption of blue light to create the yang shen golden light immortal new matter (yuan jing).
So in the 5th dimension this process is happening eternally and impersonally as a universal Law of Phase Harmony (as de Broglie considered this his most famous discovery). So for example Astrophysicist prof. Paul S. WEsson, in the last couple years of his life, realized that de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony explains his 5D black hole model of reality that ALSO explains (he emphasized) spiritual phenomenon!!
So to get back to the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony analysis - if you read my 77 quotes from scientists on the Law of Phase Harmony - you learn that the photon IS the reciprocal space to the electron as a noncommutative phase dynamic.
This is also explained through music theory as well, as I have done. So that 2/3 yang qi but it is also a subharmonic that turns into yin qi - and so the yin qi is turned back into the yang qi - via the phonons that are not restricted by the Pauli Exclusion principle. That's how you get the alchemical transformation of matter via photons and virtual photons.
And now Dr. Tiller corroborates the TAoist Yoga claim about the complementary opposites of the body!
Sure enough - Tiller connects it back to meridians and the small universe meditation! pdf link
William Tiller interview
Dr. Nisha Manek talks about how her Mayo Clinic qigong research (with Chunyi Lin) directed her to work for Dr. Tiller! interview
So as I mentioned to my friend - William Tiller has not read Eddie Oshins apparently!!
In other words you can NOT impose Fourier Transforms onto quantum noncommutative phase - due to the measurement problem as an inherent uncertainty.
Tiller tips the hat to Pribram yet it is Oshins who pointed out that Pribram did not properly understand quantum physics.... oops!
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