Monday, March 25, 2019

Eddie Oshins claim of advising Karl Pribram on the holographic model of reality: Corroborated
Eddie Oshins paper on Karl Pribram's website.

A RARE reference to Eddie Oshins on the interwebs!!

About that time, Karl met a physicist by the name of Eddie Oshins who had an interest in quantum logic and was applying it to an understanding of schizophrenia. Karl put the two of us in touch and we wrote some papers together on that and related subjects. Shortly before the first of those papers, I wrote and published a papers on limitations to the application of fuzzy logic.

FP: You've said that you were mentored by H. Dean Brown and Dr. Cuthbert Hurd. How did that happen?

DM: While at SRI, I was fortunate to get to know some pretty impressive people. Among those was Hew Crane, who had worked at IBM early on and then under von Neumann at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Studies. He and Doug Engelbart (inventor of the computer mouse) were colleagues, and he was the inventor of the eye tracker. Anyway, Hew and I co-sponsored a series of multi-disciplinary seminars at SRI. Among the attendees were Dr. H. Dean Brown, SRI's Willis Harman, and Stanford professors Karl Pribram and H. Pierre Noyes.

Oshins similarly states:


So here we have SRI working with SLAC.

I focused on SRI via the "Stargate Conspiracy" book and my own "Actual Matrix Plan" expose.

The original qigong master read the book "Holographic Universe" that focuses on Pribram, confirming it is an accurate model of reality. Eddie Oshins  exposed that Pribram actually did not probably understand the real secret of Daoist Neigong training via his holographic model. Rather Pribram was still stuck in a classical symmetric math model, not the noncommutative phase secret of both relativistic quantum and Daoist neigong truth.

So for Pribram it was "so close yet so far." And so the New Age "holographic" model scene has yet to find out the real truth....

So the question is - did SRI realize that Oshins was correct and Pribram was wrong?

I doubt it.

So I actually wrote a graduate paper on Pribram's Holographic Brain model to promote it in constrast to the model we were being taught - the antiquated "split brain" model that argued ancient people's were inherently schizoid (Julian Jaynes' racist model). But I could sense something was wrong with the math in Pribram's model. There was simply something that did not make sense in the Fourier math model he was trying to use.

And so quantum psychology....

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