Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Yang Sheng Journal and Master Gin Foon Mark teaching qigong in Minnesota! and the Reciprocal Spacetime of William Tiller: Harvest Full Moon before the Equinox - very strong third eye energy right now!

September 14thHarvest Moon12:33 AM

three days BEFORE and AFTER the full moon is when the meditation is "ten times stronger" as third eye magnetic bliss - according to

Dr. Gabriel Cousens - a yogi trained with Muktananda - recommends fasting during the full moon as the energy is so strong.

When you combine the full moon as close to the equinox or solstice then you get even stronger third eye energy!! is a good site as an online qigong journal. Enjoy!

 Was Bruce Lee impressed watching your students practice?
GFM: I don’t think so. Not many people have seen or understand this rare system. The power in the techniques is hidden. Bruce remarked on the similarity between Praying Mantis and Wing Chun. He wanted to have a match with one of my students, to which I readily agreed.
ME: What happened?
GFM: Neither Bruce nor my student could gain an advantage; it was a draw. Bruce asked me how long the student had studied. I replied about a year. Then, I demonstrated some advanced techniques and weapons. I asked him if he would like to try my hands. He declined, out of respect, and said he was interested in studying with me.
ME: What do you think impressed him?
GFM: My short power, especially in using weapons. Unlike many other systems, the weapons are used just like our empty hands techniques, without large, swinging motions. Most people don’t have short power, because they don’t practice short power enough. My instructors didn’t show me any weapon’s form for six years. Instead, I had to practice cutting bamboo, melons, potatoes, etc.
ME: What did you first teach Bruce Lee?
GFM: I changed his horse and footwork. The Praying Mantis horse is different than the Wing Chun horse. Bruce held his hands too close to his chest. I had him extend his hands out further, with his strongest hand leading, like a southpaw. I showed him how to use and generate short power.
ME: After studying awhile, what did Bruce Lee think of your system?
GFM: He became interested, because he noticed that it contained all of the Wing Chun techniques and ideas: economy, directness, control of the center, sticky hands, etc. He liked the way the techniques were executed- each technique flowed into the next turning the opponent’s strength against him.
ME: What did Bruce Lee think about Wing Chun?
GFM: He thought it was a very good system. However, it specialized in close in fighting. Its footwork was not varied enough and there were not enough kicks. He considered modifying Wing Chun to include these elements.
ME: Praying Mantis is a southern system. Does it have many kicks?
GFM: Praying Mantis has as many kicks as most northern systems or Taekwondo. The kicks fascinated Bruce. In fact, the sweeping front kick to the opponent’s lower leg appears in many of his movies.


 the year I was born and I never knew! Amazing.

Master Gin Foon Mark and the Six Healing Sounds Qigong

Healing Movements Qigong
Master Gin Foon Mark
80 pages, softbound, photographs and illustrations, oversized,

Gin Foon Mark has been around for a long time. A master of Southern Mantis, a student in temples since his childhood, an inheritor of a fine martial lineage: he is well chosen to write a book like this. This is a significant text because the Six Healing sounds are famous and well documented in Chinese history. In this case we have the benefit of Mark having studied directly from Ma Lai Tong, the developer of this version of the sound Qigong and a famous Qigong expert. This book covers many topics such as tongue position, basic postures, exercises for separate organs, circulating qi on the microcosmic orbit and more. Thin but packed with information.

He relies on the De Broglie model to explain qigong - fascinating stuff.

Gin Foo Mark qigong master documentary youtube

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