Friday, August 11, 2023

Woodchips Galore Gaga! 16 barrels at 60 liters = 34 cubic feet hauled for shrooms and trees: Final log soak Shiitake harvest 2023

 The "truck" (an SUV with truck frame) holds 80 cubic feet but I like visibility when I drive! So also I had to haul the cooler to harvest - my final Shiitake log harvest this season up north - and the water pump (see previous blog post) - sleeping bag (can't leave home without!)....water to drink, etc. 

So the back of the truck - the NEW Trailer Hitch Cargo Carrier had 6 almost 13 cubic feet. It was decent. I didn't go on the interstate - in fact I took the scenic route with gravel roads so I need to rinse off the chassis frame. Gravel here in Minnesota means lots of SALT but actually there was so much dust - then  doubt they get salt in the summer. Apparently around here they even salt the gravel in the summer to keep the dust down. Hard to believe.

This harvest was perfect timing - it must have just fruited that same morning!! The caps were not fully open yet.

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