Saturday, August 12, 2023

Just got attacked by Ground Bees - probably sweat bees - in my clothes, stung twice

 Yeah we used to pay $3000 a year for toxic chemicals sprayed on the lawn. Now Mother Nature is reclaiming the land. hahaha. That's what I get for mowing by a big wildflower garden in the neighbor's backyard - a ground nest that I could not see. But both times I mowed by then I got stung. The second time I had more than one bee in my clothes so I retreated into the house. I took my clothes off. I had three bees flying around inside and at least one more inside my clothes - I think two that were in my clothes. hahaha. Luckily I only got stung twice.

The sweat bee sting is not so bad except the bee dies - I could see its stump flesh in my arm. What else? Minnesota has over 400 (apparently more than 500) bee species! A new Bee Survey was done recently.


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