Sunday, August 13, 2023

Primitive Dispersed Free Camping being shut-down due to overwhelming demand as rents sky-rocketed

the restriction is 14 days within 20 mile radius in any of the forests within the group (if I read it correctly).

 spurred land managers to restrict or shut down dispersed camping in places like Colorado’s Arapaho Roosevelt National Forest near Boulder, the Tahoe National Forest in California, and the BLM’s Carson City District outside Reno, Nevada.

 A 2015 study found that Forest Service law enforcement officers and other officials in many parts of the U.S. were encountering a steady flow of people using public lands as a temporary residence. The largest share were transient retirees, followed by displaced families and homeless individuals. Nearly half the 290 officers surveyed reported that encounters with non-recreational campers had increased over time.

 the main reason? The person can no longer afford rent.



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