Thursday, July 9, 2020

World Ecological Crisis compared to Younger Dryas Event that created the Civilization Catastrophe!

Tunisia 200,000 no fresh water access - Turkey News vid

My parents did "EarthWatch" volunteer archaeological dig of Roman tiles - in Tunisia - I want to say in early 80s?

Mom was chased around by a local male.

Lebanon - massive inflation due to coronavirus - French news vid

We "Hosted" a Lebanese high school student - his family was part of the resistance Hezbollah against Israeli Incursion - and he joked with me about the CIA. We both agreed the US would be invading Syria for the Oil. Sure enough - and then refugees flooded his home town of Baalbek - where his family has an automotive repair shop. Half of Lebanese below the poverty line and a man just robbed a store to get Baby Diapers!

Good luck Majdi - he would do lots of push ups to make sure he was in shape for his military training. He did not take any flack.

I showed him my Muslim Prayer Board from Morocco - and he tried to interpret the arabic. It was difficult to read on the back. haha. I showed him the prayer clothes I had from Morocco - a gift from my gf who went into the Peace Corps there and I visited her and the most traditional Berber village of Morocco.

Arctic Heat Wave will affect the whole planet - PBS vid
Scientists have been looking at the impact of the wildfires during the June heatwave and found that they released 59 million metric tons of carbon dioxide - that’s greater than the annual emissions of Norway, an oil-producing country. It’s also greater than any other month in 18 years of data collection.
Petroleum Broadcasting Network talks to Denver? I corresponded with their scientists to get them to acknowledge the East Siberian Arctic Shelf methane bomb. Don't expect this news story to mention it!!
Dr. Merritt Turetsky, director of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at the University of Colorado Boulder
 Not the same research institute I talked to...

Ah - a new one today!!

According to Steffensen et al. 2008 based on deuterium isotopes in ice cores the abrupt onset of the Younger dryas in Greenland occurred over less than 1 year and ended over less than 3 years (Figure 2B), or about 50 years based on stable water isotopes representing the air temperature record. Evidence for the effects of the Younger dryas stadial has also been identified in tropical and subtropical regions (Shakun and Carlson, 2010) (Figure 3). The underlying factors for the Younger dryas and Laurentian (Figure 4) stadial events are the deglaciation of Northernmost America, flow of cold ice melt water into the North Atlantic Ocean and into North American lakes (Lake Agassiz), and the retreat southward of the North Atlantic Thermohaline Current.

Continuing release of greenhouse gases and their amplifying feedbacks could lead to tropical Miocene-like conditions about 4 to 5 degrees Celsius warmer than late Holocene climate conditions which allowed agriculture and thereby civilization to emerge.
 Ah yes - "Western civilization would be a good idea if it existed" - to paraphrase Ghandi.

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