Very few people know that Just Intonation was forcefully propagated by Pope Gregory in the 10th century. Just Intonation is an ancient hauntingly beautiful group of modes. Yet it is removed from the perfect yin/yang spiral of the Pythagorean Rainbow Modes by utilizing the number 5 (as well as 3) as a source harmonic....By utilizing tha linear 5/4 interval Pope Gregory knowingly broke the Solomonic Triniy Codes. Solomon, tha Essenes, tha Pythagoreans, and the first true Essenic Christians used 3 limit music as Ascension Codes.
So I recently asked an ancient music instrument maker about his new rendition of the Egyptian Lyre....
So he said he thought it went into Egypt around 1700 BCE I think ... I'd have to reread the comment....
So Monotheism in Egypt was begun by...Michael LevyThe famous illustration of the female Egyptian lyre player on the album cover, dates to before this time, from around 1400 BC. This type of lyre first actually appears in ancient Egyptian art from around 1550 BC. Since it is so similar to Canaanite lyres, it is more likely it was first introduced into Egypt during the reign of the Canaanite Hyksos kings, from around 1600 BC...I am no archaeologist, but possibility of this type of lyre being introduced into Egypt by the Hyksos would tie in well with the date from which it first starts to appear in ancient Egyptian art?
Akenhaten was the first pharaoh to practice monotheism - the worship of a single godAkenhaten
the cult of the sun god Ra became increasingly important until it evolved into the uncompromising monotheism of Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV, 1364-1347 B.C.). According to the cult, Ra created himself from a primeval mound in the shape of a pyramid and then created all other gods.So we can see how this actually SPREAD from the West Asian Wheat Monocultural "Symbolic Revolution" - using the plow as patriarchy for a geometric "enclosed" infinity as "idealistic materialism...
So Egypt during this time represented a kind of vanishing mediator - I cite in my 2012 book on the Lyre of the Liar chapter about this.
So then Judaism became "Hellenized" - and hence this person's slight misunderstanding of Pythagorean Philosophy due to being stuck in Hellenized Judaic Solar philosophy.
So the person refers to the "Flower of Life" - this is the new age Golden Ratio focus of Drunvalo Melchizadek ...
The person wants to represent the "Flower of Life" as the 2/3/4 infinity rainbow resonance... but does so through the "primes" focus of musicologist Ernest McClain....
the sonic source of the geometric figure the Flower of Life. This Cosmic Trinity in action is a sonic map of the essential creative access codes revealing to us a practical understanding of the universal force field and how from it Yin(2) and Yang(3) generate all life and movement, as well as our ability to actualize exponential growth utilizing this Creative Harmonic Science.So in fact there is a difference between the Fibonacci Series as biological growth with the Golden Ratio as the foundation of exponential growth and logarithms - from the "Greek Miracle" of irrational numbers.
So ancient Greece did not use "fractions" as numbers but did use Alogon as irrational geometric magnitude. The person who sent me this link knows more math than me but maybe I know more music theory. haha.
Yet again there was a political re-takeover by Rome. In the 15th century this resulted in the Church again condemning the Pythagorean Scale along with tha mysterious Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies recently rediscovered in modern times by Dr. Joseph Pulio and revealed in several books by Dr. Leonard HorowitzThe problem with this claim about Dr. Leonard Horowitz is that actually the 432 hertz frequencies were promoted by Lyndon LaRouche as part of his Platonic Technocracy Cult!!
So unless the noncommutative phase math is understood then the Rotten Root is not removed and the "doubling of the octaves" as "exponential growth" is not properly understood as actually noncommutative phase as nondualism.
So when we see the Fibonacci Series - it is a left-handed or right-handed spiral as male and female numbers. But as math professor Steve Strogatz points out - contrary to Drunvalo Melchiadek - the flower of life is NOT the Golden Ratio since "fractals" only exist in computers as a Platonic ideal of the irrational numbers.
So when Poincare was discovering Chaos math - it really exists in Time as iterations of number - and the nonlinear feedback as natural resonance can not be visualized in Time. So this is why Poincare was the true inspiration for Einstein's Relativity since Einstein was reading Poincare.
Similarly Aristotle realized that Light exists because of Time and vice versa.
So when we "turn the light around" - this means to store up the Shen to then access the Yuan Qi that is reverse time energy. This is what the Pythagoreans mean by the Breathing of the Universe.
When Greek philosopher Pythagoras reached Egypt to enter a school – a secret esoteric school of mysticism – he was refused entry. And Pythagoras was one of the best minds ever produced. He could not understand it. He applied again and again, but was told that unless he goes through a particular training of fasting and breathing he cannot be allowed entry.Pythagoras is reported to have said: “I have come for knowledge, not for any sort of discipline.”But the school authorities said: “We cannot give you knowledge unless you are different. And really, we are not interested in knowledge at all; we are interested in the actual experience. No knowledge is knowledge unless it is lived and experienced. So you will have to go on a 40-day fast, continuously breathing in a certain manner, with a certain awareness on certain points.”(Note that he had the knowledge but not the experience – Blog author)There was no other way, so Pythagoras had to pass through this training. After 40 days of fasting and breathing, aware and attentive, he was allowed to enter the school.Pythagoras reportedly said:“You are not allowing Pythagoras in. I am a different man; I am reborn. You were right and I was wrong, because then, my whole standpoint was intellectual. Through this purification, my center of being has changed. From the intellect it has come down to the heart. Now I can feel things. Before this training I could only understand through the intellect, through the head. Now I can feel. Now truth is not a concept to me, but life. It is not going to be a philosophy, but rather, an experience – existential.”
So the Muslim scholar wonders what is so special about the number "40" - in fact it is the 10-number decimal "divide and average" math conversion of the Lunar Calendar - the Daoists use 49 days as done at Mt. Qingcheng.
So by grouping in the Essenes with the Pythagoreans
transmitted to Pythagoras probably through the Essenes who were then still practicing the musical secrets of Solomon.It is being ignored that the Rotten Root was being established by Solar Patriarchy - this is why the Essenes were against the lunar calendar - as I detailed in my 2012 Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music book....
So the Greeks were the first to create money based on the 10 number system of mathematics but this developed out of the Brahmin cipher code system - leading then to algebraic geometry as symmetric commutative logic.....all from the wrong music theory!!
And so the rotten root of the wrong music theory is deep. We found the same problem in Gurdjieff. This Pythagorean Harp healer says that 5/4 and Just Tuning is part of the problem.
This is very true and good to expose!
But even one plus one does not equal two in noncommutative geometry - because of the infinity spiral of fifths - the "Three in One Unity" of the three gunas - means that the Moon resonates, as the Number 2 - with the Unseen, eternal listening Silence of the Apeiron Emptiness - the Cosmic Mother.
So even the number 2 is a complementary opposite since 1 is "not a number" - the One is the light as Being and Matter as number 2 is Maya (it is really made of light). But the Lunar Matter energy is powered by the Cosmic Mother as the Emptiness - which is the noncommutative phase creating the diversity of forms. That is the Form of the Formless.
So when Pythagoras taught, "All is Number AND Harmony" - this can only be achieved through the five years of silence as meditation - by listening in silence.
The music training was the outer school of Pythagorean philosophy - not the inner school of the cave meditation. So this is why there is also a difference between Apollo and Dionysus. So Apollo is the Pythagorean Harp as the Liar of the Lyre while Dionysus is the Pan or Flute - the Pan Pipes of Daoist tuning.
So he [Professor Tito Tonietti] says that, translating the reed pipe tuning - the first pipe is the number 1 but is also the number 81 as the harmony of the Sun and Moon!!
Why? Because consulting the book Early Astronomy (google) 81 months and 19 years have a common division of days so the months were lunar and the years were solar. The remaining fraction past 365 days has a denominator called the "Day denominator" as 1,539. Fascinating!!
O.K. Back to our music tuning. So 81 is the lunar. He does the math wrong - he claims it is all just year numbers with 81 as years!! No 81 is months of the Lunar energy.
Which means a Tong was actually 6.75 years (81 months) x 19 years not 1,539 YEARS but rather 128.5 which is the SAME as the Pythagorean Comma!! Holy Smokes!! So the harmonization of Sun and Moon as the first note is the Pythagorean CommaSo the first pipe is 9 long and the 2nd pipe is 6 long (2/3) and the third pipe is 8 long (4/3) of the 2nd pipe. That matches what Moran was trying to explain.
So now we can see what happened - Apollo was based on Hermes using a Lyre along with Orpheus - while the Pitch Pipes of Pan were discarded as supposed wild frenzy of Dionysius - of the Underworld of real alchemy!!
And yet what did Anaximander teach? That the Cosmos is created by pitch pipes or flute holes and when the air blows across them the fire and light shines out.
So then the professor explains for the Chinese the first note was Harmony of Heaven and Earth but the 2nd note was based on decreasing the circumference of the pipe along with the length and so was the seasons of the Earth, so more complicated. The third note was then based on the I Ching as the energy of Man.
So the 2nd note as 6 of 9 was from 90 feet long with a circumference of 9 as 81 - the number of Lunar Months as the 1st note as Heaven. 6 was 2 as Earth x 15 (the solar month as 24 solar months in a year) which gives 12 months (or 12 harmonic notes) with Earth as the value of 2 solar months!! So 30 is the value of Earth and take 2 to get 60 as the length x 6 of the diameter to get 360 as the solar year!
Wow - so we just revealed the secret of how the Dragon of the Sun turns the Earth into Fire as alchemy based on the measurements of the pitch pan pipes!! No wonder 2/3 ratio was sacred in Egypt, as the secret of alchemy.
In the mean time in Asia Minor (Turkey), the people of Ephese, worshippers of Artemis, the Black Mother since many centuries, forced the Church to honor the Great Mother, by officially (421 ACE, by decree) installing the Virgin Mary as the "Mother of God" (Theotokos).Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans – A Brief History
Gnostic texts speak of the Depth of the Original Darkness, preceding Light**; the Mother is scolding at Her Divine Son for his arrogance, thinking that he and not She is the Ultimate, Dionysios Areopagita is writing about Darkness, just like St.John of the Cross does, while "Darkness precedes Light" is written on the altar of the cathedral of Salerno.
Charles H. Kahn
for Anaximander:
the heavenly bodies uttered a flute-like whistleand
the circles that carry the stars have "flute-like" pipes with breathing holes through which the fire bursts forth when they are not blocked up. It seems certain that the pressurized fiery vapour escaping from these [ancient Greek] must make sounds or notes that reflect the size and diameter of the pipe, rather like the sound of huge pan pipes played across the dark and misty heavens.
The Void of Parmenides as Apeiron is the Siren that creates the energy of the Stars as the Hearth or Air that Feeds off the Light of the Universe
To become a Pythagorean he studied your gait and emotions and if you passed then he studied you for three years. Only then could you be accepted to train in five years of silence but you still could not actually see Pythagoras yet. After five years then you were allowed to speak to Pythagoras but still only from behind a veil with him hidden.
Xenocrates (4th Century BCE) followed Pythagorean tradition in defining the substance of the soul as 'number moving itself',24 and this on its own suggests that the fragment may be authentic to him.
David Creese, The Monochord in Ancient Greece
Xenocrates tells us that Zeus is the One as the light of the heavens while the Mother Goddess rules over the region below heaven and so is the soul of all.
The World Soul as the Mother Goddess acts by counting as Harmonia. Knowledge (Light) feeds the soul through breathing as harmonic time.
Adam Drozdek
Alcmaeon, a 5th Century BCE Pythagorean physician said the soul is in continual motion like the heavens as immortal light and this circular motion of energy creates health as isonomia.Musical Thought in Ancient Greece, Edward A. Lippman, 1964
Knorr’s argument would rather explain the quick prevailing of the geometric approach on the musical-arithmetical one, all the more because a purely negative result (speaking about "something which is not") had to fall under the blows of the negative judgment paradox. Such paradox forbade speaking about what is not, and played a crucial role from Parmenides to the Sophists and Plato, widespread between the end of the V and the beginning of the IV century in Athens, as witnessed in Plato’s Sophista (Plato 1964).
Professor Luigi Borzacchini
. In 1988, Executive Intelligence Review, a magazine closely associated with radical political activist Lyndon LaRouche and the Schiller Institute, published an article titled "How The Nazis Ruined Musical Tuning."
The Schiller Institute has long been active in championing the move back to A432,
The Fibonacci Number Series 1,1,2,3,5,8 with 8:5 as the Minor Sixth music interval and 5:4 as the Major Third music interval is the “vanishing mediator” from music theory so that now the Major Third or 5:4 equals the geometric mean as the cube root of two, from Archytas’ “doubling the cube” proof that creates similar triangles.
Noncommutative quantum gravity physicist Shahn Majid also recognizes this fundamental problem in science – what he calls the Hole in the heart of science. “I think we are in the middle [of the Hole] because we built the edifice of physics around ourselves (related to a left-right symmetry).”249 Majid even states that a return to Aristotle's definition of negative infinite as incompleteness (a double negative) is necessary.250
Again as with 2/3 using a “bait and switch” to 3/2 for logarithmic squaring, by reversing the order of the ratios to fit a materialist geometric magnitude system of mass – using 8:5 as the Freemasonic Golden Ratio, instead of 5:8, there was also now the use of negative infinity as the new foundation for the Greek Miracle.
So the Freemasonic Golden Ratio was considered to have been solved during the time of Plato – using the secret of Archytas. Originally the Golden Ratio was in the form A:B::B:A + B. The same ratio expanding infinitely as the Fibonacci sequence, 1:2::2:3, as with the original Pythagorean Tetrad frequency ratios, 1:2:3:4. This 1:2::2:3 was changed from a sequence into a closed infinite geometric series, as demonstrated by Euclid’s proof (from Eudoxus who was considered a pupil of Archytas).
The ratios A:B::B:A + B became the closed form AC/CB = AB/AC and then through algebra the (Golden Ratio plus 1) divided by the Golden Ratio = the Golden Ratio. This closed solution had been from the Pythagorean Tetrad 1:2:3:4 with 1:2::2:3 as the original Golden Ratio extension derived from what had been the noncommutative complementary opposites.251
51 Kepler relied on the Golden Ratio music harmonics 5/3 and 8/5 but Kepler was also against the closed solution of the Golden Ratio yet recognized it’s truth as pure geometry
As the book Excursions into Number Theory notes: “For instance, 99/70, the sixth convergent of square root of two, differs from square root of two by .000072; but 13/8, the sixth convergence of the Golden Ratio, differs from the Golden Ratio by .0070, showing an error nearly 100 times as large.” (p. 134)
Originally the Golden Ratio was in the form A:B::B:A + B. The same ratio expanding infinitely as the Fibonacci sequence, 1:2::2:3, as with the original Pythagorean Tetrad frequency ratios, 1:2:3:4. This 1:2::2:3 was changed from a sequence into a closed infinite geometric series, as demonstrated by Euclid’s proof (from Eudoxus who was considered a pupil of Archytas). The ratios A:B::B:A + B became the closed form AC/CB = AB/AC and then through algebra the (Golden Ratio plus 1) divided by the Golden Ratio = the Golden Ratio. This closed solution had been from the Pythagorean Tetrad 1:2:3:4 with 1:2::2:3 as the original Golden Ratio extension derived from what had been the noncommutative complementary opposites.251
The Golden Ratio is originally “A:B as B:A + B” but that's not the Freemasonic “equipartitioned” gematria (promoted by fake Pythagorean gematria of Leonard Horowitz and Western Freemasonic science, etc.). Kepler realized that the replacement of “A + B” with “C=A-B” used to solve the Golden Ratio for the quadratic equation is wrong. With C not equaling A + B but now C as A - B then AC does not equal B squared! Again this is the “bait and switch” trick of Archytas by reversing the order, as exposed by Dr. Alan C. Bowen, for the necessary algebraic geometry Babylonian equation.Kepler retained the Pythagorean analysis “in such a way that AC alternately exceeds or falls short of B Squared by unity, so that as the sequence is carried on, B Squared approached indefinitely near in value to AC or A(A-B).” (p. 52 in Studies in Musical Science in the Renaissance 1975, Warburg Institute). When A(A-B) exceeds B Squared the number is Masculine and where it falls short it is Feminine – according to Kepler.
"strictly speaking real things are not inexhaustible -- real objects are only approximately fractal"
Steve StrogatzSo we have Dr. Olsen relying on El Naschie, on Tennenbaum (the source of the huge 432 Hertz scam online), and then Dr. Olsen making a claim about Corrina Rossi's book that is the opposite of the book's actual argument!
This ignores the chirality of the spiral.
So the truth of reality is that the octaves do not line up do to the truth that Sir James Jeans points out in his book, "Science and Music."
I covered this in an earlier youtube video upload....
So Dr. Beaulieu will use the Solfeggio frequencies also but he understands that the octaves do not line up....
Maybe this was the other Pythagorean Harp site... that I was told about...
Harp of Pythagoras | Designblog
Harp of Pythagoras | Designblog
Yes to truly understand Pythagorean music tuning we need to embrace Chinese music tuning - because the traditional Chinese music did not try to "contain" the octaves!!
This is quite the contrast from this Western Bell tuning claim about the Chinese!
From this contrast between the polyphonic music of west Europe with harmonic overtones and the homophonic Chinese music with nonharmonic overtones, one can expect that if anyone were to develop a harmonic bell or carillon, it should have been done in Europe. For it is clear that a carillon of bells without harmonic overtones does not properly belong in Europe, at least if one were to try playing polyphonic music on bells, or with other instruments.
So why the difference? The West uses the 5/4 and 8/5 overtone claim as a cover up for geometric mean music tuning.
Whereas the Chinese and Pythagorean Tuning relies on what I call the Hempel Effect:
Since the Ear is able to reverse the Phase of the Perfect Fifth - from an undertone to an Overtone - it is only in Western tuning that the Undertone is covered up so as to hide it's noncommutative phase relation to the Root tonic One.
So we can see the origin of the LaRouche "conic function" claim of Archytas.... to "square" the octave via triangles creating a wave string....
So the problem again is that the undertones as harmonics are noncommutative to the root of the Vertex. This is why the Greek electrical engineer discovered the Quantum Undertone as the noncommutative phase secret of Pre-Socratic Projective Geometry....
To put the same thing in another way, we have just identified the frequency ratio 1.5 with the interval of a [perfect] fifth, although our table gave the value as 1.4983. The difference is only small – 1.13 parts in a thousand – but by the time we have taken the twelve steps needed to pass completely around the clock-face, it has been multiplied twelvefold into the difference of 13.6 parts in a thousand, which represents the aforesaid difference in pitch of almost a quarter of a semitone. When this is allowed for, the true clock-face is that shown in fig. 55; it extends to infinity in both directions and all simplicity has disappeared.”
Sir James Jeans book Science and Music, (Dover Publications, 1968), p. 166So remember that Sir James Jeans does not assume a symmetric "divide and average" value of the octave in relation to the fifth. That is why his value of the Pythagorean Comma is different than the Wikipedia mass mind control value of the Pythagorean Comma....
his musical property is the counterpart of the principle mathematical characteristic of the Pythagorean diatonic, very Pythagorean indeed, constituted by the fact that each interval of the scale is expressed by the ratios of type 2 to the m divided by 3 to the n OR 3 to the m divided by 2 to the n.
Pythagorean tuning were first considered by musical theorists [445,7] in order to answer the need of a new musical language provided by polyphony. anachronistically speaking, this means that, supposing both these both cycles meet, there would be m and n integers such that (2:3)n = (1:2)m, that is, 3n = 2m+n, which is impossible, since the left term is odd and the right is even.Dr. Oscar Abdounor
aka noncommutative phase as the quantum undertone!
Until recently, the failure of most musical tuning systems to conform to the mathematics of small integer ratios was grounds for rejecting Pythagoras's proposal that small integer frequency ratios account for the perception of musical consonance and harmonicity [19]. However, recent modelling of the cumulative effects of physiological nonlinearities at each way-station of the ascending auditory pathway has disclosed the presence of ‘resonance neighbourhoods’ at whole integer ratio spacings on the tonotopic maps of the auditory system [20–22].Real Music is "not confined to humans"
Ma [Perfect Fourth], although consonant to Sa (root tonic), is alien to the overtone series and is not evoked in the sound of Sa. On the other hand, Sa is evoked in the sound of Ma, since Sa is a fifth above Ma and is its second overtone.
The thesis can be expressed in the following way: If two drones either a fourth or fifth apart are sounded, one of these will 'naturally' sound like the primary drone. It is not always the lower of the two which will sound primary, but the one which initiates the overtone series to which the other note (or one of its octaves) belongs. By amplifying a prominent overtone the secondary drone lends support to the primary and intensifies its 'primary' character.The Rāgs of North Indian Music: Their Structure and Evolution By Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy google book preview link
aka noncommutative phase secret of natural resonance revolution - the "three in one unity" as ancient advanced acoustic alchemy!
Physics professor Manfred Euler explained this to me in email correspondence:
Professor Euler
"Universal coherence" - a "mind boggling outlook."
"Phase harmony in de Broglie theory relates a local periodic phenomenon (the 'particle clock') to a periodic propagating field in such a way that relativistic invariance is satisfied. If a similar phenomenon in the cell is relevant it should couple the global oscillation pattern locally with periodic (mechanic, electric, biochemical ???) processes."
Coherence as consciousness. "Ghost Tones"
let us draw up a fundamental vibration with its first and second harmonic overtones [1:2 and 2:3]….if we then shift the phase relationship, we get a totally different course of the combined curve; that is, of the pressure course [amplitude and frequency] which is apparently effective in the final analysis. When looking at both curves, one might suppose that in the two cases we should hear two sounds that are just as different. But in fact our ear does not notice any difference.biophysicist Vitus B. Dröscher states in his book, Magic of the Senses, p. 168
The 3:2 Relationship As the Foundation of Timelines in West African MusicsSo there is a whole chapter on the inversion of Perfect 5th 3/2 and Perfect 4th (4/3) intervals as tied to the inversion of 3/2 and 2/3 rhythms in modulations of tonal keys in music.....
Oh this is a Ph.D. thesis! 1998. Cool. Eugene Dominic Novotney
So he emphasizes how music theorists recognize the 3/2 harmonic is found worldwide and is based on the principle of "the union of complementary opposites." But he does not seem to realize the secret of the math. Oh well. It takes a while to figure it out. He's focused on rhythms and how a duration of phase turns into a pitch as music - around 1/32 wavelength or time period....
And so he argues that the reason that the scale does not evenly divide between the octave and whole tone divisions of Perfect Fifth - is because of the inherent syncopation of the duration of phase!!
So Noncommutative Phase = Syncopation = Original Sin = Moon God of Sumeria = Tree of Life as Kundalini Rainbow Snake energy - as the Cosmic Mother Quantum Undertone...
As Aristotle points out you can have two units come into existence at the same time and therefore are not "non-comparable units." Yes this is the secret of noncommutative phase!
Also Aristotle states the concept of Form Numbers implies "equalization of unequals" which conflicts with "non-comparability" of units.
Aristotle then points out that "ordinary" mathematicians do not use this concept of "indefinite dyad" (irrational magnitude) since it is assumed that all units are comparable as number. Not that some units are comparable as number and other units as number are not-comparable.
For example adding one unit to another is always 2 but this is not the case with indefinite dyad (since then 2 is actually the geometric mean squared!!).
If every 2 unit makes 2 then Forms can not be numbers if indefinite dyad is supposed to be a number.
Aristotle defines number as Order without geometric position. And so Number is countable but not necessarily measurable.
Aristotle does recognize that magnitudes are not-discrete units and so can not be counted.
And so Aristotle states that matter is the infinite potential of the parts that make up a form that is actualized as magnitude.
And so the infinite potential is "intelligible matter" versus sensible matter as magnitude form.
Number is then an indefinite infinite potential that is made definite by the form as sensible substance.
And so substance as form does not exist in actuality since it can never be reduced to one and so the one exists only as potentiality (this is the secret of light as consciousness as eternal motion).
"no unit in the number 2 exists in actuality."That is the Indian definition of Maya!!
And so Aristotle complains there is no analogy of the Soul (Light) for individual things. But this is what the Pre-Socratics as with the Daoist and Indians knew to be the truth - all is light based on time as relativistic mass from noncommutative phase (the 3-in-1 unity).
What Plato did was used dialectics to put Form over the cardinal order of number so as to create Form Number that covers up the indeterminate form of irrational magnitude. Dialectics views Number Forms as the basic unit of reality covering up the secret of indeterminate form as irrational magnitude number (no longer Cardinal number).
Aristotle believes is it the Soul (as light) that unifies a composite of sensible forms into counting numbers as order without position. So units as magnitude form have position as so are not intelligible matter. While the counting soul of light transforms inanimate actual matter into potential intelligible matter. Therefore Monodic number is abstract number that is not a number of actual concrete units with sensible substance but number as the order or time of light.
So this is just as the Ear hears the same Perfect Fifth even though the position of the Undertone is Noncommutative Phase to the "one" as geometric magnitude (a materialistic closed infinity) - so that Number is Order but without Position as geometric Magnitude as Form....
Turning the light around as meditation therefore means reversing the order of counting time.
Aristotle then concludes that time is impossible if the Soul (Light) does not exist!!
A single unit does not qualify as a number and yet a number one is indivisible. And so the number one is not a number of units as sensible substance or inanimate matter but rather the number one is intelligible matter as the order of time of light as the soul.
And so by counting with intelligible number then no new forms as substance are created. This is the secret of turning the light around into the Emptiness as reverse time energy. And so Aristotle defines Number as inherently Cardinal based on the order of time - not just a heap or substance that is sensible.
When we are left ear listening dominant the right brain does not connect the sense of attention over to the right brain - meaning we lose the phase coherence of the whole brain. So it is the left brain sense of attention - the parietal sulcus - through right ear listening (with the eyes closed as visualization and listening is then right brain dominant) - that enables full brain coherence.
The secret of Listening with the Eyes Closed in Silence to the Quantum Undertone Subharmonic of the Future....
So this creates Plato's Shadow of relativity where we actually see 2 objects being bent by spacetime due to the speed limit of light in the vacuum. Only the perceptible space (of light) is objective.
But he says this is all explained by Harmonic cross-ratios - and also the paradoxes of relativity then also explain quantum physics paradoxes. He is stating that in fact matter, information and energy can be faster than the speed of light! This is similar to what de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony was also arguing. Dionysios G Raftopoulos says despite Plato's Shadow - he follows Aristotle's view of harmony as Unity in Diversity.
Here we have forfeited symmetry. We have however discovered something else: Harmony....I don't believe that Nature is governed by symmetry but rather by Harmony and Harmony is certainly not synonymous with symmetry....In Projective Space you can go from A to B, not in one, but in two ways....the reverse one...via the plane at infinity. Light would precisely follow this reverse path, if we were to move at speeds greater than its own, so that it would always stay "ahead" of us....meaning we "will capture" light coming from spaces we have not yet reached....
Thus, in this section of the material's point path, Gravity is repulsive....The fact that speed is a quantum concept, lends in turn a "quantum undertone" to the gravity concept of which it appears inversely proportional....Hence there exists a fundamental texture difference between the closed surface of the sphere and that of the Projective Plane....the Projective Plane is a non-orientable surface....a very good visual representation of a unilateral [non-orientable] surface is provided by the well-known "Moebius Strip."
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