The first is the interpretation of the relationships between C, F and G. A 5th is a 2/3 relationship, whether that ascends from C to G or descends from C to F. A 4th is a 3/4 relationship from C to F ascending or C to G descending. The second is a complex interacting relationship between, in western harmonic music, 12 notes, multiplied over many octaves.No - 3/4 is ALSO found in Chinese and Indian music tuning - so music is not pre-emptively dependent on a logarithmic definition of reality, as Sir James Jeans points out in his book "Science and Music." The 4/3 "harmonic ratio" only exists by assuming that the 4/3 is actually the harmonic mean that is commutative so that the Perfect Fifth x Perfect Fourth = Octave only works if you ignore the actual Pitch intervals since 2/3 is C to F as undertone and 3/2 is C to G as overtone. Meaning you could have 2/3 x 3/4 as the 1/2 wavelength but you can NOT do that as harmonic mean value since it HAS to be a value of 2 for the octave as geometric mean squared so that Perfect fifth can be ADDED to Perfect Fourth as geometric magnitudes. But to get the 9/8 or 8/9 answer Philolaus had to CHANGE the physical root tonic so that in one case it is the frequency as 4/3 from 0 to 8 as the 1 or 6/8 and in the other case as geometric magnitude it is 8/6 as 3/2 wavelength of the octave so that the Perfect Fifth plus Perfect Fourth equals the octave is actually 12 to 8 as 3/2 frequency from 2/3 wavelength with 8 to 6 as 4/3 frequency with 3/4 of the wavelength of 0 to 8 NOT 0 to 6 as the octave.
“When Δν is 0.1Hz, Δt should be more than 1 /(4π *0.1) sec which is about 0.80 sec. Middle C of the equal temperament is calculated approximately as 261.6256 Hz. If you want to determine C with this precision 0.0001Hz, you need Δt of 800 sec, or 13 min 20 sec. If you want to get the exact Middle C, you need an infinite time and a continuous wave of C. In other words, theoretically we cannot get the perfect fifth tone with a frequency f ( that is ν ) from a root tone with a frequency f0 by calculating f = f0 × 3/2.”
Also as the above points out, the noncommutative phase is inherent to quantum time-frequency uncertainty.
In many ways it seemed to be a new form of inner energy possessed by the particle, organising the flow lines in a novel way and suggesting a 'formative' cause rather than the traditional efficient cause.Quantum professor Basil J. Hiley, 2016: "Quantum Trajectories: Dirac, Moyal and Bohm"
....quantum phenomena emerged from a non-commutative phase space.
George Musser: How does this enter into quantum mechanics?
Basil Hiley: In noncommutativity.
Western music theory inherently has to pretend that the fifth as the subharmonic does not exist!
“The Minor Sixth (8:5) in Early Greek Harmonic Science,” by Alan C. Bowen, The American Journal of Philology, 1978:
Any who doubt that the musical ratios are all of greater inequality, i.e., that the antecedent or first term in each is greater than the consequent or second term, should consult Archytas DK 47 B 2. This Fragment…requires that the ratios be of this form if the assertions about the three means [arithmetic, harmonic and geometric] are to be true. Accordingly, the ratios assigned to the octave, fifth, fourth and minor sixth, must be 2:1, 3:2, 4:3 and 8:5, and not 1:2, 2:3, 3:4 and 5:8, respectively, as Mosshammer and others would have them….Indeed, there is early proof deriving from the Pythagorean school that intervals, such as the fifths, which are represented by superparticular ratios cannot be partitioned into any number of equal subintervals because the terms of these ratios admit no number of geometric means….Consider now the question of the status of the ratio (8:5) in the Pythagorean harmonic science that dates from the late fifth century B.C. to the time of Apollodorus. One should not expect that this ratio was recognized as melodic by every school of Pythagorean musical theory. For example those who sought to derive all the musical ratios from the Tetrad of the decad by compounding and dividing the ratios of the primary and most familiar intervals, the concords of the octave, fifth and fourth, would find the minor sixth unascertainable….There is reason to believe that these were supplied by Archytas in the early fourth century B.C.
In the first you could have a root of say 200 Hz, with a 5th of 300Hz, which would be perfectly harmonic in its relationship, and you could also have a root of 210 Hz, with a 5th of 315 which would also be harmonic within itself. But there would be no harmonic relationship between the two different frequencies.Again as Sir James Jeans points out, in fact ALL of reality is harmonic due to the infinite spiral of fourths and fifths.
To put the same thing in another way, we have just identified the frequency ratio 1.5 with the interval of a [perfect] fifth, although our table gave the value as 1.4983. The difference is only small – 1.13 parts in a thousand – but by the time we have taken the twelve steps needed to pass completely around the clock-face, it has been multiplied twelvefold into the difference of 13.6 parts in a thousand, which represents the aforesaid difference in pitch of almost a quarter of a semitone. When this is allowed for, the true clock-face is that shown in fig. 55; it extends to infinity in both directions and all simplicity has disappeared.”
Sir James Jeans book Science and Music, (Dover Publications, 1968), p. 166So Hertz incorrectly assumes a logarithmic definition of frequency that was construed from the incorrectly logarithmic music harmonics that created WEstern science of irrational magnitude as symmetric commutative logic!
Throughout his lifetime, Maxwell always wrote his equations with the vector potential A playing key role. After his death, Heaviside and Hertz gleefully eliminated A. But we know with Quantum Mechanics that A has physical meaning. It cannot be eliminated (E.g., the Aharanov-Bohm experiment). C.N. Yang youtube lecture,
The Aharonov–Bohm effect, sometimes called the Ehrenberg–Siday–Aharonov–Bohm effect, is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which an electrically charged particle is affected by an electromagnetic potential (V, A), despite being confined to a region in which both the magnetic field B and electric field E are zero.Nobel Physicist C.N. Yang
Steinmetz in analyzing Tesla - called it "wattless power" and then Heaviside used noncommutative math that Dirac rediscovered when he was analyzing Heisenberg - and so this noncommutative math became the secret of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. So I have documented this secret of Hertz in regards to noncommutative phase logic.
You could have only a single Hz difference and it would still be harmonically balanced to its own 5th, or 4th, but have no relationship with any other frequency. Music is Harmony that is not concordant with the Physics of standing waves present in a string or a pipe. In that respect it is a compromise.This is a Western cultural biased definition of music that ignores the basic fact that ALL human cultures use the Octave, Fifth and Fourth as 1:2:3:4 as complementary opposites, the truth of reality.
This musical property is the counterpart of the principle mathematical characteristic of the Pythagorean diatonic, very Pythagorean indeed, constituted by the fact that each interval of the scale is expressed by the ratios of type 2 to the m divided by 3 to the n OR 3 to the m divided by 2 to the n.
Pythagorean tuning were first considered by musical theorists [445,7] in order to answer the need of a new musical language provided by polyphony. anachronistically speaking, this means that, supposing both these both cycles meet, there would be m and n integers such that (2:3)n = (1:2)m, that is, 3n = 2m+n, which is impossible, since the left term is odd and the right is even.Dr. Oscar Abdounor
If you want to live in your own Western cultural bubble of music then go ahead - but it's very self-confining, as Dr. Vandana Shiva wrote her book titled, "Monocultures of the Mind." So you don't need a string or a pipe to make music.
Until recently, the failure of most musical tuning systems to conform to the mathematics of small integer ratios was grounds for rejecting Pythagoras's proposal that small integer frequency ratios account for the perception of musical consonance and harmonicity [19]. However, recent modelling of the cumulative effects of physiological nonlinearities at each way-station of the ascending auditory pathway has disclosed the presence of ‘resonance neighbourhoods’ at whole integer ratio spacings on the tonotopic maps of the auditory system [20–22]. This finding not only accommodates a wide range of tuning systems and musical scales found worldwide, but appears capable of accounting for human judgements of consonance, dissonance and tonal stability/attraction in terms of inherent organizational features of our auditory system ([20]; see also [23–27]), as follows.
The pattern of ‘resonance neighbourhoods’ in auditory system tonotopy is likely to be shared by all mammals, being a product of quite elementary properties of the neural circuitry in question. It did not evolve for purposes of music, in other words, but as an incidental by-product of the interaction of excitation and inhibition in a neural system evolved to process natural sounds efficiently [20]. Not being confined to humans [28,29], it is not likely to represent an adaptation to music. The presence in humans of cultural patterns of musical practice conforming to these subtle resonances in auditory physiology accordingly requires an explanation.Real Music is "not confined to humans"
By assuming a geometrically closed infinity then you have to do a "bait and switch" about the root tonic frequency! This is called the Liar of the Lyre, as I have exposed. Philolaus did this "bait and switch" of the root tonic by flipping his lyre around!
Professor Richard McKirahan:
So instead of taking 12:9, which is 3/4 of 12, we take 8:6, which is 3/4 of 8. And so by adding the length 12 to 8 [as geometric magnitude not wavelength!!] with the length 8 to 6, [as geometric magnitude, not wavelength!!] we get the length 12 to 6, which corresponds to the ratio 2:1.
"The word translated epogdoic is not a musical term but a mathematical one. An epogdoic ratio is the ratio of 9 to 8. The occurrence of a mathematical term here is unexpected. It has been treated as an unimportant anomaly but in fact it is the key to the entire fragment [Philolaus]....The word magnitude normally refers to physical size, but here it is given a new application, extending the notion of magnitude to include musical intervals."The original music was for spiritual training as the San Bushmen culture, from which we ALL originate, documents. So female singing and hand clapping all night was and continues to be the original music from before 50,000 BCE!!
There is nothing special in music that means it has to have 12 divisions, though that does correspond, with some compromises, to the fundamental harmonics of 2/3 and 3/4 divisions and being so pleasant why would we want to lose that emotional sense of harmony.Yes this "misinterpretation" simply does not work in standard mainstream Western science based on symmetric commutative logic. Yet the Orthodox ancient Pythagoreans were correct! To quote an expert:
So unfortunately there is not the relationship you suggest that makes G=3=F. That is a misinterpretation that simply does not work in any conceptual framework.
“Orthodox Pythagorean theory recognizes five consonances: fourth, fifth, octave, twelfth, and double octave; and these are represented by the multiple and superparticular ratios [n + 1 : n] from the tetrad. The number 8 obviously does not belong to the tetrad.”André Barbera, "The Consonant Eleventh and the Expansion of the Musical Tetractys: A Study of Ancient Pythagoreanism," Journal of Music Theory, 1984.
As Fields Medal Math professor Alain Connes points out - all of science thus far has relied on commutative symmetric logic. But in fact music theory is based on NONcommutative phase logic, whereby (2, 3, infinity) is the truth of reality.
Historically, the first application of binary logarithms was in music theory,Connes:
It is precisely the irrationality of log(3)/ log(2) which is responsible for the noncommutative [complementary opposites as yin/yang] nature of the quotient corresponding to the three places {2, 3,∞}. The formula is in sub-space....Geometry would no longer be dependent on coordinates, it would be spectral...
There is behind the scene, there is a square root and when you take a square root there is an ambiguity and the ambiguity that is there is from the [noncommutative] spin structure....Finite space which is there is essentially the simplest finite space which has dimension zero, as far as the [frequency] spectrum is concerned...."Louis de Broglie, Nobel Physicist, also discovered this truth of noncommutative phase logic as the Law of Phase Harmony.
I wouldn't be placing to much emphasis on Pythagoras, he is the one that started the whole mess by trying to find a relationships between things that are incompatible. Of course is a number. In reality it is the only number, as all other numbers derive from that and we should not forget that numbers a simply a way of separating one thing fro the rest of the universe, and so you could say that there are only two positions of a number, the number one and zero.So as Alain Connes points out at "zero" there ALREADY IS a noncommutative phase of 2, 3, infinity due to the future and past over-lapping. This is more "dense" than irrational numbers. So Pythagoras was actually more ADVANCED than Western science up till now (as it desperately trues to redo its past 2000 plus years of structural error).
You suggest that a 4th and a 5th are complementary opposites but it is the tritone that is the complemetary opposite. You suggest that the Blues 5th Chord resolves to the root because of the relationship between the Root note and its 5th, But in reality the opposite is true. If you play the Root note and its 5th is is so harmonically balanced that it doesn't want to go anywhere. It is the complex harmonics of the tritone in the 5th Chord that demands resolution. So in the key of C, the tension of the dissonance of the tritone requires the F to resolve stepwise downwards to the E and the B to resolve stepwise upwards to the C. The G remains a constant in both Chords. The complexities of the tensions between the harmonies of Chords and their movement and resolutions has no relationship between those of a single proportional relationship between a Root note and its 5th note.So here he is once again incorrectly assuming that the 5th can NOT be the subharmonic as a different pitch of C to F - which is the Perfect Fifth of 2/3 while C to G is 3/2. As I just posted, the neuropsychologist Josh McDermott at M.I.T. has now proven that in fact people based "harmonicity" from frequency intervals - NOT Western pitch harmonics.
So take C major triad. It has notes C E G. 2nd inversion is G C E, with G to C forming a 4th. Because 4ths have a tendency to resolve down by step (so-called Fa-to-Mi resolution), this would apparently result in a GSus4 sort of sound with listener expecting it to resolve to plain old G triad.So if F is sounded and C is its overtone that reinforces C is the root tonic. If G is sounded and D is its overtone then in Blues music - this, as music professor Daniel Oore has pointed out - in Jazz the Perfect Fifth has the 9th of the scale as the flat note - which is to say as an overtone it is dissonant with C and so pulls stronger to the C.
Also natural numbers are avoided in engineering precisely because their resonance is too strong! This is called the Devil's Staircase paradox. The tritone was constructed by only first assuming a closed geometry to time - a closed symmetric geometry by Philolaus flipping his lyre around to establish 9/8 as geometric magnitude (NOT music harmonics of time-frequency uncertainty!)
“The sound of square roots
Take two strings, one sounding an octave higher than the other, so that their lengths are in the ratio 2:1. Then find the geometric ratio (also called the mean proportional) between these strings, the length x at which 2:x is the same proportion as x:1. This means that 2:x = x:1; cross-multiplying this gives x squared =2. Thus, the “ratio” needed is √2:1 ≈ 1.414, in modern decimals. This is close to the dissonant interval called the tritone, which later was called the “devil in music,” namely the interval composed of three equal whole steps each of ratio 9:8. The tritone is thus 9:8 × 9:8 × 9:8 = 729:512 ≈ 1.424.”from
“Scandal of the Irrational” M.I.T. Press.
So assuming that music as time-frequency is first defined by a geometric circle - this is an obvious Western symmetric geometry bias. As I point out and quote - in Indian raga music (google book link) - it is well known that a "fifth" is heard differently based on it's overtone harmonics to the root tonic!
Ma [Perfect Fourth], although consonant to Sa (root tonic), is alien to the overtone series and is not evoked in the sound of Sa. On the other hand, Sa is evoked in the sound of Ma, since Sa is a fifth above Ma and is its second overtone.
The thesis can be expressed in the following way: If two drones either a fourth or fifth apart are sounded, one of these will 'naturally' sound like the primary drone. It is not always the lower of the two which will sound primary, but the one which initiates the overtone series to which the other note (or one of its octaves) belongs. By amplifying a prominent overtone the secondary drone lends support to the primary and intensifies its 'primary' character.So therefore a fourth can be ABOVE the root tonic as a drone and yet it is actually the "fundamental" root tonic since the fourth does not have any overtone harmonics with the root tonic, where as a fifth does. So a fifth below then maintains the root tonic ABOVE with the fourth as the octave to the root tonic.
Nicolas Slonimsky once pointed out, in an effort to dissuade readers from the idea that Western tonality is the inevitable result of how we hear (as opposed to a largely artificial invention), that no matter how high one goes in the harmonic series, a fundamental pitch will not produce a perfect fourth above the fundamental.So this is called the Phantom Tonic in music theory and establishes an infinite BLUES relation of the fifth/fourth and octave. So blues musicians then CRUSH or BEND the Western music tuning so it is closer to the natural harmonics that maintains the natural overtones as infinite resonance.
A circle can be divided into equal parts, and there are good reasons why it is commonly divided into 12, that are based on simple factors that can be equated to simple divisions. But those divisions cease beyond the first few divisions, or multiplications, depending on which viewpoint you want to take, whereas the number line goes of into infinity.Yes as quantum physics is now the foundation of reality - in fact it's not a circle but actually a 720 degree twisted Moebius circle as the foundation of reality - or the Yin-yang symbol. Alain Connes:
Look at what happens if you pass a line through a circle. It bisects it at two points. That gives the standing wave harmony of a Root and it 4th or 5th. Two simple points, that only relate to the circle of complex harmony on two points.
What about the relation with music? One finds quickly that music is best based on the scale (spectrum) which consists of all positive integer powers qn for the real number q=2 (to the 1/12)∼3 (to the 1/19). Due to the exponential growth of this spectrum, it cannot correspond to a familiar shape but to an object of dimension less than any strictly positive number. As explained in the talk, there is a beautiful space which has the correct spectrum: the quantum sphereThe surface area of the sound wave collapses at a faster rate than the volume of the air that supports the wave so that the “group velocity” of the sound is traveling at a faster rate than the materialistic medium that is supporting it (air or water or even a black hole). There has to be a "flip" or inversion of the fifth/fourth as the bisection of the circle. This is what the Infinite Spiral of Fifths is, as Sir James Jeans points out. Acoustic cavitation from ultrasound as sonofusion is precisely Noncommutative Phase as de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony - the phase velocity is superluminal!!
Those two points are incredibly important in any manner of ways. If we take the starting point as the circle divided into 12, each of those 12 points has a "relationship" with the other 11 and with itself of course, and they are best served by the temperaments of fractional divisions that give a vibrational relationship, set out in such manners as 3/4 or 2/3. Whether the other relationships can be derived from similar low number fractional relationships is beyond the scope of this communications. There are various arguments for the Pythagorean relationships, even though they don't work as a tool for complex harmonics. But there are other arguments that the simplicity of the 2/3 and 3/4 relationships requires a higher number fractioning that Pythagoras considered, and that perhaps the divisions by number in in fact the error that cannot be resolved and that it is the superposition of waves, that we can now view, which Pythagoras had no access to that determines what frequencies each relationship should be. Accordingly there are no neat numbers other than what we set as as starting points as the superpositions do not fall that neatly.So here he is confusing listening perception as the truth of reality with a technical recreation of "harmonics." As science has now proven - humans can hear up to 10 times FASTER than time-frequency uncertainty - the linear order operator limit of Fourier analysis. So humans can hear ten times FASTER than Fourier Uncertainty and this limitation causes a Perfect Fifth phase shift of the root tonic frequency!
If we try the same calculation for middle C and the C# immediately above it, we get that the frequency difference is now 15.6 Hz (from 261.6 to 277.2). Using the same criteria for separation, we get that the uncertainty in time must be at least .01 seconds - a tenth the size of the previous calculation [the two lowest notes on the piano].Dr. Mae-Wan Ho said middle C was detected by humans at .00044 seconds time - indeed that is "10 times better than the limit imposed by Fourier Uncertainty" aka .01 seconds time. It's actually over 20 times better and so I check the actual study and sure enough:
"two measurements...beat relative uncertainty by a factor of 50." pdfQuite fascinating that noncommutative phase is being revealed in our listening perception.
I though it best to be direct, no point in beating around the bush. I have much admiration for the work you have undoubtedly put into your presentations. But it is all to easy to believe in something that then drives us on in a particular direction and all to easy to find what we want to find that supports our arguments.Is it "easy"? I've been researching this topic since the mid-1980s - so clearly I had an insight and logical question and then an experience. I tested out my hypothesis for my graduate school master's degree training - in 2000. So that was 15 years of searching. Then I read one scholarly book a day for ten years while posting all my research free online - to get precisely the type of "constructive" criticism I did above. It took me a long time to find scientists that corroborate my research.
I tend to work from the opposite direction and begin by assuming that everything is fundamentally an attempt by one part of our brains to hoodwink another part of our brain.Does math really "require"? I have also seen the use of the word FORCES in regards to mathematical logic. Math FORCES us.... Really? Sounds like a cult to me. I've already pointed out Fields Medal Math Professor Alain Connes stating otherwise. A Fields Medal is harder to get than a Nobel Prize. Clearly math does not REQUIRE the use of equals sign since quantum physics is now founded on noncommutative phase logic!!
There is so much knowledge that the world that we create is largely one if illusion. At the heart of that illusion is the concept of number and mathematics. Numbers are a way that the human brain divides and separates, but this is not the way that the Universe works. Mathematics requires the use of the equals sign when there is nothing that is static for long enough in Nature for anything to be equal to anything.
Everything is in a state of movement and change and is proportional to something. Mathematics is fantastic at "freezing" the moment so as to gather information about that system but it isnt real.The destruction of Earth's ecology and social justice via Western genocide and ecocide through the use of incorrect Western mathematics - yes this is quite real!! It's not just some postmodern illusion computer fantasy.
Take the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. We say that we cannot know two things at once, because our measurement of one changes the other. So we cannot know position and momentum. But we think that we can measure the position and momentum of say a car or a plane. It is only true in terms of the scale that we use. So for one the scale factor is small that equality can never be determined, in the other the scale is large enough that we can approximate both factors to sufficient equality to be used in a practical way. In the first the relationship is proportional in the second it is not and we can create the illusion that the mathematics of equals presents.This is a common error about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle - it's not a MEASURING error due to lack of sophisticated technology. So the issue here is Precision versus Accuracy. Yes Western science is very precise but it is not ACCURATE. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is not limited by "scale."
The clue to both binding and segmentation is in the accuracy of phase agreement of the spatially separated brain activities. That implies the nervous system (or the body field) can accurately detect phase, and is also able to control phase coherence. I have already alluded to the importance of phase information in coordinating limb movements during locomotion and other aspects of physiological functioning, so it is not surprising that the nervous system should be able to accurately detect phase. The degree of precision may be estimated by considering our ability to locate the source of a sound by stereophony. Some experimental findings show that the arrival times of sound pulses at the two ears can be discriminated with an accuracy of a very few microseconds [1]. For detecting a note in middle C, the phase difference in a microsecond is 4.4 x 10-4. Accurate phase detection is characteristic of a system operating under quantum coherence. Could it be that phase detection is indeed a key feature of conscious experience?Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Rather noncommutative phase is the truth of reality at ALL scales. So Western science precision seems to work - for those who use it - but it's overall "externalities" are ones of mass injustice and disharmony of ecology and life on Earth. As Erwin Schroedinger published his book, "What is Life?" - Negentropy SCALES up via acoustic resonance or vibrations. Professor John McFadden has emphasized this vibration resonance secret of quantum biology as the scaling up of noncommutative phase. Eddie Oshins, the quantum physicist studying psychology at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, also emphasized this noncommutative phase quantum secret as the real secret of nonwestern Neigong Daoist alchemy training.
Physics professor Manfred Euler explained this to me in email correspondence:
Professor Euler
"Universal coherence" - a "mind boggling outlook."This concept is being developed into technology as well (google book link):
"Phase harmony in de Broglie theory relates a local periodic phenomenon (the 'particle clock') to a periodic propagating field in such a way that relativistic invariance is satisfied. If a similar phenomenon in the cell is relevant it should couple the global oscillation pattern locally with periodic (mechanic, electric, biochemical ???) processes."
Coherence as consciousness. "Ghost Tones"
"Reciprocity of fundamental frequency transmission coefficient (FFTC) is now investigated. Since the geometry is symmetric with respect to its center at f from A to B with two opposite values of v is equivalent to comparing FFTCs from A to B and B to A at f with a single value of v."
a highly non-reciprocal FFTC is achieved.This is exactly the secret of noncommutative phase. Just switch A to B with 2 to 3 and 3 to 2 with the same frequency centered at 1. In science it is called "time-frequency uncertainty" but in quantum physics it is called a "spinor" at spin 1/2 as time-frequency noncommutative phase. So that means that listening is nonlinear and so faster than time-frequency uncertainty - and so through meditation as listening based on noncommutative phase you can then "capture virtual photons" from the future!
My correspondence with science Dr. Bandyopadhyay corroborates this noncommutative phase truth as well:
Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in “Microtubules” Inside Brain ...
Jan 16, 2014 - Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in “Microtubules” Inside Brain Neurons ... brain neurons by the research group led by Anirban Bandyopadhyay, ... using transcranial ultrasound have shown reported improvements in mood, ...
UPDATE: FROM Anirban Bandyopadhyay
5:02 AM (4 hours ago)
to me
See also:Thank you so much for your kind note. I think I am against self-similarity and symmetry, anharmonicity is the key.
Zhang, J.; Hess, P. W.; Kyprianidis, A.; Becker, P.; Lee, A.; Smith, J.; Pagano, G.; Potirniche, I.-D.; Potter, A. C.; Vishwanath, A.; Yao, N. Y.; Monroe, C. (2017). "Observation of a Discrete Time Crystal" (PDF). Nature. 543 (7644): 217–220. arXiv:1609.08684v1

observe a sub-harmonic temporal response that is robust to external perturbations
This is exactly what I have modeled - the subharmonic phase that is noncommutative.
a periodic drive can exhibit persistent time-correlations at an emergent sub-harmonic frequency.So back in 2013 - speculations on what this experiment could mean began to be discussed:
Perpetual Motion Test Could Amend Theory of Time
A radical theory predicting the existence of “time crystals” — perpetual motion objects that break the symmetry of time — is being put to the test.
de Broglie figured this out as the Law of Phase Harmony - the superluminal velocity as quantum entanglement is from Frequency is to Time as Momentum is to Wavelength. It is relativistic quantum physics. So it enables macroquantum coherence at room temperature. This is the secret of nonwestern mantras as meditation.
To quote those same professors again:
we first introduce the concept of a phase-bit based on the fermion-like behavior of phonons in some elastic structures as an analogue of a quantum bit (qubit). The analogy with the notion of spin suggests the possibility of developing quantum information technologies based on superposition of elastic waves..
it's based on a phononic structure that basically supports sound waves
"a single input frequency produces multiple harmonics in the output."and
"The antisymmetric elastic waves exhibit quantum-like behavior. " and "It is important to point out that the interpretation of the Dirac spinor is in terms of forward and backward propagating waves."
"The superposition of elastic states... is therefore measurable without wave function collapse in contrast to what would be the case for the superposition of states of a true quantum system."and
"By considering media that mix different types of waves, the book addresses the interaction of sound with other physical and biological waves but also brings to light examples of extrinsic processes that can lead to symmetry breaking. The coherent conversion of sound into other types of waves as well as the sound-induced non-conventional topology of elastic, electronic, spin and biological waves are presented in the case of media exhibiting elasto-electronic, photo-elastic, magneto-elastic effects and biological mechano-transduction."and
"So we can avoid that drawback, by working with a quantum analog and our systems are acoustic quantum analogs of qubits. We call them Phi-Bits. So they exhibit the same capabilities of having superposition of states but they do not have the drawback of decoherence. They are stable. The Tech Foundation funds research that will not be funded by traditional federal sources, for instances, so we had to demonstrate that places like the National Science Foundation would not fund the research because it's too out there, out of the paradigm, it's too revolutionary for them to fund....we have three years of research, we have to demonstrates a set of phi-bits, to operate a well-known quantum have a tabletop system operating."
Scaling is simply a part of Chaos theory that is present in all systems so we should not be surpised at its presence in Quantum theory.Yes I made this error in my master's thesis by arguing the Taichi symbol could be modeled by logistic questions from chaos theory. No - the truth of reality is NOT based on the symmetric logistic logic of chaos theory but rather from quantum physics originating from noncommutative phase logic, found also and originally in music theory.
As a Physics and Mathematics undergraduate I was appalled that the 3 body problem could not be solved. The reason for why it cannot be solved is that equality only has two factors, it is the after all the same as the line that bisects the circle at two points. The solution will never be found, though we may one day find a way to approximate it better than we currently do, which is still a pretty amazing feat of approximal mathematics.AH so now we see the problem - he got brainwashed by classical physics before he learned quantum physics.
Durdevich, Micho“On the other hand, the ancient Pythagorean musical scales naturally lead to a simple quantum circle….There is something profoundly quantum in all music. A discrete space–the skeleton hosting any musical score, morphs into a true musical form, only after being symbiotically enveloped by a geometry of sound. And this geometry is inherently quantum, as it connects the points of the discrete underlying structure, invalidating the difference between now, then, here and there; thus creating an irreducible continuum for a piece of music: continuous discreteness and discrete continuity.”
Institute of Mathematics, UNAM (Mexico City)
“Music of Quantum Circles” 10/2015
My quantum physics professor Herbert J. Bernstein emphasized that EVERYONE should learn quantum physics FIRST before learning classical science since quantum physics is now the foundation of science. Due to my private music training I knew this was true so I never took physics in high school but instead I took biology (scoring 98% in biology on the national prep ACT exam). So then I took quantum mechanics my FIRST year of college!
But there is a simple solution to 3 body problems and given that we now have such computing power solutions to higher body problems that don't use mathematics directly. Certain graphical representation can churn out the correct figures, though the inputs are dubious because we have no way of actually measuring the starting points and just as in Chaos theory errors in the starting points generate divergence very quickly, just as we find in chaotic systems from Chaos Theory.Yes I have corresponded with chaos math professor Steve Strogatz and as I quote him, Strogatz now warns people that science is now inherently AUTHORITARIAN due to chaos theory needing to rely on supercomputers as iterations. So supercomputers don't care about humans nor ecology. In fact Western science has been driven by this same authoritarian logic from its beginnings since as number theory proves and I reference, chaos theory is just derived from irrational numbers not being predictable as the right side decimal point is shifted in time.
Although we can observe the outward results of Chaos we have no understanding of what drives a system towards resolution or chaos, and as neither are in any way connected to a system that can be described using the equals sign we are far from describing the Universe we live in.
But the human brain has always tried to explain the world around us and to give explanations that seem logical. But they are only ever part of the whole. It is that tendency to derive answers where non exist and not looking at the whole that leads us a way from the fundamentals of how things work.Again this is just "scientism" by suggesting that if science has not proven it then it does not work! Ecology is way more efficient than science ever will be as the ecology of the Amazon rainforest can never be "modeled" by a chaos supercomputer.
A line cannot be made into a circle and a circle cannot be cut and turned into a line. But this is what Pythagoras and other have tried to do. It is not that anyone got Pythagorean concepts wrong but that they perhaps tried to take a different viewpoint on either the presentation of the straight line manifestations, the circle manifestations, or a different way of trying to find a connection between these different frameworks.Yes music - listening to music - does not require making a line or circle. So what you think of as Pythagorean philosophy is actually a mistake. The strict Pythagoreans were required to train in 5 years of silence as meditation as listening to harmonics of reality! I recommend Dr. Peter Kingsley's work on Pythagorean philosophy. His Oxford Ph.D. thesis was published as a book. Of course academic rejected him for really revealing the truth of Pythagorean philosophy (since it challenges the foundation of Western civilization).
And so the Original Meaning of Holy Spirit is Harmonia as noncommutative Phase or F (8/12) = G (9/6) at the SAME TIME (fire into Earth as Water into Air) to create the Ether as the Sacred Cosmic Mother (the Earth as Yuan Qi or Perfect Yin or White Tiger). The Pythagorean Philolaus (fr. 10) says,
"Harmonia comes to be in all respects out of opposites: for Harmonia is a unification of things mutually mixed, and an agreement of things that disagree."Or to quote Sir Roger Penrose:
A mass or particle would be a curvature in one direction, if you will. If that same particle, if it was in a different location, would be a curvature in another direction. So a particle in two places at once, is basically, simultaneously curvature of both spacetimes.Sir Roger Penrose know understands that noncommutative phase logic is the secret to this non-locality foundation of reality.
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