Monday, July 20, 2020

Australian Aboriginal schools me on his Ancient Story Lines: Rainbow Snake and the Dragon as the original sex strike Song Line

I thought story lines were "song lines"? ALL human cultures use the Octave,1:2, Perfect Fifth, 3:2, and Perfect fourth, 4:3 - only in the West was the music tuning "contained" as a "closed" geometry to create equal-tempered tuning (that's really OUT of tune as mass mind control). Why is the Rainbow Snake so central to different cultures? It's from the San Bushmen culture

through tantra the female life force energy is "appropriated" as a psychic force - called Jing in Daoism - it is then transposed or transmuted into a higher frequency - the red lines of the San Bushmen are transmuted through trance dancing into the blue lines or green lines. Daoism calls this the Female Green Dragon.

 Qigong Masters can actually SMELL blood as putrid flesh - if someone has cancer for example or if they eat too much bacon! Smell is nonlocal quantum frequency energy. The San Bushmen describe this also.
"...a 'new maiden' to be the source of n/um (or /k'ode), the healing potency associated with male trance healers" p. 175 
Guenther, Mathias, Tricksters and Trancers: Bushman Religion and Society,. Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1999
"As described by N/isa, female sexuality is to men, what male healing potency - n/um or tsso - is to humankind."
, ibid
“You see spirits killing people. You smell burning, rotten flesh. Then you heal, you pull sickness out. You heal, heal, heal. Then you live.”
Healing Makes the Heart Happy

Ivan Tacey: Floods, Blood And Thunder—The Politics of the Rainbow Snake, 18 February 2020

  youtube radical anthropology lecture

From Amazonia to Australia, gigantic world creating and world destroying rainbow snakes are central to the cosmologies of indigenous peoples. Known variously as nagas, dragons or rainbow serpents these chthonic entitites are consistently associated with water, blood, women and uncontrollable power. According to Batek hunter-gatherers of Malaysia, any transgression of taboos, especially those associated with blood, are said to cause the wrath of this chthonic serpent who releases torrents of water that destroy entire communities. Drawing upon ethnographic fieldwork carried out with different Batek groups over the last 15 years, Ivan Tacey discussed the rainbow serpent in Batek creation myths, taboos, and cosmological landscapes. 

After comparing Malaysian stories of the rainbow snake with myths from Amazonia and Australia, the talk will focus on how Batek shamans interact with the rainbow snake and attempt to control its power to prevent catastrophes in their local environment and faraway places. Alongside the plethora of symbols that the rainbow snake embodies, Tacey argued she should be understood within a framework that melds cosmology with politics.

I am an aboriginal from Australia and I would love to see them in person
Yall hav wifi
Your people were first in The Americas and you decend from Africa
@Dr. Robert Neville We do not decend from Africa sorry. DNA science now proves Original San Bushmen spiritual culture spread all the way to South America
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Dude I don't care about that shit. We are from the land what you call Australia, but I have my traditional name for my land and story lines. I have scared sites, story lines and paintings at the back in the bush that dates way back before those dates that you are researching on line. That's my proof
@Rizz Rizz I thought story lines were "song lines"? ALL human cultures use the Octave,1:2, Perfect Fifth, 3:2, and Perfect fourth, 4:3 - only in the West was the music tuning "contained" as a "closed" geometry to create equal-tempered tuning (that's really OUT of tune as mass mind control). Why is the Rainbow Snake so central to different cultures? It's from the San Bushmen culture
@Rizz Rizz From Amazonia to Australia, gigantic world creating and world destroying rainbow snakes are central to the cosmologies of indigenous peoples. Known variously as nagas, dragons or rainbow serpents these chthonic entitites are consistently associated with water, blood, women and uncontrollable power. According to Batek hunter-gatherers of Malaysia, any transgression of taboos, especially those associated with blood, are said to cause the wrath of this chthonic serpent who releases torrents of water that destroy entire communities. Drawing upon ethnographic fieldwork carried out with different Batek groups over the last 15 years, Ivan Tacey discussed the rainbow serpent in Batek creation myths, taboos, and cosmological landscapes. After comparing Malaysian stories of the rainbow snake with myths from Amazonia and Australia, the talk will focus on how Batek shamans interact with the rainbow snake and attempt to control its power to prevent catastrophes in their local environment and faraway places. Alongside the plethora of symbols that the rainbow snake embodies, Tacey argued she should be understood within a framework that melds cosmology with politics.


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