The San Bushmen culture is our original human culture. It spread around the world. That's why Austrialian culture is very much the same as San Bushmen culture - as anthropologist professor Chris Knight details in his book tome, "Blood Relations."
And the musicologist Dr. victor Grauer has documented San Bushmen music as it spread around the world - in his book, "Sounding Our Depths."
This website is now CORROBORATED by DNA SCIENCE!!
I have seen several African-American scholars and activists make this claim - that African culture spread around the world and truly we are all Africans. DNA science now PROVES this to be true.
I recently blogged on this.
We need to "unearth" - to peel back the superficial layers of agricultural culture of the past 10,000 years.
All human cultures use the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth music intervals because that is the truth of reality. As teaches:
The Simplest is the Most Powerful.
the so-called "counter culture" is really controlled by CIA Freemason New Age propaganda claiming there is some ancient advanced technology that is really of Western origin.
Quantum biology has proven that Mother Nature is the most advanced technology there is. No Supercomputer can model the Amazon rainforest.
Biologically modern humans should embrace our original culture since the San Bushmen lived with no war and all males were required to train in spiritual healing - and the culture lived sustainably for over 70,000 years.
White skin from West Asia is proven by DNA science to be from malnutrition due to lack of Vitamin D in the wheat moncultural diet.
Similarly white skin in the Andes is from the Potato monocultural diet (even though the Andes has hundreds of varieties of potatoes)....
So people living in Europe had dark skin and blue or green eyes (in Northern Europe) - and so the white skin was from farmers fleeing ecological catastrophe that farmers created from trying to water proof their housing using lime ash as cement waterproofing - created through deforestation.
light skin pigmentation but likely had at least one copy of the derived SLC24A5 allele (rs1426654) associated with the same trait. The derived SLC24A5 variant has been found in both Neolithic farmer and Caucasus Hunter-Gatherer groups5,15,24 suggesting that it was already at appreciable frequency before these populations diverged.
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