Thank you for checking out my channel. I finished my master's degree at University of Minnesota by doing intensive nonwestern meditation as self-directed research in the African Studies Department and my teacher is a Chinese spiritual healer, yoga master, Chunyi Lin He shared in his class how he had read the book "
The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot and that the book was an accurate description of reality. My degree was in Liberal Studies which is a self-designed study program. I had already read that Talbot book but I had also written a paper promoting that view of the Holographic Mind model via neuroscientist Karl Pribram.
Through my intensive nonwestern meditation training (inspired by my music theory analysis as philosophy of science) I also corroborated that this holographic model of reality is true. So I, for example, literally saw ghosts and I know ghosts are real and Chunyi Lin said he regularly heals ghosts who come to him to get healing - he sends them "back into the Emptiness." So also precognition is real for example.
So then I read one scholarly science book a day for ten years in my attempt to "translate" my experiences back into Western science. Finally I discovered that noncommutative phase logic had confirmed the truth of my music theory analysis - based on an insight I had in high school. I had started out training privately in music theory and composition with a former music professor.
So noncommutative phase logic typically is considered as an "Extension" of Western science - but Eddie Oshins at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - he realized that nonwestern meditation is explained by noncommutative phase logic on a macroscale. And Oshins had also collaborated with Karl Pribram on his holographic mind model of reality. Only Pribram was not able to understand noncommutative phase logic. haha. So Oshins was very upset that his new discipline of "quantum psychology" got co-opted by New Age science relying on the wrong idea of symmetric math.
I have a blog with more details thanks
So if you can slow time down by going really fast, I’m assuming it’s probably not possible to speed time up since you can’t go slower than stagnation
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