So what happens is that as the order of the cylinder firing speeds up in frequency of RPM - past 6000 rpm - due to the Length of the cranks - there is an equalizing shorting of the engine wavelength (i.e. frequency is inverse to wavelength).
Pretty Awesome - and amazing information!!
So this is why Engineers do not like Natural Resonance numbers - natural numbers. It's called the Devil's Staircase as chaos or nonlinear feedback of energy.
So then the Damper works just like a shock absorber - it essentially is "lengthening" the wavelength by an extension of the wavelength on the engine - at a harmonic of the engine frequency.
The Stock Dampener can not handle the higher frequencies or vibrations
A balancer adds weight to help (externally) balance the lower rotating assembly of an engine, while a damper, quells the vibrations during crankshaft vibration which occur as a function of the combustion process.
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