Thursday, July 16, 2020

Harmonic Balancer or Harmonic Damper for 3rd Order Harmonic Resonance "imbalance" on the Inline Six 4.2 liter Vortec 4200 engine

Vortec 4200 Improved Harmonic Damper

So what happens is that as the order of the cylinder firing speeds up in frequency of RPM - past 6000 rpm - due to the Length of the cranks - there is an equalizing shorting of the engine wavelength (i.e. frequency is inverse to wavelength).

Pretty Awesome - and amazing information!!

So this is why Engineers do not like Natural Resonance numbers - natural numbers. It's called the Devil's Staircase as chaos or nonlinear feedback of energy.

So then the Damper works just like a shock absorber - it essentially is "lengthening" the wavelength by an extension of the wavelength on the engine - at a harmonic of the engine frequency.

The Stock Dampener can not handle the higher frequencies or vibrations
 A balancer adds weight to help (externally) balance the lower rotating assembly of an engine, while a damper, quells the vibrations during crankshaft vibration which occur as a function of the combustion process.

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