"Dawkins (2012) repeated an argument that he first developed in The Selfish Gene (1976): Genes are the only replicators....But, in fact, genomes are replicators as much as genes are, and the phenotypes that genomes control include metazoan individuals and social groups, such as E. O. Wilson's eusocial colonies and human societies."So Dawkins has been debunked. Someone online comments:
My take is that eusocial colonies are hardwired to behave in certain patterns, and evolution is relative to the whole colony; whereas human social behaviour is not that rigid, and the individual can deviate from the collective norm to the extent that they can be destroyed, or destroy themselves.Too late now though!
maybe read Brewster Kneen's book, "Invisible Giant." A biology professor at University of Minnesota, Phil Regal, returned back to Canada - he told me that the big corporations had completely corrupted the biology department. With Dawkins' "selfish gene" lie came Reagan's 100% tax deductible "gifts" to Universities by corporations. Lawrence Soley's book "Leasing the Ivory Tower" gives details - he was also a Minnesota prof. but got fired for publishing that book. So I wouldn't exactly trust the "mainstream" science view of population biology considering modern industrial civilization has created a mass extinction crisis as biological "annhilation.
Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines https://www.pnas.org/content/114/30/E6089 and Vertebrates on the brink as indicators of biological annihilation ... www.pnas.org › content Jun 1, 2020 - G. Ceballos,; P. R. Ehrlich,; R. Dirzo. , Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and ...Professor David F. Noble's book "The Religion of Technology" - he was at MIT but got fired for political reasons so he went back to Canada. So science is not such an innocent worldview. So have you read the book "Ecological Imperialism" by professor Alfred Crosby? Sure humans maybe individualistically creative but 500 years of Western genocide is what Dr. Vandana Shiva calls "Monocultures of the Mind" - check out her book by that title. You do know that white skin is from Wheat monocultural farming lacking vitamin D....
So biologist Dr. Michael Soule pointed out in the 1970s that evolution for large mammals had ended already due to lack of habitat.... I suppose you need to maintain some kind of science job? Dawkins is a brown-no$er for corporate junk science. It was the Neo-Con Revolution - Thatcher and Reagan. Have you read Noam Chomsky's book: "Year 501: The Conquest Continues" - again individual freedom I guess... or try his book "Political Economy of HUman Rights" about how the Dawkins philosophy spread NeoNazi genocide around the world. Very much about individual freedom isn't it?
Someone comments:Metazoan individual, has its uses for purposes of classification, but it declares a distinction that has no real existence. If we consider birth in its true relations, ...
by C Morris - 1884
Sorry, lost you on the metazoan individual, only familiar with the metazoan group (tissue differentiation). How do you compare a biologically defined group with a social group? I've lost you.So you've never read "Mind and Nature: A necessary unity" by Gregory Bateson? His dad coined the word "genetics."
I doubt I'll get a response. haha....Here it is:
You are obviously much better versed in this subject than I. I declare myself to be out of my depth and unable to argue further until I achieve my Doctorates in zoology and entomology. Sorry to disappoint.http://arctic-news.blogspot.com we've got five years left. Check out Dr. Natalia Shakhova - East Siberian Arctic Shelf methane bomb will double global warming very soon. Too hot for life on earth.
one third of Lemurs about to go extinct - vid
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