Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Why Herd Immunity does not work for Covid-19: The people that get sick can be asymptomatic for up to two weeks

Dr Yvonne Maldonado explains why claims about early spread have been overblown and misleading – and what the data actually shows. Out of the 3,330 samples analyzed, 50 came back positive, indicating a crude prevalence rate of 1.5%. The researchers adjusted the initial results both by demographics — to account for the zip code, sex and race of study participants — and by test accuracy. The antibody test misses between 10 and 30% of those who have COVID-19 antibodies, according to Bendavid. “This test is not good enough for personal and clinical decision making,” Bendavid said. “But for estimating the prevalence, the inaccuracy is something we can account for.”
 So they are assuming an earlier infection rate based on symptoms. It's not yet peer-reviewed published. Meanwhile NYC has a 1 in 7 "already infected" rate!! Therefore much higher mortality rate.
"One intriguing case study for epidemiologists looking for the true fatality rate is the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which became a kind of natural experiment when nearly all of its 3,711 passengers and crew members were tested for the coronavirus after an outbreak on board. The ship’s “case fatality rate,” which included only those who showed symptoms, was 2.6 percent, according to a study by researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, while the “infection fatality rate,” which included those who tested positive yet remained asymptomatic, was 1.3 percent."

and so 
"Which just restates CDC's pandemic flu advice a different way. Assuming ~1/1000 mortality, this suggests that unrestricted spread which might infect 250-300 million people in the US would cause a peak of illnesses with 25 million hospitalizations and 250,000-300,000 deaths in the US over 1-3 months, well above what the health system can manage. This would cause a situation worse than Italy with many people dying from otherwise treatable conditions, a higher death rate, and thus 500,000-3 million deaths in the US, many of them health care workers who get higher exposure at work. US states responded late, but better late than not at all. people have herd immunity built against common influenza. It will take time for that immunity to propogate for a new virus, and so it naturally will do more damage right now just on rate of spread. people can and do have full-to-partial immunity from flu strains, and second, because cv19 is much more contagious (r0 of 2.5-6.0), herd immunity isn't reached until a much higher portion of the public is infected."
 Why Coronavirus is so Contagious - Paul Beckwith vid on the AE2 receptor secret of Covid-19


  1. frid 23th of april, 114th dotY ::::: k25
    Law of Time Calendar :: 20planetary : 269th dotSolarRound
    Cosmic Turtle Calendar : 5OvTo : 117th dotSolarRound
    2375d sinds .. 2nd tzolkin wave

    Unsung Unheroes: CPD China, Perle, & Epstein/Wexner from Iraq Propaganda to Harassment of Victims
    •Apr 21, 2020
    The Antedote
    4.5K subscribers
    In this episode we continue our discussion about the Committee on the Present Danger China, and the war on terror and cold war era hawks that comprise its membership responsible for a large bulk of the current anti China propaganda. We then discuss Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner's roles in promoting Iraq war propaganda, particularly in framing Iraq as being in America's interests rather than Israel's. We wrap up by discussing Whitney Webb's recent interview with an early Epstein accuser, Maria Farmer, and Farmer's allegations that journalist Vicky Ward, who has been portrayed as exposing Epstein crimes, threatened Farmer while also giving information about her to Ghislaine Maxwell. We also discuss Farmer's similar allegation against author James Patterson, who wrote in his book about Epstein 'Filthy Rich' that Donald Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar A Lago.
    Support us on Patreon: patreon.com/theantedote
    Johnny Vedmore: https://www.johnnyvedmore.com/'

    they do all they can to be known as playing field levelers, which the are not. Sure are battle field levelers dou huh?
    ps: search 'undeadening jewmemery .. oops i forget the last word ... warships? Should i rename to 'undeadening unmemery'? ... ah .. there is no third word ... new list ... 5th or 6th phat one ... i forgot ...

    nitrohead in conspiracy land .. who hates the 4th number like it's the sig of evil or something .. yet his moniker is aplanetruth4u
    lots and lots of vids
    a biomagnetism buff of sorts, uses magnets in ways reminiscent of the voltage crowd around tennant
    lewis garcia, a doc he admires

    PLAGUE: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth
    Originally Aired Tue, 11/18/2014 - 3:00am
    With Kent Heckenlively, JD, and Judy Mikovits, PhD.
    On the release date of PLAGUE: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases, Kent Heckenlively, JD, and Judy Mikovits, PhD, join Teri for a conversation about this revealing book.

    Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits - 11 Minutes That BLEW ME AWAY
    •Sep 8, 2018
    Victurus Libertas VLTV
    30.7K subscribers
    www,LonGELity.com - "My 15 Day Testimonial Results From Somaderm Gel From NewULife"
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xH3kY... --~--
    We have reached out to Dr. Judy and hoping that she will agree to interview with us in the near future.
    Courtesy of Naturalnews.com - Mike Adams


  2. 4m with her holding her 2014 book up, 3rd anniversary of her 5 days jailing, gagged till 2015
    Vaccines Have Retroviruses That Destroy Our Health
    •Sep 17, 2018
    49.4K subscribers
    BUY HER BOOK: https://amzn.to/2OxPHBq
    Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD discovered that retroviruses are in vaccines and are responsible for a wide range of diseases such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism and many more. After she published her findings, she was requested to retract them, and she refused. That cost her her job, 5 days in jail, a gag order for 4 years, and being permanently banned off of Facebook. THIS is what happens when a scientific researcher publishes science that contradicts the mainstream narrative version of “science.” Read her compelling and incredible story in PLAGUE: https://amzn.to/2OxPHBq
    FTC DISCLOSURE: We may earn money or products from the companies or links mentioned herein
    Retroviruses in vaccines are causing mayhem throughout the population. Why was Dr. Mikovits silenced? Read her fascinating book, PLAGUE!
    Copyright © 2018 Larry Cook

    autismOne .. lots of audio programs but a chaotic page maker who makes finding the mp3 a puzzle; no comments here btw:
    Dr. Judy Mikovits Talks About Corona Virus and the Plague of Corruption
    •Feb 17, 2020
    AutismOne Media
    18.8K subscribers
    Plague of Corruption - http://old.autismone.org/documents/Pl...
    Mikovits ACIP 20190301 - http://old.autismone.org/documents/Mi...
    Position Paper Vaccine Act copy - http://old.autismone.org/documents/Po...

    CV19 & 5G Operate on SAME FREQUENCies, Same Illness'! ~ feat. Harald Kautz Vella
    •Mar 31, 2020
    aplanetruth 4u
    48.1K subscribers
    1 minute ago (edited)
    Werner Altnickel's latest longer one has a criticism of Kautz you might wanna take to heart ... chemtrails.de (yeah, it's in german) with 0 c/sitings of Jim Lee's climateviewer.com btw ... sigh ....

    1. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/05/fact-checking-judy-mikovits-controversial-virologist-attacking-anthony-fauci-viral
