Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Jack Safartti reveals the ultrasound Penrose-Hameroff secret to antigravity metamaterial propulsion secret!

“It turns out that the induced gravity redshift from positive metamaterial electromagnetic susceptibility resonances in the pumped Frohlich non-equilibrium macro-quantum coherent opposes the motional Doppler blueshift in an approaching Tic Tac in the Alcubierre warp drive mode. Similarly, the induced antigravity blueshift from negative metamaterial resonances etc. opposes the motional Doppler redshift for the receding Tic Tac. Bruce Cornet claims to have measured this reverse Doppler shift from UAV sound waves. All waves would be universally affected in the same way. 
Jack Sarfatti.

Tic Tac Tech Military Threat Analysis V1 


See also Sarfatti's pdf

I refer to experimental work by Ken Shoulders on "exotic vacuum objects" or "EVO" charged geons made from large numbers of electrons glued together by zero point energy is included. The zero point force holding as many as one hundred billion electrons together is not the QED Casimir force, which may even be repulsive, but is the strong short-range gravity force induced by the zero point energy by the entirely different process of Einstein's general relativity omitted from the flatspace-time QED calculations. These EVOs show anomalous motions and energies that seem to be examples of Alcubierre's "warp drive" and "cold fusion" respectively. The direct gravitational effect of zeropoint energy should not be confused with the quantum electrodynamical Casimir force which is also a negative power law and may be repulsive depending on the shape of the EVO charge distribution. Indeed,the direct gravity effect will need to counter-act the Casimir force in such a case.

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