Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Thomas Noll as Pythagorean Noncommutative Music as Pathways, not a Proof: Tobias Fritz as finite noncommutative time

"The non-commutative interval group considers intervals as pathways rather than sums....we inspect also the free non-commutative group F = Ž<P, Q> of ‘pythagorean pathways’, which is generated by two letters P and Q representing octave P8 and fifth P5, respectively." 

Noll, T. (2007). Musical intervals and special linear transformations. Journal of Mathematics and Music, 1(2), 121–137. doi:10.1080/17459730701375026

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 I wonder if the rise of interest in symmetry in mathematics somehow went along with the rise of equal temperament.
John Baez http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez


What I will show is that classifying these ‘laws of noncommutative logic’ is impossible (in a precise sense).

 This proves in particular the undecidability of noncommutative logic.
Quantum logic and computability of noncommutative sums of squares.
Satisfiability in quantum logic and approaches via sums of squares.

Quantum weirdness is an illusion due to reasoning in Booleanlogic, which is inadequate at the quantum level.

KLEIN-BOTTLE TONNEZTE USING NON-COMMUTATIVE GIS’S [5.1] In [3], we constructed an abstract Klein-bottle Tonnetz using intervals from a generalized, non-commutative GIS. Now we are ready to consider the pitch-class representations of these types of networks, using operators from the traditional, non-commutative T/I group.44 We will also present an analytical example that uses a non-commutative, generalized quaternion T/M subgroup.

Thomas Noll Tone appcerption pdf

And so by Noll considering the noncommutative phase to be secondary then...


So Noll with all his fancy math is just recreating Archytas! Hilarious.

Whereas in the noncommutative truth - instead of an enclosed octave equivalence that is symmetric you get this - an enclosed time that is asymmetric:


Noncommutative geometry and the structure of spacetime pdf

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