Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Spinning Lady versus Crow in MST3K: Harald Atmanspacher Noncommutative Phase visual brain perception paradox continued by Dr. Christopher Germann

Reading through the comments on this MST3K vid - and I discovered at least two different comments claiming that Crow (the robot puppet) has his head facing the Opposite Wrong direction while supposedly "watching" the film. They say it's true for "most" of the film but not ALL of the film...

So I tried to see this and since I'm aware of the Spinning Lady paradox - then I knew precisely what was happening with Crow's Head. It was a visual illusion - much like an Escher image - but only this time based on noncommutative phase.

So people had REALLY CONVINCED themselves that Crow's head was BACKWARDS when in fact it is not. It is backwards and forwards AT THE SAME TIME.
 The vast majority of contemporary models (e.g., those utilising Boolean logic or Bayes' theorem) are grounded on Kolmogorovian probability axioms which stipulate that operators obey commutativity, i.e., P(A∩B)=P(B∩A). By contrast, quantum probability theory is not limited by these aprioristic structural constraints and is able to parsimoniously account for numerous empirical results which appear, prima facie, irrational and paradoxical in the orthodox framework.
 Atmanspacher, H. (2016). Non-commutative structures from quantum physics to consciousness studies. In From Chemistry to Consciousness: The Legacy of Hans Primas (pp. 127–146).

 Atmanspacher, H., & Filk, T. (2013). The necker-zeno model for bistable perception. Topics in Cognitive Science, 5(4), 800–817.

 Christopher Germann lectures on problems of the Null Hypothesis in science research - vid lecture






 SuperNormal Stimuli - indeed! Fascinating.
Hence the Tiger King phenomenon - the twisted owner is a predator on a young male by leveraging his innate SuperNormal Stimuli reaction - claiming it is hard-wired and therefore he is not "straight." oops.

And so then he quotes Vedic philosophy:

Wow - this is precisely what I argued in the Final SEction of my "Idiot's Guide" training manual!!!

The Precuneus is key to turning the awareness around....

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