Sunday, April 12, 2020

CIA Psi-Plasma of Puharich = Bohm's Quantum Potential= the Precessional Motion of the Electron's spin

"Therefore, besides the known Coulomb force acting on the center of the mass of the electron, there is an additional force."
 A causal interpretation of quantum mechanics by Nina Sotina 8 Aug 2017

So Dr. Andrija Puharich, the CIA mind control scientist, also described this reverse time energy as from the precessional motion of the electron but in relation to the proton - the magnetic moment.

What is being said here is just the electron on its own has this precessional energy as a backwards motion of the spin. Since an Electron is 1/2 spin then it's topology is 720 degrees - as I was directly taught by Professor Herbert J. Bernstein in my first year of college - at Hampshire College.

Thus, on the Bohr orbit, "a quantum potential" equals to the energy of the precessional motion of the electron's spin.
So this is precisely the "new causal force" that Bohm's collaborator, Professor Basil J. Hiley, speaks of. I also corresponded with Professor Hiley.

 Quantum professor Basil J. Hiley, 2016: "Quantum Trajectories: Dirac, Moyal and Bohm"

 In many ways it seemed to be a new form of inner energy possessed by the particle, organising the flow lines in a novel way and suggesting a 'formative' cause rather than the traditional efficient cause.

....quantum phenomena emerged from a non-commutative phase space.
 Bohm's Approach and Individuality, 2016, Oxford University Press: Basil J. Hiley:
 "There we see that if one of the particles enters the field of a Stern-Gerlach magnet, it is then deflected either "up" or "down" depending on the positions of each particle at the time just before the particle enters the magnetic field. The particle in this field has its trajectory changed, while the other particle continues in a straight line. At the same time both spin components become well defined. This is a surprising result, but clearly shows that the individual parts cannot be thought of as isolated "little spinning spheres," a point that was emphasized by Weyl (1931)."
So now Nina Sotina is arguing for the same Psi-Plasma or superconducting non-local field that Dr. Andrija Puharich also argued for - based on this dipole-dipole proton-electron magnetic moment as a precessional or reverse time energy.
 where all spins of the field particles precess with the same frequency and phase. In the superfluid vacuum, the electron's motion should create structures similar to such domains.
exponential originates from noncommutative phase as Alain Connes points out - so time originates from the 5th dimension - as noncommutative phase. This means the future and past actually overlap and everything is happening at the same time at the speed of light - in the Universe. We just perceive the differences due to matter being made of light and then spacetime as mass being noncommutative phase energy to light. So time is malleable and can be reversed, thereby reversing the entropy of energy as well - to create negentropy energy. Of course the constructs of science are based on symmetric and so typically exponential growth is considered a "one to one correspondence" to a geometric continuum as real numbers. Time is actually inherently an imaginary number that is noncommutative. So it is discrete but more dense than real numbers in terms of a continuum. So it has a zero dimension of space but at every zero point there is already the future and past overlapping as the 5th dimension. So then even infinity and zero are relative to the speed of light - and there can be a noncommutative phase that is superluminal since reality is inherently non-local at zero time. So in fact there is no "one to one correspondence between geometry (logarithm) and number (exponential) - reality is noncommutative and time is eternal motion that radiates light, creating new matter.

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