Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Absolute Void always Radiates Light as spirit: Ratios as Rate of Change versus Ratios as a Point of measurement: the speed of Light paradox canard

Open Space is radiating blue light in the Universe - James DeMeo, Ph.D. on water lecture from Orgone Reich vid
"A key feature of this expansion is how uniform it is. Imagine a bunch of folks standing around the edges of a stretchy piece of fabric, tugging at it. Let us assume they're choreographed well and are able to walk backward and pull at the same rate. You, standing in the middle, would correctly observe that your "universe" is expanding: any objects placed on that fabric would slowly move away from you. Because stretchy stuff is stretchy, the objects on the fabric close to you would appear to move away with some speed, but the farther objects would appear to move faster. Even though the folks doing the pulling are moving at a constant speed, the apparent stretch changes with distance. I swear this is true; you can even try it for yourself at home!" 

"Concepts like a well-defined "velocity" make sense only in local regions of space. " 

Actually space is now proven to be curved at as little as 3 centimeters (the size of the pineal gland 3rd eye).
"The individual particles coming out of my laser, the photons, are still traveling to the moon at the speed of light. It's just that they're landing side by side in such quick succession that they form a spot that moves faster than the speed of light, but really, it's just an illusion.”

So de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony is based on the secret power of Light being not from its speed but rather that since light has a ZERO rest mass then it absolutely always has a general relativistic mass that is non-commutative to the speed of light. This means there is ALWAYS a phase energy or phonon superluminal energy whereby the "conservation" of momentum as energy is NOT maintained. This is called the Absolute Void in Daoist alchemy or Buddhism.

 Aristotle also realized this truth about spirit as light - stating that time would not exist unless light exists to measure time. But since light always exists due it never having a zero rest mass - then time also always exists. It is just that the direction of time changes what is the energy of light. So by reversing the direction of time as negentropy then we can reverse the loss of energy via light.

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