Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Full Moon and Summer Solstice pineal gland magnetic bliss as the 5th dimension or Female Formless Awareness

So this morning in full lotus meditation I had the distinct sensation that I was not in my body - I have had this before but I never had an desire to do "astral" travel. There was a Western esoteric person - publishing under a fake Indian name in the early 1900s - he distinguished the Astral Tube from Astral Travel. Astral Tube is a more psychic level of remote viewing whereas Astral Travel is the whole spirit leaving the body she-bang.

So for example I tested strong Salvia Divinorum against the third eye - people who have done the strongest drugs will refuse to take a "2nd hit" of Salvia after a strong inhale. Why? Their spirit is taken out of their body - full astral travel - and usually into the floor nearby. What happened with me in full lotus - taking strong hits of Salvia - is that it tried to pull my spirit out but my third eye magnetic qi overpowered the electrochemical jing energy. So my spirit was halfway out of my body while I was in full lotus. This caused me to laugh at the Salvia - big time.

When I told this to a local "strong use" psychedelic druggie who could never take more than one hit of Salvia he claimed I just was not doing strong enough doses. So I increased the dosage but then I would just Black Out - that's considered the Level 6 reaction to Salvia - it's the strongest reaction even after the astral trip reaction. And Level 6 did work to open my third eye - as I detailed in my 2012 book.

But anyway another time I've mentioned is when qigong master Jim Nance http://guidingqi.com shocked me into silence when I was ranting to him or at him about politics. So when I felt this strong electromagnetic buzzing force deep on the right side of my heart area - but yet BEYOND my body-mind - that shocked me into silence. Then Jim said, "I just wanted to see if you were speaking from your heart and you were." So not only did I feel it - but despite saying anything - Jim knew precisely what I had felt. The right side of the heart is considered the "secret pinhole" to the Cosmic Prana or Qi - the Yuan Qi of the Universe - as Ramana Maharshi describes it. It's the access to the 8th level of consciousness as the big heart enlightenment Emptiness - as described in Mahayana Buddhism. So that was a pretty cool experience.

One time I was meditating in full lotus during the Winter Solstice and I got a very strong electrical shock in the center of my brain - in the third eye pineal gland. So when this morning I had the distinct sensation of a magnetic bliss that was neither inside my body nor outside it - this definitely reminded me of the above experiences. And I knew it was because of this very special time of the year of the full moon near the Summer Solstice. The energy right now is very Yang - very strong.

So when I was having this experience of the 5th dimension - it is very strange because you can't get a handle on your position since your own perceptions are limiting what the actual "dimensions" are to the space being experienced. So it is not a visual experience in space as it is more of a TIME experience that you are listening to. So the trick is to just let go and listen to the time. As a close meditation friend from the University once stated - when he had done a double dose of strong DMT-based plant medicine - "I'm trying to see where the light is coming from?!"

But that's the whole point - you CAN'T SEE where the light is coming from. The Emptiness is beyond the Shen even though the Emptiness projects the Shen as the Absolute Void. This is what Ramana Maharashi called - "admitting it for the sake of argument" - that the light keeps getting brighter the more you go into the Emptiness and yet the SELF (God, Emptiness) is NOT the light - contrary to the usual Westernized New Age claims.  I call it the Female Formless Awareness.

So at this time of year we can EXPERIENCE the Cosmic Mother directly - much more easily than any other time of the year (except during Winter Solstice - Full Moon). Yes despite Abrupt Global Warming and the chaos of the Westernized world destroying life on Earth - the  Female Formless Awareness will always already be eternally UnVeiled.

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