Monday, June 17, 2019

The Modified Bigu Diet and qigong neidan alchemy training

23 hours ago, Tryingtodobetter said:

I practiced spring forest for a few months and it yielded what I expected, though I wonder if there is a more compressed concise version? I know the breathing of the universe and the one where you visual a white orb and circulate it through the upper body using both hands at a fixed length , felt particularly powerful and I read a comment stating that the latter could be utilized as a standalone exercise. Also, I remember there being an internal or mental form of qigong which I ultimately became more curious of because I began to find the various poses excessive much the way I did with a lineage of yoga I had entertained.

My main takeaway is to focus on a more plant based diet, trying to abstain from legumes for reasons unknown to me though recommended by authorities on brahmacharya. While I'm a bit anxious about malnutrition with such sparse physical intake, I've found that the discipline of brahmacharya(strict celibacy) imbues me with a huge of vitality that makes me think its meeting nutritional needs I'm unaware of.

I will look into the shaolin diet.

Are there any breathing meditations that you would reccomend? I've read some of your posts over the years and know about the toaist alchemy tome though I never pursued it because of the "incompleteness" perceived by the layman(me).

Again thank you for your contributions to this forum, of note I found your post about the mental/quantum connotations of images insightful and relatable, as well as the one where you went into depth about a certain breathing practice that yielded good results which I hope you can reiterate here as I don't remember much about the post, though there was something about doing it while sitting on a bed or something I think

I remember the one adherent of spring forest becoming a qigong master over a relatively short period, which I know I can't replicate because I'm not able to sit in lotus position. Do you find yourself on a similar path? I'm pretty sure he cultivated and still resides stateside

yes Chunyi did 49 days of full lotus meditation - no sleep - at same place as
So he says the simplest is the most powerful and that the "small universe" meditation can take you to the highest levels.
Kriya Yoga also uses the same as the small universe meditation - I document this in my links in my profile.
So you are probably referring to Jim Nance of - he also did direct teaching for me - over a couple years. So I had some great experiences of healing from Jim and he "befriended" me as well.

Yes - the Emptiness is considered the most powerful - so the more you go into the Emptiness then the more power manifests. If the spiritual ego is used then that limits the energy and it goes back down to the psychic level as "siddhis" - versus Shakti (to put it in Indian yoga terms).

A qigong person with the third eye permanently open - this is a totally different relation to food as the vagus nerve has direct and constant sublimation to the pineal gland. So the blood-brain-barrier gets bypassed via the pineal gland.

So Chunyi said that for a "qigong person" if they eat too much then "the food goes to the head." This shocked me when I heard it since that has been the struggle I constantly go through in relation to food. So a qigong person is forced into an acetic diet due to the new hard-wiring of the psychophysiology from the third eye energy.

Personally I am currently on the "feast or famine" diet. I don't recommend this but I also do healing of others - so I am not storing up energy for bigu. So my eyeballs pulsate as the qi energy goes out of my eyes via my pineal gland. That's how I currently do free healing - it's just yin qi energy but it originates from the yuan qi.

These are ancient "sciences" - so there's  alot of detail - if you study the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" - that takes you to the highest level of practice via the small universe meditation, just as Chunyi says is possible. Levitation is real also.

So in terms of Western science - yes only the "noncommutative phase" logic explains Daoist neidan or nonwestern alchemy. I first realized this on my own after I took up studying western science to explain my nonwestern meditation experiences. So I figured SOMEONE else must have figured this out also - as I am largely self-taught in science (despite having a master's degree). So then I discovered Eddie Oshins at SLAC had made the same discovery - that noncommutative phase as relativistic quantum physics is the secret of Daoist Neidan.

thanks for your interest. Yes celibacy brings great bliss but "controlling" the qi relies on also controlling our subconscious and so requires constant purification and harmonization. So the standing active exercises are actually the key to do this - as I learned the hard way. I had been thinking that full lotus was the best. But actually the trance dancing or standing active exercises is the quickest to convert the jing to qi. This is also not mentioned in the Taoist Yoga book although it states that deep reverse breathing is the key to the small universe meditation being effective.

So as for breathing exercises - yes I go into that in the training pdf I have linked in my profile.  Wim Hof teaches effective breathing exercises.

Eventually when the qi builds up then physical breathing and sleep lessen - along with eating. Or conversely - fasting can be an acceleration to build up the qi.

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