Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Hempel Paradox and Harmony Mathematics: My secret rejection of the Pythagorean Theorem mathematical logic proof is now officially corroborated by math professor Denis Kleschev

what kind of music though? It most likely is still based on equal-tempered logarithmic (inverse exponential growth function) mathematics from Plato, Archytas and Eudoxus? I will now do a blog post against the Pythagorean Theorem - you inspired me - as I read a fascinating math professor paper yesterday on Intuitionism. I secretly rejected the Pythagorean Theorem logic - during my 10th grade math class. Of course I didn't dare tell anyone why - it was due to music theory. Now Alain Connes has corroborated my suspicions - and he got a Fields Medal, much more difficult to get than a Nobel prize. Western math truly is a religion - call it Freemasonry if you want. Math professor Abraham Seidenberg did a series of articles on the "ritual origins of geometry" and then he also co-authored a series of articles with Lord Raglan promoting the "Separation of Heaven and Earth" as mass ritual sacrifice based on rectilinear geometry building, spreading around the world. They used the code word "Illuminating."

People have wondered what I have "done" with my life. Yes most of it was as a "public intellectual" activist-geek - doing civil disobedience or protesting in some form. I was dismissed as a "trust fund activist" by my closest friend in high school - an American-Born Chinese who told me to read Noam Chomsky and Slavoj Zizek. I spent about 4 years studying their work. It turned into my master's thesis - with more studying by 2000. That still was not enough - but I then did discover what I dubbed the "actual Matrix Plan" (hidden in the basement of a used bookstore near the University) and that corroborated my master's thesis.

History of Mathematics • Pythagoreanism + 7 more
Around that time my friend was in film school - after he finished a Ph.D. in philosophy but he did his undergrad in math (and I guess he didn't quite finish his Ph.d. thesis). Anyway he had gotten a double degree as an undergrad and won the "top thesis" award - but refused to take the prize as there was no money offered. So he told me how he had befriended Colson White, a burgeoning black fiction writer whose break-out book featured Intuitionism math philosophy. I checked out the book but I was not impressed. Colson White has gone on to be famous - I think he even got the Booker Award or some "top fiction" award. I once tweeted him.

  L.E.J. Brouwer and H. Weyl both recognized that there is the intuitive continuum in mathematics. However their researches encountered with the concept of incommensurable pieces, which is connected to the Hippasus's theorem and a principle «tertium non datur». Therefore the followers of intuitionism could not compete to the Cantor's theory of transfinite numbers. Nevertheless, the logic of intuitionism allows criticizing the Hippasus's proof which is based on an axiom of indivisibility of unit…
 So what I never told my high school buddy is that when we took math class together in 10th grade - I had secretly rejected the Pythagorean Theorem - based on music theory grounds. We did collaborate in a music-avant garde noise activism project though. It was in fact a literal "Footloose" situation where our private Christian school did not allow dances as the "vertical leads to the horizontal." (that was the phrase we were told). So I was able to perform avant-garde absurd Noise music - and people stopped talking to me after that. The Principal and President of the school and VP - all stood at the stage staring at us with their arms crossed. One of my bandmates chickened out. haha. But the next year the school indeed held their first school dance.

OK so most people don't think that doing "nothing" is very powerful. I have what I call the Hempel Paradox: "What you don't do is more important than what you Doo-doo." This is a joke on multiple levels - about humanure composting and civilization, for example.

So it is very nice to know I was in good hands when I had secretly rejected the Pythagorean Theorem - as Hermann Weyl was a top physicist. So the real issue here - again I still don't agree with Intuitionism although this paper by Kleschev is a very clear explanation of that philosophy - is the definition of "entropy" from mathematics (and how it is applied in physics).


One of the main arguments of mainstream mathematical philosophy is that "math works." But to that answer I asked math professor Joe Mazur - for whom? His book "Euclid in the Rainforest" - I pointed out to him - I did not think that Western math was saving the rainforest but quite the opposite. Western math is destroying the rainforests.

And so what is the alternative? In other words mathematical philosophy.... from ancient times - actually is from music theory and then based on logical inference.

So now I noticed that Denis S. Kleschev also wrote a paper on Harmony but it remained in Russian. When I google his name and Harmony - I got a paper on Vedic ancient math. This should be interesting!

He is making the same claim - that ignoring the ancient secret Harmonics origins of math has destroyed the Theromdynamics of reality - as the wrong entropy! But is his mathematical logic about Harmony correct? He makes a fascinating claim that the Hexagrams of the Chinese "Book of Changes" I Ching is the same as Platonic math (based on doubling and cubing in geometry from music theory) - as well as Vedic math.

Ah so he cites another Russian scientist who co-published with Scott Olsen - "the Mathematics of Harmony" - promoting the Fibonnaci number series. So in my research - I make the claim that the Fibonnaci number series is NOT the same as the Golden Ratio. Kepler for example was against the "closed form" of the Golden Ratio.

So now they get into the table of elements as an Inverse Fibonacci Series - very fascinating indeed. And the DNA 64 code as the Hexagrams of the I Ching - I have read a book that is focused on that argument - when I first started qigong - back in 2000.

Ah so he is emphasizing PRE-Golden Ratio math - as based on the Fibonacci Series (NOT the Platonic Golden Ratio math). Very fascinating indeed. This is the BEST numerology I have encountered that connects math to music....

Very very fascinating - this is what I consider to be the "Vanishing Mediator" of mathematical harmony - from "divide and average" mathematics BEFORE the Golden Ratio creation. It is still not the same as noncommutative phase math - but it is quite close. Essentially almost the same. I will investigate these Russian scientists more - their work on entropy and the Fibonacci series.

Hmm - it seems this "vanishing mediator" is still creating a CRISIS - why? Because of lack of knows of noncommutative phase logic:

Alexey Stakhov: disharmony of harmonist

Dear Alexey Stakhov,

You mentioned in your letter (below) two questions, which I answer: 1. The GHA Honorary Title "World Harmony Creator" that you assessed as "silly joke" and 2. Your rejection now (2016) from this title (2011) under the pressure of Western technocratic Russophobic opinion.

1.You cooperated with the Global Harmony Association (GHA) during three years: 2008-2011. In this time your revealed o­ne-sidedness. On the o­ne hand, you have reached the undoubted success and great result in the mathematical understanding of binary mechanical Fibonacci’s harmonic proportions, basing o­n which you created your math harmony as elementary arithmetic of harmony in disputes with its opponents and supporters (Sergienko, Soroko, Kharitonov and others), which are reflected o­n the GHA website "Peace from Harmony" ( and in The ABC of Harmony (GHA, 2012: You entered in the GHA Board, became an honorary member and coauthor of Harmonious Civilization (2009: Your achievements in its development, despite the resistance of traditional mathematics, have been observed up the GHA Highest Honorary Title "World Harmony Creator" (WHC) in 2011. This title was also assigned to the outstanding figures frommany areas of ​​the world harmony, for example, President of India, APJ Abdul Kalam; Prince of Wales; peacemakers, Johan Galtung and Noam Chomsky; politics, Vladimir Putin and Nursultan Nazarbayev and others (

On the other hand, you have been unable and powerless to go beyond the binary mechanical arithmetic of harmony and rise to the level of multidimensional social tetra-mathematics of harmony – four-dimensional algebra and topology of spheral fractals in tetrasociology that noted in The ABC of Harmony (p. 52-53, etc.). An obstacle of that was your socio-cultural ignorance and caused it technocratic narrowness of your thinking, which ultimately led you to Russophobia and support of Ukrainian Nazism. Therefore, your evaluation of the Honorary Title WHC is ignorant and insignificant. It cannot be taken into account. Not you and your advocates but history will judge it.

2. Your claim to rewrite the history of GHA is ridiculous, ignorant joke. Let me remind you that any history, including the GHA history and your cooperation with it, cannot be rewritten o­n any request, including you. Manipulation of facts is the prerogative of dishonest people and doomed systems, including militaristic Western civilization, in the service of which you desperately want to put your math harmony and get in it the dividends. This math is organically unacceptable to this civilization, which is subject to violence and extinction. Prof. Tom Hastings succinctly expressed it in relation to its flagship - US: "We are waging war. We are the Nation of War. We destroy. We kill. Everyone fears us. Fewer and fewer admire us "(

In the same manipulation field is your advocate - unknown Belgian mathematician - reviewer, who proved himself as a liberal zombie of this civilization (The Zombie Doctrine by George Monbiot: I'm sad to see the scientists like you and your reviewer as disabled advocacy zombies.
After the Congress in Odessa in October 2010(as and before) you wrote enthusiastically to me and the GHA members: "Dear Lev! I admire your excellent report o­n the Odessa Congress and your wonderful photographs evoke pleasant memories of Odessa. And of course, I thank you for your appreciation of my scientific direction" (Http:// Now you renounce from harmonious memory in the name of Western militarism and Russophobia, awkwardly trying to dance to their tune. It is your right. But it does not honor you and dirties your math harmony. I am ashamed for you and your ridiculous claim to rewrite the GHA history because the historical facts are the scientific facts, and they cannot be transformed in favor of any person, including you. (Suddenly, tomorrow, you will again change your mind and again will require changes, restore you to the honorary title, regretting the refusal of it ...)
Therefore, any changes o­n the GHA website for your (or any) request do not expect. I will ignore all your requests of this nature as a funny joke of teenager, playing in "war games". Your ignorant hostility toward social harmony and its science - Tetrasociology and Global Peace Science from Harmony, marching around the continents ( together with its high World Harmony Creators and Nobel Peace Laureatesis powerless to stop it. You cannot understand your actions and their ambiguous meaning. It is also a fact of history that exhausts our incident. On this adieu. Sincerely,

Dr. Leo Semashko, GHA Founder and Honorary President,


PS. My answer, along with your letter was published o­n your personal page:

Dear Leo Semashko!
         I would like to inform you that my new book “The “Golden” Non-Euclidean Geometry” (World Scientific, 2016) has been reviewed o­n European Mathematical Society Newsletter. Please see: The concluding citation of the review is the following:
“The involvement of Stakhov with organizations such as the Global Harmony Association that awarded him the highest honory title of World Harmony Creator does not add to the credibility”.
          That is, the reviewer Prof. Adhemar Bultheel accuses me that I collaborate with your organization Global Harmony Association.
You, Dear Leo, know that this award is your initiative and I cannot any relation to your Global Harmony Association and I did not collaborate with Global Harmony Association. This honorary title is your silly joke.
I do not need this honorary title, which is a shame for me in the eyes of the scientific community. 5 years ago I had asked you to remove the web site from Internet.
          I citate:
Alexey Stakhov asked to remove his from the GHA from May 11, 2011 in connection with a serious illness of his wife.
Also I would like to remove my name from all sites of Global Harmony Association, in particular, from the site:
         Also I would like to ask Prof, Adhemar Bultheel to remove the citation about my participation in the Global Harmony Association from the review
This honorary title is a silly joke of Leo Semashko.
Alexey Stakhov
citing Stakhov's summary article on Harmony Mathematics pdf


So the problem with this claim is that you can't reverse time symmetrically - due to the Time-frequency uncertainty foundation of quantum physics (and science in general).

So because the Golden Ratio is the slowest converging irrational numbers of all irrational numbers, then its "disharmony" in terms of the asymmetry of time-frequency resonance creating entropy - this is ignored or covered up (equated with zero).

Again this is a fascinating argument but ignores the inherent asymmetric entropy from time-frequency uncertainty in the "measurement problem."

So he is arguing that the Harmony Mathematics of the Golden Ratio have enabled the creation of Fullerene and quasi-crystals - this is nanotechnology against ecology. 

So here - the asymmetry is acknowledged but notice it is ONLY through Fibonnaci numbers - not the Golden Ratio which is based on symmetric logic. And so the conversion to Golden Ratio as Harmony still can not be made - since the growth originates from quantum time-frequency uncertainty as quantum biology.

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