Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Will Mysterious Taiji trainer and superstar Iranian actress Hedieh Tehrani save us from the NeoFascist US Imperial Oil Attack?

My favorite Iranian film actress with a beautiful smile on the right - this is my favorite photo of her and it just happens to have the Taiji yin-yang symbol!! She "follows" Osho (I guess she did - maybe she saw the recent exposes of Osho)....

That photo was in 2015 and a year later she led an animal rights protest on the national day of honoring Nature during spring. So she got arrested by "plain clothes" thugs with vans.

So that means she's got MORE street-cred that DeCrapio!!


She's considered very smart, independent and strong, but also, of course, very beautiful.

So I did a blog post on her before but that was probably 10 years ago - or maybe a 8 years ago. I watched as many movies of her as possible. Maybe it was farther back than that! I remember now - I watched her movies I think when I lived in the city.

So when asked if she was going to get married - she said it would have to be for love and companionship as she makes good money and so is already independent - not needing to marry for "independence."

 I think that's why she seems happier than most women under patriarchy.

I prefer her in the movies than still images.

Somebody calls her the "Angelina Jolie" of Iran (lots of photoshop?) or else the Persian Princess. Yeah some of those photos are obviously photoshops of various "body parts." haha.

Oh good - she gets her own playlist

well maybe it's not so good.

She's actually a year younger than me - so about the same age.

She is most noted for willingness to play mysterious,
I don't know - the movies are sappy. But she shines through them.



Tehrani and the other detainees initially resisted handing over their mobile phones and passwords at the police station on Vozara Street where they were taken, but ultimately relented. They were not given back their phones after they were released, according to the source.
Passwords are considered private information that cannot be accessed without a judicial order, but intelligence agents and police officers often pressure detainees to hand over their private information, including access to their mobile phones, while detainees are in custody.
Big Brother, most definitely.

Global Tai Chi and Qigong day celebrated in Iran!!

Oh I remember the movie I saw of her - "Half Moon" - yes. Women music protest movie - nonwestern trance music. behind the scenes - youtube vid

So can she really play piano?

Half Moon full movie

Dr. Daniele Ganser on False Flag Operations - Operation Gladio as the CIA-Nato blaming the Commies

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