Friday, March 29, 2019

A or not-A is true does not require that "A is true" NOR that "Not-A is true." Why is No ONE listening

No ONE is listening. This means as Pythagoreans taught, "One is not a number." So again it is a "three-in-one unity" as Ramana Maharshi calls it. So listening is an eternal process of logical inference based on complementary opposites as a mind-body-spirit transformation process. A good book to study on this science is "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality" - it's free archived. So in Kriya Yoga, based on the three gunas, there are 12 harmonic nodes along the body-mind that are listened to, as per the zodiac of 12. This same meditation is found in Pythagorean "incubation" circulation of energy and the same is in Daoist meditation as the 12 harmonic nodes of the "microcosmic orbit" or "small heavenly circuit" or "small universe" meditation. I recommend getting - the small universe meditation for this secret of listening based on complementary opposites.

So each note - like the 12 note music scale - but each note is yin going into yang as complementary opposites, as an infinite spiral. So Kala means time but Kali means both creation and destruction. So the Emptiness is Harmonia as the Cosmic Mother and the One, is not a number, but as light, resonates from the Apeiron or Emptiness as eternal listening. So the 2 and 3 then are nondual meaning that 2/3 is C to F as subharmonic while 3/2 is C to G - they are BOTH the Perfect Fifth. So this is called the Single Perfect Yang as the Emptiness since F=3=G at the same time, in two places, as Non-dual (not-two) or 3 in one unity.

What about anhata - isn't that the Mouna Samadhi source of formless awareness? It's eternal LISTENING which really is "everfresh" and "evernew" as Yogananda called it. the West has a bias towards "static" symmetry geometry as a worldview from Plato and divide and average symmetric logic math. Buddhism was a "reform" of the "Neti, Neti" logic of the Brahmin Vedics (that invaded INdia as DNA science has proven). Check out Noncommutative phase logic. The truth is not something that never changes because TIME is never static. There is no "zero" as a geometric infinity nor is there "infinity" - those are geometric static concepts based on using technology as an external measurement. No one is listening but rather listening is eternal awareness that is always changing. This is due to noncommutative phase logic - check out Alain Connes, Fields Medal math professor on music theory - his lecture on youtube.

Nondual means Not-Two which is explained through music theory - being in two places at the same time as noncommutative geometry but it's still eternally changing. The future and the past overlap while perception is limited to a "present" that is only perceived in the past (in left brain dominance) and the future (right brain visionary samadhi). So the present is called the "Light of NO light" as eternal awareness that is LISTENING as logical inference. It's pure "phase" that is superluminal and so time-like but there's no "form" yet as manifested through light-information. So light has a HIDDEN momentum called supermomentum or relativistic mass - that is noncommutative phase that combines the future and the past together. This is called the OM of Light or Yuan Qi in Daoist alchemy.

Buddhism was actually from the "three gunas" - the oldest philosophy of India. Interdependent origination is actually from music theory as noncommutative phase. So raja is perfect Fifth and tamas is Perfect Fourth and Sattva is the Octave. This music theory is universal to all human cultures - and explains Daoist Neidan also - it's from the San Bushmen original human culture. Western mind control from Plato does not understand this "noncommutative phase" secret of music theory. It's a deeply held bias, a cognitive bias, that everyone learns by 14 years old in WEsternized education as mass mind control (including the Vedic philosophy).

 I'll quote from the Eddie Oshins pdf

A or not-A is true does not require that "A is true" NOR that "Not-A is true."

 Music theory explains this much easier. The problem with semantic logic is that it does not include TIME - so it already assumes a static definition of reality. Hence the Cretin Liar's Paradox, etc. Zeno's Paradox. This is due to the WRONG music theory that assumes a symmetric geometric irrational magnitude origin of the Continuum! So Westerners have a deep cognitive bias towards a geometric materialistic continuum origin of reality as some infinite mathematical process dependent on technology. But that continuum is from the wrong music theory that covered up the noncommutative phase logic as the truth of reality. Here is Field's Medal Math professor Alain Connes on noncommutative phase logic from music theory as a unified field theory.

So basically science has been wrong from the get go. This goes back to "divide and average" symmetric logic of Brahmin vedic math and also Zoroastrian math. The "Greek Miracle" of irrational magnitude as the continuum - this just codified Sunyata as a negative infinity for materialistic idealism. It did NOT address the deeper issue of noncommutative phase logic - the "Three gunas" of INdia is based on noncommutative phase logic. So people learning Buddhism don't realize it's actually from the Samkhya philosophy of "three gunas"

 Listening is logical inference as the source of the I-thought. So a phonon is not an object but called a "quasi-object" due to "time-frequency uncertainty" - meaning that time and frequency can not be measured at the same moment, since a measurement is a visual linear perception. So listening is Non-dual or meaning TWO places at the same time but each place is complementary to the other as yin-yang. So this is called the "three gunas of NO guna" or the "OM of light" or "Mouna (silence) samadhi" at the "three-in-one unity."

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