Monday, February 18, 2019

Looking for Infinite Life: Notes from qigong master Jim Nance Qi-talk, July 11, 2014

Look for an Infinite Energy to be Possessed by and you'll find that it brings you life and it changes the way you see the object you're lusting after...The desire to be blessed by infinite and the life force that accompanies that, becomes the embrace that you experience.

The hardest thing that I found for myself to do is allow that process to take place....the more you practice it, the more you see the result that you're looking. Over time the belief in what you're doing, brings a trust in the process of what your doing, to sustain the times when you're not getting what you think you should. It's really important to understand.

Looking for Infinite Life can bring you to a place where you respect life that much more. Not only the life that is in you but the life that surrounds you.... Infinite energy is not stupid. Infinite energy is an intelligence that goes far beyond anything we can understand.

We can gain greater and greater levels of understanding.

You're raising the vibration of the activity and your raising the vibration of your understanding in the activity and... the activities impact on you lessens.

The energy that you put out into the world, you have to run through your system before you have to send it out to the world. So ...if I want to do a good thing, I have to imagine how that is going to feel...when you slow down in stillness the impact of that activity is magnified ten or twenty times.

You're shifting your energy and you're shifting the energy of the environment. The more spiritual you become the more you being to experience that energy at its impact.

The Karmic turn around gets stronger and stronger, the higher your energy levels go.... And they learn over time, what they can do and what they shouldn't do. ...

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