I added more quotes from the Taoist Yoga book.The following diagram shows the field of concentration for gathering the macrocosmic alchemical agent with the manifestation of positive light.
That sentence sums up the point I am making.
So again the secret is that the left eye is the outer sun [yang shen] but is the inner fire as yin qi of the heart while the right eye is the outer moon [yin shen] but is the inner water as the yang qi.
So the Taoist Yoga book uses the term "nature-spirit" and "nature-vitality" - the first one is yang shen and the second one is yin qi.
So "life-vitality" is yang qi and "nature-spirit" is yang shen -
The golden light in the eyes reveals the light of (essential)
nature which illumines the lower tan t’ien (under the
navel), and will in time become golden to show the fullness
of the luminous generative force, vitality and spirit.
there is a cross over from the right eye (yang qi) to the left eye
(yang shen) to create the "light of vitality" (a combination of the yang
qi and yang shen).
After the second manifestation of the golden light, the
positive vitality [yang qi], now full, will replace the weakening (vital)
breath [yin qi] to develop further.
So the "Light of Vitality" on
it's own is the light of the yin qi of the yang shen - so at first it is
red but then it turns white when the yin qi is fully restored.
concentrate his eyes on its flame, rolling them from left to right
nine times to vibrate the (positive) vitality [yang qi] in that centre
(between and behind the eyes) so that it drops to the
cavity of (eternal) life (under the navel) already full of
(negative) vitality [yin qi] so that both vitalities unite to thrust open
the original cavity of spirit (tsu ch’iao in the centre of the
brain). This is called the breakthrough of the original
cavity from which the precious light emerges.
"the Light of Nature-Vitality" is another name for "light of vitality"
in contrast to the golden "Light of LIFE-vitality" from the yang qi.and so then the "Life of LIFE-vitality" is also called:
in contrast to the "light of Nature-vitality"
So the key secret here again is that the yin shen is when the yang qi is activated but as the yin qi keeps being purified then the yang shen is activated (hence the rotating of the eyes also as the small universe MCO meditation).
So the golden light is not the final stage - it is part of the process of the yang shen then "sucking" off the yin qi to purify the yang qi into Yuan Qi.
So what this means is that the "golden seed" as yang qi goes down - along with the yin shen - (the rotating of the right eye down) and then the yang shen rises up (from the yin qi in the generative force - the left eye going up).
When the generative force is full and rises to unite with essential nature, the white light
of vitality manifests; it is like moonlight and its fullness is
equivalent to one half of a whole. When vitality is full and
descends to unite with eternal life, the golden light manifests;
it is reddish yellow and its fullness is equivalent to the other
half. The union of these two lights produces that whole
which is the immortal seed.
real positive vitality [yang qi] and essential nature unite to emit the
light of vitality which is the light of true nature in the
precious cauldron (in the head) and that of true life in the
stove (in the lower abdomen).
the vital cavity of nature-spirit in the centre
of the cerebrum....When life-vitality [yang qi] meets nature-spirit they
unite and stay in the same cavity
the light of vitality
manifests in the ensuing condition of utter stillness. In this
absence of thoughts, the positive principle will in time
manifest causing the penis to erect. The practiser should
now wipe out the concept of the self so as to free his heart
from disturbances, and then concentrate on his spirit to
drive it into the centre of vitality (the lower tan t’ien below
the navel); this is the immersion of fire in water. The ele¬
ment of water in the lower belly is thus scorched by spirit’s
fire and thereby transmuted into true vitality. The practiser
should gather immediately the true generative force.
The immersion of fire in water causes their ‘copulation*
and the resultant condition is called 'fire and water in stable
equilibrium ’ (shui huo chi chi). If the outer sun and moon
do not mingle their lights the inner water and fire do not
‘copulate’ and prenatal true vitality cannot manifest.
The light of vitality thus seen while your eyes are open
is the Mysterious Gate which reveals the real nature realised
by cultivating both (essential) nature and (eternal) life, which
is the secret of alchemy.
The generative force which is still immature cannot
produce the white light of vitality
unless the generative force has been fully restored to its strength at
puberty it cannot produce the light of vitality which is
white like moonlight.
the sun (the left eye or the
male principle) with the moon (the right eye or female
principle); only then can both eyes be concentrated on
the lower abdomen in which a white light is imagined as
Sun: The left eye which stands for the positive yang; it also
stands for the heart.
The union of (positive) with (negative) spirit is achieved by uniting (or drawing together in a squint) the pupil of the left eye which stands for positive spirit [yang shen] with that of the right one which stands for negative spirit for concentration on the upper tan t’ien centre (in the brain)....The left eye stands for the East whose element is wood [yin qi] and the right eye for the West whose element is metal [yang qi].
The element of wood turns westward to unite with the element of metal and the latter
turns eastward to mingle with the former. This is the union
of both elements causing the (vital) breath in the brain and
the psychic strength to develop, expand and unite into one
whole reaching the core of the brain where it transmutes
the (microcosmic) outer alchemical agent (already gathered
there) into life-preserving true vitality [yuan qi]; this is (eternal) life [yang qi]
returning to (essential) nature [yin qi] to become one whole; only
thus can nature and life be worked on successfully.
The dragon (negative vitality ) [yin qi] and the tiger (positive
vitality) [yang qi] ‘ copulating ’ in the alchemical cauldron in the brain to realise
the oneness of heaven and earth
the successful union of the dragon
and tiger (i.e. the female and male vital breaths). When
heart and lower abdomen are linked, heaven and earth are
in perfect harmony; and when the dragon and tiger ‘copu¬
late’, the positive and negative elements of earth unite,
thus gathering the four symbols (szu hsiang, i.e. prenatal
heaven and earth and postnatal heart and abdomen) in
the central cavity (chung kung or the solar plexus) to
produce the macrocosmic alchemical agent.
The stove in the lower tan t’ien becomes the golden stove when it
starts to transmute the generative force [yang qi] into vitality [yuan qi].
By laying the foundation of positive spirit [yang shen] is meant stopping
the positive generative force [yang qi] from draining away, and thus
producing the golden elixir.
After rolling his eyes, he should close them and as his
mouth is now full of golden nectar, he should make pointed
concentration on the vitality which he has just circulated
(as above), driving it down (the jen mo or channel of func¬
tion), followed by the golden nectar, into the cavity of
vitality (below the navel). This is returning vitality to the
cauldron to seal it there.
his eyes close to each other (see page 72) to
concentrate on the cavity of vitality (the lower tan t’ien
under the navel) for a long while so that the light which
disappeared at the previous sitting manifests again. This
is the method of gathering prenatal basic vitality [yuan qi].
This original
spirit is the spirit of no spirit [yuan shen which can use spiritual fire [yang shen]
to destroy its (physical) form to return to nothingness in
order to achieve immortality [yuan qi]. This spiritual fire is the spirit’s
golden light that then appears.
When the light of this body joins and
mingles with the golden light (in front of you) you will
realise your essential body which will then enter your
physical body; the latter will absorb that spiritual body
and in three years’ time will be sublimated into pure vitality.
This is the manifestation of positive spirit (yang shen)
which will take form when it gathers in one place or will
become pure vitality when it scatters to fill the great empti¬
ness which will be its boundless body.
the golden light that shrinks, the practiser
should suck it in while rolling his eyes to drive it into the
sea of (essential) nature (in the heart)* which will unite
with it. After a serenity lasting for seven days, this light
will shine and the negative principle [yin qi] will change into
true spirit [yang shen]
The practiser should immediately drive the golden light into his (essential) nature
[yuan shen, and unite negative [yin shen] and positive spirits [yang shen] to sustain it.
when the two (positive and negative) vitalities [yang and yin qi] unite
and return to the essential body [yuan qi], the spiritual self will
appear in its centre.’
At the same time the
negative breath [yin qi] in that light will turn into a demon
transform this demon [yin qi] into
positive breath [yang qi] which will sustain the positive spirit and
wipe out all demonic states....
a golden light [yang shen] will emerge from the body like a large wheel, manifesting in front of the practiser who should drive the light of his spiritual nature [yuan qi-yuan shen] in front of it, and imagine that the golden light shrinks into a small circle about one inch in diameter, like a gold coin. He should then roll his eyes to collect and suck (the golden light) into his spiritual nature [yuan qi-yuan shen] which will enter the original cavity of spirit (tsu ch’iao, between and behind the eyes)....Prenatal’ denotes the positive or spiritual nature
the spiritual body which comprises (essential) nature [yuan shen] and (eternal)
life [yuan qi] in their prenatal condition.
‘Prenatal’ denotes the positive or spiritual nature
Freezing spirit: An alchemical process which ensures the con¬
dition of serenity in which the practiser becomes unconscious,
his breathing almost ceases and his pulses seem to stop beating
for the purpose of gathering prenatal true vitality in the original
cavity of spirit in the centre of the brain and then driving it
into the lower tan t’ien under the navel to hold it there to achieve
immortal breathing
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