Monday, August 20, 2018

"Very-Extreme Extremes": GoodBye to the Biosphere: Mainstream Science Embraces Abrupt Global Warming

When the top science journal in the world, Nature, publishes an article saying future summers will be "Very-Extreme Extremes" we can say that Abrupt Global Warming is now mainstream science.

Here is the outlook of Dr. Guy McPherson, Professor Emeritus of Natural Resources and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona, and the world's leading authority on Abrupt Anthropogenic Climate Change leading to Near Term Human Extinction:
We are now at a Global Average Temperature of 1.73 C above the 1750 baseline and it is apparent that it has started to increase exponentially. An “ice-free” Arctic Ocean later this year or the next increases the probability we'll have a sudden release or “Burst” into the atmosphere of 50 Gigatons of Methane from the frozen Methane Clathrates in the Permafrost lying on the shallow seabeds of the Arctic Ocean causing the Global Average Temperature to rise 1.3 C more in a very short time.
This actually means a more than 2 C Temperature Increase in the so-called “Breadbasket Regions” of the Northern Hemisphere (North America, Europe, Ukraine, and Russia), where Most of the Plants that Humans and Other Animals depend on for Food are grown. The effect of this Temperature Increase is that these Plants will Die and Mass Starvation will be the result.

Mass Starvation in turn will mean a Collapse of Industrial Civilization and a steep Reduction in the Burning of Fossil Fuels. This might seem beneficial at first, since there would be a Reduction in the Emissions of CO2 and other so-called “Greenhouse Gasses,” but the Global Average Temperature will continue to rise due to the Emissions Generated over the last 10-20 Years.

However, the Reduction in the Burning of Fossil Fuels will also result in the Reduction of the Emissions of Aerosol Particulates such as SO3 (particularly from “Dirty Coal”) which REFLECT Solar Energy back into Space before it reaches the Earth (the so-called Global Dimming effect). These Aerosol Particulates Fall Out of the Atmosphere in a matter of Weeks or Months and the Global Average Temperature will rise another 3 C causing the Extinction of Virtually All Living Beings on Earth. This could happen by next Spring or the Spring of the following year, so be prepared.
 The above is a comment posted to the below:
Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, New York Times best selling author, former professor at Princeton University, activist and ordained Presbyterian minister. He has written 11 books,… 
Citing the top science journal in the world - Nature. The article has 75 "extremes" in it - including "very-extreme extremes."

I do not plan for civilization to last much longer than 5 to 10 years at most. I knew this was coming so that is why I trained in extreme meditation when I was 29 years old and since then have studied what that experience actually "meant" scientifically. haha.

 So I was very much a loner since I could not tell people, circa the mid-90s, that I knew it was "all over" in terms of activism, etc. by 1999 - I was doing intensive meditation and studying - and in 2000 - I fasted 8 days on just a half glass of water the whole time. I had an "enlightenment experience" - saw ghosts, smelled cancer and did strong healing and experience a spacetime vortex of the Emptiness. I had precognitive dreams.

Anthropocene Doc

pdf - Underestimating Risk has caused an Existential Crisis of global warming pdf institute report

 "It is no longer possible to follow a gradual transition path to restore a safe climate," write Spratt and Dunlop in an op-ed published in the Guardian on Monday. "We have left it too late; emergency action, akin to a war footing, will eventually be accepted as inevitable. The longer that takes, the greater the damage inflicted upon humanity."

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