Monday, August 20, 2018

The secret of Doing in Non-Movement: The Yuan Shen

to refer to the book Taoist Yoga alchemy and immortality - the left eye is "positive spirit" (yang shen) but the left eye is also Wood as the Liver, as the Moon, or yin qi. The right eye is "negative spirit" as in yin shen but is also metal as in lung as the sun, or yang qi.

So ONLY the eyes are positive while the rest of the body is negative. But to have "pointed concentration" means to rotate the eyes or to "cross" the eyes by staring at the tip of the nose - thereby turning the yin and yang shen around and also turning around the yin and yang qi.
So then once the yin qi or Mercury is "replenished"  - this is done through meditation because with the eyes open then the Heart (Sun) and Moon (lower tan t'ien) are disconnected as the external Sun and Moon (left and right eye) shen are not turned around - and so through meditation their is purification via the Fire-Shen as positive spirit or Heaven.

The Yuan Qi activates the Yuan Shen as the light of no light - but the Yuan Qi is not activated until the yin qi is replenished by extracting the yang qi. So you need purification to stop losing the yang qi and then you "cleanse" the yang qi via the kidneys and "purify" via the heart. So the yang qi has "substance" via the cerebrospinal fluid (lecithin). So it creates the ambrosia as the immortal seed that then builds up the yuan qi.

Then as the yuan qi builds up then the Golden Nectar develops as the Light of Vitality - the light from the yang qi building up even further by purification into yuan qi. So you first have to restore the yin qi and then you have to purify the yang qi to turn all the yin qi into yuan qi internally - along with the yang qi into yuan qi.

So then the Golden Immortal Body is both the Positive Spirit (Heaven) and the Positive Vitality (Earth) such that you have now successfully merged the Yang Qi of the yin shen with the Yin qi of the Yang Shen - and so the third eye then collects all the yuan qi of the body, vaporizes the body or "evaporates it" as Golden Light yang shen that "shines" through the pores of the body - and now you have your immortal golden body. But you just destroyed your physical body in order to make the immortal body. Also you destroyed your ego - since there is no longer any yin qi (which is left brain dominant consciousness for humans).

And so then the Yuan Qi "decides" When the Yang Shen will manifest - and only other people purified enough will be able to see the Yang Shen - since if a person does not have enough yin qi stored up and replenished - then they will not be able to see the yang shen, or other immortals that have yang qi combined with the shen.

So the process remains an eternal process of complementary opposites - and the Yuan Qi is the 5th dimension that is beyond spacetime - so it is "instantaneous" - meaning that light of the Yuan Shen does not experience time nor space. But the energy of light as the Yuan Qi is spacetime itself that is relativistic - and so it has eternal motion. So the T'ai Chi IS the Wuji. There is no "static" non-movement. There is always "doing" in the Non-movement, as the secret of the Yuan Shen.

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