Saturday, April 28, 2018

Debunking the Golden Ratio for the Umpteenth Time

Hey that vid is based on a lie - the video starts out with the Fibonacci series as A is to B as B is to A plus B and then states that mathematicians are studying how it converges to the golden ratio. But what the vid never mentions is that the Golden Ratio is actually A is to B as B is to A MINUS B. This is why Kepler was against the "closed form" of the Fibonacci series - because it reverses the order of infinity! I have debunked this lie of the Golden Ratio in numerous places but standard Western science is based on promoting math and physics as symmetry and then claiming this is somehow "inherent" - no Daoism is not based on symmetry but on complementary opposites. Freemasonry promotes symmetry. So Westerners want to think that Daoism is Freemasonry but in fact the two are opposites.

So here I got into a music theory expose on the golden ratio. It is hard to understand

unless with background reading.

Here I give the background reading links of my previous exposes on the Golden Ratio.

So here is how I explained it - 12 years ago!
OK -- the Golden Ratio is taught as A is to B as B is to A plus B -- but that's based on the equi-partitioned principle of equal-tempered tuning!!

In fact the number value for the golden ratio starts as 1 is to 2 as 2 is to 3 -- the same as the Pythagorean Tetrad.

But in music theory (nonWestern tuning -- the Solfegio scale promoted on the website and CONFLATED with the golden ratio) -- 2:3 = 3:4.

How can this be? Because by Hemholtz' overtone analysis of harmonics (using beats) the Major Third and the Major 6th have the least beats -- after the Perfect 5th and Perfect 4th.

so the Perfect 5th is 2:3 which as C to G turns into 3:4 as G to C and the Major Third is the Natural Number harmonic series extension as 5:4 with the Major Sixth as 5:8 -- the Fibonacci Number Series.

It needs to be understood that Kepler's secret symbol (an Tetrad or equilateral triangle) resonates as it opposites through ASYMMETRICAL NUMBER creating an ellipse through the Major 3rd-Major 6th ratios.

What is the Major sixth but nothing less than the continous fraction of One plus One divided by One as "I Am that I AM" (with alpha and omega being the All Seeing Eye -- I is One and AM is 2:3:4 with "that" being the 4th dimension of space as "empty awareness")

In otherwords there is no equipartition geomatria in Pythagorean tuning!!

Since 2:3 equals 3:4 then the one to one correspondence of A:B::B:A plus B is violated.

But that was before I had fully engaged with Fields Medal (harder to get than Nobel prize) math professor Alain Connes.

Connes has the same explanation as me - I had read Connes but not well enough to process his analysis.

So the secret is called "noncommutative phase" - meaning that each zero point of space actually has 2, 3, infinity, as Connes states it is music theory that explains this "universal scaling system" - NOT the golden ratio. He doesn't even talk about the golden ratio that I've noticed.

O.K. - so why have a "triple spectral" frequency at the same time? It is understood through Music Pitch - 2, 3 frequency or 2 and 3 as frequency are BOTH the Perfect Fifth - or Yang in Daoism. But one is C to F as the subharmonic or 2/3 frequency and the other is C to G as the overtone harmonic are 3/2 frequency. The frequency and time are complementary opposites at the SAME time so that the pitch is actually infinite as the 5th dimension at each zero point in space. And so this process continues infinitely - and so you have the triple spectral of 2, 3, infinity or yin-yang-Emptiness as the foundation of reality. So for example Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson responded to me - Oh you don't understand that G to C is 3:4 because the octave is doubling geometrically. But I responded - yes but if you understand that the Octave as 4 is the same pitch of C as the "one" - then you can not have 3/4 as C to G in the same octave since then the fundamental pitch has to be a ratio of the "one" as the denominator from which is starts resonating. So then the C to F as 2/3 is "doubled" to 4/3 because the octave is defined as the "geometric mean squared" as 2. And that is the actual origin of logarithmic numbers used for the golden ratio!!  So in other words if C to G is 3/2 and then in the same octave 4/3 is C to F because the 2 as the octave is actually now considered a "contained" infinity as a geometric mean. But this is a bait and switch that covers up the fact of the Perfect Fifth as both 2/3 and 3/2 as the same time, as Alain Connes realized as well. Nobel physicist Brian Josephson told me at first that he did not understand music theory enough to reply about my research - so I guess he was right in his first response to me! haha.

So you can watch Alain Connes lecture on quantum music to understand noncommutative phase better. Most people learn things by "rote" - meaning they don't question what they are learning, by thinking for themselves. Instead I questioned what I was learning - and so I realized that the Pythagoreans - and hence the Daoists - were correct! I realized this in high school - so I never even accepted the Pythagorean Theorem (secretly) and I took quantum physics in my first year of college. As my professor Herbert J. Bernstein emphasized - EVERYONE should take quantum physics first in high school, instead if classical physics based on symmetric math - because quantum physics is the foundation of science now, NOT the wrong symmetric math of classical physics. haha. So people are brainwashed by classical physics still, while in high school. And in fact this wrong symmetric math is from the wrong music theory (that I would not accept since I had trained first in music).

Here is Alain Connes lecture - on music theory as noncommutative phase for quantum nonlocal relativity.

They are the same [frequency] spectrum but they are not the same chord. There are three types of notes.... The point [zero in space] makes a chord between two notes. When the value of the two eigenfunctions [2, 3, infinity] will be non-zero. ... Musical shape has geometric dimension zero....There is a fine structure in spacetime, exactly as there is a fine structure in spectrals [frequencies]...Our brain is an incredible .... receives moments of space... of the photons we receive and manufactures a mental picture. Which is geometric. But what I am telling you is that I think ...that the fundamental thing is spectral [frequency]....And somehow in order to think we have to do an enormous Fourier Transform...on geometry. By talking about the "music of shapes" is really a fourier transform of shape and the fact that we have to do it in reverse....It is precisely the irrationality of log(3)/ log(2) which is responsible for the noncommutative [complementary opposites as yin/yang] nature of the quotient corresponding to the three places {2, 3,∞}.  .it's related to mathematics and related to the fact that there is behind the scene, when I talk about the Dirac Operator, there is a square root, and this square root, when you take a square root there is an ambiguity. And the ambiguity that is there is coming from the spin structure.

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