Tuesday, February 11, 2025

U.S. Empire implodes as Corporate-Fascism Coup takes over in Eco-Doom: Millions to be killed by famine/poverty

 The 40 year Fascist Coup plan revealed

 Is there a single person left who honestly believes Trump and the GOP are honest and acting in good faith?

 yes as the fascism gets worse, the masses go more into deNile out of fear - it's Stockholm Syndrome society at large. 

Probably all of us who voted for him. Also, fun fact - we outnumber you.
It's "fun" because you are ignorant. Greg Palast already proved the election was stolen by illegal suppressed and destroyed votes - that's how Drumpf "won" the first time in 2016 also - so they made it worse. Ignorance is bliss and fun though! hahahaha. Now the fascists are saying the true patriots will give up social security and medicaid to enrich the elite for "trickle down" free-dumb

Drumpf has been following Hitler like a training manual - for example Drumpf threatened the corporate elite that if he was not "elected" then there would be civil war. That's precisely what Hitler did and of course corporate executive "chiefs" are already fascist by definition so they don't mind propping up Drumpf.

Chris Cuomo says - "No, not gonna happen" - Yale lawyer J.D. journalist 

UK commentator: Elon Mush aiming for global dictator 

 After the fines in September, SpaceX sent a letter to Congress blasting AST for being too slow to keep up with the booming space industry. That same month, Musk called on FAA chief Mike Whitaker to resign and told attendees at a conference in Los Angeles, “It really should not be possible to build a giant rocket faster than paper can move from one desk to another.”


 Federal Judge rules Drumpf is violating court judgement and order

Criminal contempt is now next - including arrest of administration officials. 

An Ongoing Coup against the Constitution 

 the judge can deputize to enforce his orders even if the Marshalls of the justice department refuse. But now the Drumpf regime is trying to deputize first! "Trump administration looks to deputize IRS agents for immigration enforcement" - so it's escalating into civil war for sure.

 Top Army Official discusses the imperial implosion

"global warming" and "climate change" terms are now scrubbed from the U.S. federal websites.

hundreds of millions of people will starve and suffer deeply from USAID being slashed and gutted.

 Concerns are mounting in the agriculture industry about the agency’s apparent closure, as USAID purchased $2 billion in U.S.-grown crops in 2024, The Minnesota Star-Tribune reported. Catastrophic

$900 billion a year is just to pay the interest on US Debt - with most of that going for past military spending. So military spending is now $1.6 trillion a year when including past debt payments.

Military spending is not being cut but all the positive things the Federal government does - especially science - is being slashed - biomedical NIH funding, NOAA, EPA, FFA: medicaid, Social security on next.

Allies are now boycotting the U.S. and the U.S. economy is tanking due to the tariffs. Meanwhile private prisons and concentration camps are booming for slave labor. 

Meanwhile abrupt global warming is directly threatening the future of farming - food production is in direct threat. We have no idea if crops will grow this coming summer - the weather is too extreme.

 Insurance no longer is covering the ecological crisis of civilization being destroyed - whole regions of the U.S. are being wiped out by extreme weather and then left to fend on their own for survival.

 Mother Nature is in charge while the Patriarchy is controlled by Missile Envy - let's hope no one "presses the button."


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