Thursday, December 26, 2024

Voices of Forgotten Worlds music c.d. !! This was my favorite c.d. to listen to while I shuffled papers for my environmental job

 Thanks Kathryn Engel for the comment. Yes that 4th state of water is considered when glaciers are melting - so that transition from ice to water. Why? As J.L. Finney points out in his "What's So Special about water?" article that I read some 20 years ago - when water expands it decreases in entropy so water is a macroquantum negentropic molecule. This "liquid crystal" state of water is from splitting the protons and electrons either from temperature or pressure. So in our bodies we are relying on pressure - unless you go for the Tummo Wim Hof "cold water" method. hahaha. On the Perfect Fifth Western tuning - yes the Western music we hear is equal-tempered but it is considered closed enough for listeners to not notice any difference for the Perfect Fifth. But what I noticed is the difference of the Perfect Fourth as an inverted Perfect Fifth (undertone) of the root tonic. So in Blues music the 1-4-5 is relied on. For example in 12-bar blues music if you listen to that - you find that also in Boogie Woogie music - the music clearly shifts from 12 bars of the one chord to then the 4 chord then the 1 and then the 5 chord and that pulls back to the one cord - usually using a 7th. The blues scale though tries to use the natural overtone harmonics. There is a good physics talk on this. So the flat 3, flat five, etc. These "bend" the notes between the equal-tempered logarithmic tuning. Or try to. If you want more music examples then the tribal or traditional folk music from world music is available. I used to have an excellent CD set of this music that I played at my job while I got paid. hahaha. I should try to find it online. Voices of Forgotten Worlds - that's it!! So awesome. Here it is!!! Enjoy. thanks for asking.

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