Detached toilet or privy structure shall not exceed 50 square feet in total size.
Usually you can install the EcoDry totally by yourself without any permission or application that you normally need for regular toilets.
Swedish EcoDry urine-diverting dry container!
In Sweden it's very common with "drytoilets", outhouses and separator-toilets in the country. It's not weird or unsanitary. Everyone in the suburbs and cities have to throw all biodegradable waste from the household in paperbags and in brown wastecontainers which is collected by the city and they make biogas from it.
Waterless Zero Waste Urine Diverting toilet vid
"Sewage" means any water carried domestic waste, exclusive of footing and roof drainage, from any industrial, agricultural, or commercial establishment, or any dwelling or any other structure . Domestic waste includes liquid waste produced by toilets, bathing, laundry , culinary operations, and the floor drains associated with these sources, and specifically excludes animal waste and commercial or industrial wastewater.
Subp. 85. Toilet waste. "Toilet waste" means waste commonly disposed of in toilets, including fecal matter, urine, toilet paper, and water used for flushing.
Zero waste toilet: a sensor-operated urine diverting toilet for sustainable sanitation and fertilizer production
This research introduces an innovative zero waste toilet, a sensor-operated urine-diverting system designed to overcome limitations in current sanitation methods. The toilet directly converts human feces into organic fertilizer while segregating urine from solid waste....The zero waste toilet offers a key advantage: fertilizer production without manual waste handling, aligning with scavenger act regulations. It minimizes waste generation, conserves water, and enhances sanitation. Repurposed plastic bottles reduce plastic pollution, and the system is comfortable, durable, and resource-efficient.
P. Abhijeet, S. Sanjeev, et al./Int. J. Systematic Innovation, 8(2), 70-86 (2024)
The global sanitation crisis is an ongoing challenge that demands innovative solutions to provide sustainable and efficient sanitation systems for communities worldwide. One such solution is the development of zero-waste toilets, which aim to address the issues of poor sanitation, water contamination, and environmental degradation. This chapter introduces an zero-waste toilet design known as the Sensor-Operated Urine Diverting Toilet that not only promotes sustainable sanitation practices but also facilitates fertilizer production through the recycling of waste materials.
The urine separation capability of the zero-waste toilet has significant implications for waste management and resource utilization. The specially designed pan effectively separates urine from feces, improving waste management practices and minimizing potential odors. With some models being able to separate up to 80% of urine within the pan, the zero-waste toilet presents an opportunity to utilize urine as a valuable resource for agricultural purposes, thereby contributing to sustainable agriculture and nutrient re-cycling.
The zero-waste toilet's ability to transform human feces into organic fertilizer showcases its potential to address waste management challenges and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.... The separated solid waste can be processed into organic fertilizer through composting, providing a valuable resource for soil enrichment and sustainable agricultural practices. This closed-loop system reduces reliance on synthetic fertilizers, promotes circular economy principles, and supports environmental sustainability.
Debunking the "composting toilet" that "receives domestic sewage" as "discharged into a disposal system" versus a urine-diverting dry composting container that achieves aerobic digestion.
Sewage smell is typically produced by the the mixture of liquid and solid waste.
UDDTs require pathogen reduction of feces by the effect of drying, which turns any pile of “humanure” into odorless compost after a slow process that takes from 6 to 12 months.
In addition, there is usually little composting taking place in the UDDT vaults (instead, it might be carried out in a secondary composting step which is external to the toilets).
Urine-diverting composting toilets are similar to UDDTs in that they also collect urine and feces separately. Treatment is achieved through the composting, a process quite different from pathogen removal by dehydration.
The water content of dried feces after six months of drying is usually less than 25%.[4]: 14 Depending on the degree of drying and the intended reuse application an additional post-treatment step, such as composting, might be necessary for reuse of excreta in agriculture.
This post-treatment may consist of long-term storage or addition to an existing or purpose-built compost pile or some combination thereof.
Recode's National Composting Toilet Code Passed!
Thank you to everyone who helped us send our Director Melora Golden to IAPMO's Green Technical Committee last month and to everyone who helped us create the code. Melora’s presence was instrumental in getting this exciting new code passed. We'll reach out again with info about how to strategically participate in the public comment period. If all the public comments can be decided upon or integrated into the code during the April IAPMO meeting, it will be part of the 2015 Green Supplement to the Uniform Plumbing Code. Recode's composting toilet code outlines performance criteria for site built composting toilets with and without urine diversion and manufactured composting toilets.
The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials recently convened the inaugural meeting of its Green Technical Committee. May 9, 2008 The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), Chicago, recently convened the inaugural meeting of its Green Technical Committee\
The most advantageous approach to pathogen destruction in a urine-diversion toilet vault is to maximize the effects of various environmental factors (i.e., pH, temperature, moisture content, type of bulking agent, and storage time). To quantify these effects, a field experiment was set up, consisting of 6 urine-diversion toilet vaults, each with a different combination of feces and bulking agent (soil, ash, wood shavings, sodium hydroxide, or straw) and ventilation (ventpipe/no ventpipe).... The samples were subjected to microbiological testing to quantify the pathogen dieoff over time. In the vaults, there was a 3log 10 (99.9%) reduction of total coliform between 130 and 250 days, fecal coliform between 100 and 250 days, and fecal streptococci from 125 days and longer. In the open heap, these times varied, from 115 days for both total and fecal coliform, to 140 days for fecal streptococci. Viable Ascaris ova were reduced to zero between 44 and 174 days in the vaults and by 44 days in the open heap. ...The ordinary soil mix was seen to give the best results, and this was ascribed to the effect of competing microorganisms in the soil itself. It is concluded that, for safety, vaults of urine-diversion toilets should be sized for a storage period of 9 to 12 months from the last use.
Example of a self-contained composting toilet, designed by Toilets for People. By PlanetCare - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Pollutant: Any sewage, industrial waste, or other wastes, as defined in Minnesota Statutes chapter 115.01, discharged into a disposal system [toilet waste treatment device]
Wastewater Permit User’s Manual
Based on this evaluation, the chemicals used to preserve the waste and control odor until the tank is pumped could contribute to elevated effluent levels found in RV dump station waste. One of the active ingredients included in some RV treatment products is formaldehyde. A study done for the Washington State Department of Transportation, reported that formaldehyde can create a toxic environment for the anaerobic and aerobic bacteria in septic systems, impeding the ability of these bacteria to effectively treat effluent. If campers are using products that contain formaldehyde it can negatively affect the septic system. The study ruled that treatment products such as dyes, perfumes, enzymes, and detergents do not have a strong negative effect on a septic system as does formaldehyde (Kiernan, 1983). It would be wise for RV parks connected to septic systems to educate campers to not add formaldehyde-based products to their holding tanks. However, knowing it is difficult to control the chemicals are used by RV users, septic system operators and designers should be evaluating the waste stream levels including pH for treatment challenges. The concentration of this type of waste stream, which is less diluted due to limited graywater from showering and laundry, means that septic systems for RV dump stations should be designed based on mass loading versus hydraulic loading and include advanced pretreatment sized based on this loading. If excessive organic material or solids reach the soil system, the biological clogging mat can become restrictive to the point of hydraulic failure.
Tim Luedtke has been named SSTS compliance and enforcement coordinator at the MPCA regional office in Duluth. He has also worked for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Luedtke has a degree in Environmental Geosciences with a focus on geology, sustainable management, and First Nations studies from UW- Superior.
"Septage" means solids and liquids removed from an SSTS and includes solids and liquids from cesspools, seepage pits, other pits, or similar systems or devices that receive sewage. Septage also includes solids and liquids that are removed from portable, incinerating, composting, holding, or other toilets.Subp. 69.
"Septage" means solids and liquids removed from an SSTS and includes solids and liquids from cesspools, seepage pits, other pits, or similar systems or devices that receive sewage. Septage also includes solids and liquids that are removed from portable, incinerating, composting, holding, or other toilets. Waste from Type III marine sanitation devices, as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 33, section 159.3, and material that has come into contact with untreated sewage within the past 12 months is also considered septage.
The on-site sanitation system shall consist of any
natural or mechanical composting toilet (contained in such an approved
single family dwelling), including a limit of one (1) detached privy (or
portable chemical toilet) any of which the aforementioned shall conform
to applicable standards and regulations of the St. Louis County Dept. of
Environmental Services for such systems. Detached toilet or privy
structure shall not exceed 50 square feet in total size. Any black water
septic system, including any holding tank system, is prohibited except
for a holding tank on-board a RV provided an officially authorized off-
site sewer dumping facility shall be used for dumping said same' s
Non-commercial recreational dwelling (i.e. principal structure) in the 0-1 Open Space District Conditional Use Permit Required.
the exclusion of greywater from discharge to toilet waste treatment devices
reflects the treatment of those devices as plumbing not covered by this part.
However, a toilet waste treatment device is not considered an SSTS, and amounts generated are small, fairly well decomposed and contain no free liquid. Therefore, allowing the disposal of such material by the system owner is appropriate. It is anticipated that the material will be bagged and dispose of in a sanitary landfill along with the other household solid waste.
excreta disposal,
Providing drainage of blackwater from the bottom of a pile of soaked feces is not urine diversion. When fecal waste has been saturated with urine, the urea in urine changes to ammonia, and prevents all bacterial and invertebrate life from decomposing the pile, and makes the waste soggy and smelly (avoid this). ...This leaves the solid waste primarily comprised of dry low-density toilet paper and some feces. This high cellulose feedstock can be consumed (actually ingested) by bugs (worms, nematodes, slugs, and other insects). Passing through the gut of the bug, the majority of pathogens are destroyed and the waste is highly stabilized, odor eliminated, and volume diminished.
Hill GB, Baldwin SA. Vermicomposting toilets, an alternative to latrine style microbial composting toilets, prove far superior in mass reduction, pathogen destruction, compost quality, and operational cost. Waste Manag. 2012 Oct;32(10):1811-20. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2012.04.023. Epub 2012 Jun 1. PMID: 22658870.
7080.2280 PRIVIES. A. To qualify as a privy, the system must: (1) meet or exceed the requirements of part 7080.2150, subpart 2; (2) have soil beneath the bottom of the pit that meets or exceeds the requirements of part 7080.2150, subpart 3, item C, employ a watertight tank meeting applicable requirements of parts 7080.1900 to 7080.2030, or employ a toilet treatment device
flow restriction devices... All electric, gas, and water connections to another treatment device shall conform to all local ordinances and codes.
counties are authorized to adopt alternative local standards that are less restrictive than the [state] agency's rules for new construction or replacement in areas of sustained and projected low population density where conditions render conformance to this chapter difficult
that the property is served only by a permitted privy or a hand-carried graywater system.
There's no flow! A "sealed privy" must be 25 cubic feet or 3 feet cubed (approximately). "Most outhouses that you get a permit to put in will require that you install a buried plastic or concrete tank that is sealed at the bottom and can be pumped out."
The MPCA describes privies as "more like an ISTS than a toilet wastefascinating!
treatment device."[69] Thus, the MPCA made the requested change to the ISTS system
standard rather than the definitions. This change will retain the requirement that a privy
be installed by permit, after site evaluation, professional design, and inspection.[70]
Yes, a composting toilet is a type of Type III marine sanitation device (MSD):
- Type III MSDA device that prevents sewage or waste from being discharged overboard. Type III MSDs can be holding tanks, or they can use other technologies like composting, incineration, or recirculation.
- “ Type III is a device that prevents the overboard discharge of treated or untreated sewage or any waste derived from sewage. This type of device is typically a holding tank and may include other types of technology including incineration, recirculation, and composting.”
It's a toilet [container] that keeps the solids separate from the liquids. If kept separate, human waste is not toxic. It's not until they mix that it creates sewage
the Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment (CIDWT) as a self-contained waterless toilet used for disposal of non-water carried human waste ...A watertight holding [sewage] tank meeting applicable requirements of parts 7080.1900 to 7080.2030 can be used instead of a pit.
Again if there is urine-diversion or urine-separation then it is not sewage.
Most people refer to these as "composting" toilets, but they're all, including Nature's Head, actually desiccators--devices that collect solids and urine separately.
Sewage tanks must be marked near the outlet with: (1) the manufacturer's name; (2) model number; (3) liquid capacity; (4) date of manufacture; and (5) maximum depth of burial.
The tank manufacturer or manufacturer's agent shall provide the information in item A to the installer in writing.
The tank inlet or outlet must be clearly marked.
Minn. Rules part 7080.0910 specifying alternative and experimental systems shall be utilized only on existing developed lots with existing septic systems which have failed.
that was repealed. fascinating.
TOILET WASTE TREATMENT DEVICES - Privies and other devices including
incinerating, composting, biological, chemical, recirculating, or holding toilets.
These systems or devices will be allowed but will not circumvent the requirement
for a standard ISTS and these systems or devices are not to be considered as a
standard ISTS.
Some manufacturers of advanced treatment devices prohibit water softener backwash [graywater] from being discharge to the treatment device.
Accordingly, toilets wastes shall be discharged only to toilet waste treatment devices....The drainage system in new dwellings or other establishments shall be based on a pipe diameter of two inches to prevent installation of a water flush toilet.
So this proves that the "toilet waste treatment device" is for "receiving sewage" as "discharge." The UDDT has no discharge of sewage. Even though the Toilet Waste Treatment Device is not a "water flush toilet"!! So the phrase is actually "toilet waste treatment system" and again it's a MARINE boat phrase. military pdf on toilet waste treatment vault systems
the Bill gates funded NanoMembrane Combuster Thermoelectric toilet
So I should just burn my "dry container" remains - so there's no worries as the county planner recommended an "incinerating toilet." no thanks
.the total burn time is about 90 minutes at upwards of 600 degrees--and that's not always long enough to completely reduce solids to ash...They need a 5" vent stack (chimney) and have components including catalytic converters that require frequent cleaning or the smoke STINKS!
First I am doing mycoremediation with oyster mycelium proven to destroy the pathogens. Then I am doing vermicomposting.
The phosphorus can be recovered from the dried feces compost ash....
"biological nutrient removal"
Source Separation to Achieve Resource Efficiency and Demonstration Projects
Nancy Love, University of Michigan
With a urine diverting toilet [container] like the Nature's Head you never have sewage – you get compost.
“By reducing the amount of nitrogen sent to wastewater treatment plants, we can potentially remove some of those barriers to affordable housing while meeting regulatory requirements.”
Rural areas, tiny homes and other portable units rely on septic systems or costly efforts to tie into sewer systems. The potential to offer different options to communities provides equitable water solutions and ecologically sound housing designs.
Toilet Waste Treatment Device: Incinerating and composting toilets. Chemical, biological and holding toilets are not included in this definition.
wow fascinating. That county actually makes the distinction I made in this blog post!! Again they are clearly stating the "composting toilet" is for "sewage treatment" but at UDDT that is self-contained has no discharge and no sewage waste - it is "zero waste." Here is the same "composting/incinerating" waterless toilet ordinance in another county in the U.S. - requiring NSF certified devices only!
Some composting toilets have a vault that sits beneath the unit. Modifications to the structure may be needed to accommodate the vault. This would entail a building permit.
Can the composted material be disposed of on my land?
No. Incomplete composting can leave pathogens, viruses, protozoans, helminths, and other organisms viable in the composted solids. The operation and effectiveness of each unit will not be verified by the County. As such we cannot ensure on-site disposal will be safe for the community or for the environment.
Subp. 4.
Toilet waste treatment devices and privies.
For primitive dwellings using toilet waste treatment devices in low dwelling density areas, septage disposal from these devices by the owner must be in accordance with local ordinances. If no ordinance exists, the septage must not be discharged to surface waters, drainageways, steeply sloping areas, or wet areas in a manner or volume that is harmful to the environment or public health or that creates a nuisance. The material must be buried or covered with soil. For site conditions not met in this subpart, the solids disposal from toilet waste treatment devices shall be according to subpart 6 by a licensed maintenance business.
The privy is in a remote area with a minimum of 20 acres of lot area
Again proving that the Toilet Waste Treatment Device assumes "discharge" of the "septage" as toilet waste.
The Mullis 500 is a biological toilet, with urine separation, constructed in stainless steel and thereby an investment for the future. It is a low model and therefore made for holiday homes with low grounds. In this model, the urine should be discharged, as it is only designed for faeces.
When ordering a Mullis 500 a complete toilet solution is obtained which includes stainless steel containers, joints, toilet seat, Royal, and urine separation.
Mullis has four airchannels welded on the sloping bottom line. Between the airchannels and the base has angles of the steel been welded.
So that's the secret design - it's the same as a Clivus Multrum (as that is the Swedish design) - notice the air pipes internally as a second box going to the baffle - very awesome design in stainless steel.
Sweet - it's from Sweden!! Nice. So it's 6.5 feet long stainless steel. Nice!! 19 inches high - so 1.5 feet.
Urine separation
By separating the urine the risk of odor are reduced, and the dry faeces are easier to manage and compost. It´s also an environmental gain, because the urine can be used as fertilizer.
So what the statute means by "biological toilet" is the Marine toilet definition of "dosing" a "holding tank"!!
The dosing of aerobic (non-smelly) bacteria ipv. counteracts odors and also breaks down toilet waste. You make, as it were, a miniature purification of your holding tank! We have a number of products for the holding tank. For example, our products Roebic Black Water and the Bio-Septic Tabs.
A fresh smelling, all-in-one, quadruple action biological toilet and urinal cleaner which also keeps black water pipes free of scale and organic waste.
- True composters are basically designed to provide the best ventilation and decomposition. These may also be known as active systems and include everything you need—heaters, fans, mixers, etc.
- "I've always had trouble with liquid overflow tubes clogging up. I also
suckered into the type of composting toilet that had 'knives' slicing
through it, that was a horrible mistake." - that's the centralized composting toilet problem.
- Dry toilet systems, which are considered passive systems, require more maintenance, as they need additional heating elements or other features in order to aid with the decomposition process. As a result, this type of system generally takes longer for composting to occur.
the G.O.A.T. of composting - Joe Jenkins
As Jenkins emphasizes he does NOT use a "composting toilet" but rather just a collection bucket aka container to then compost on his land. Still a Urine-diverting dry toilet makes this process easier:
First, it is much easier to compost human waste waste from a urine diverting composting toilet. The material removed from a urine diverting toilet should be just slightly damp – perfect for composting. With a non-urine diverting toilet, the contents will be too wet for efficient composting, and the combination of urine and feces creates an anaerobic environment that allows very stinky bacteria to flourish (think outhouse or portable toilet at large public event. Ugh!). A urine diverting toilet is key to the successful composting of human waste, in my opinion.
So this person recommends using the Aerobin composter! Fascinating.
Only it's very expensive. hahaha. He calls it "very affordable." oops. $240 at Costco for 55 gallon composter. This is the U.S. supplier - says $200 suggested retail price
Exaco Trading Co. is an exclusive importer and national distributor of high-end greenhouses, compost bins
I got two composters already that are 80 gallons each - both for free (but I did get a speeding ticket on my way to pick up the 1st free one). hahahaha.
Adding lime to the compost after it has been removed from the bin will drastically reduce the time it has to sit, before being safe to bury or spread on non-edible plants. Use roughly 3% lime to total compost volume.
So we can just add wood ash to the compost.
Central composting toilets- how do they differ?
These toilets are typically put in homes that have space beneath them. The composting chamber is located beneath the home, the pedestal is located above it in the bathroom, and the chute links these two components.
The chamber with a centralized system is generally a full level beneath the toilet itself.
Centralized composting toilet systems offer more capacity, are usually more costly, and are most commonly utilized in office or commercial buildings.
However, once installed, they require less frequent care and only need to be emptied roughly once a year. AlasCan, Clivus Multrum, CTS, EcoTech Carousel, Phoenix, and Sun-Mar Centrex are popular systems, with costs ranging from $1,400 to more than $10,000 depending on the system’s capacity and intricacy.
Models of self-contained composting toilet
Many brands manufacture and produce such composting toilet models, such as Nature’s head, Sun Mar and Separett.
Vermicomposting of humanure - peer-reviewed science says it works!
Source separating vermicomposting toilets (SSVCs) outperformed mixed latrine microbial composting toilets (MLMCs) in all categories.
source-separated vermi-composting (SSVC), which are commercially available in Europe. Urine and fecal matter, added at the toilet hole are separated from each other either by means of surface tension off the inside of the toilet riser to a gutter or by drainage away from fecal matter off an inclined foot operated treadmill. We visited only the latter in this study. The accumulated solids are periodically shoveled to a finishing pile where earthworms, cultured in matured compost, convert the fecal matter and toilet paper into vermicompost. Moisture is conserved with impermeable pile coverings and/or delivery of rain-water captured on the roof. Process maintenance is minimal as worms are relied upon to mix, aerate, homogenize, and sanitize the excrement.
Worms can survive near zero temperatures, their cocoons can survive freezing temperatures, and viable populations have been maintained as high as 2400 m (Hill, unpublshed; Neau, personal communications January 2012).
It is hypothesized that SSVC toilets will be more reliable and complete in the destruction of pathogens and production of high quality end-product than MLMC toilets.
SSVC toilets have low annual O&M costs, employ a proven pathogen reduction mechanism and show consistently low E. coli counts in end-product, require minimal operational hazards, minimize fecal contaminated leachate, require no bulking agent, reduce end-products to 41% of excrement feedstock dry mass and produce a pH neutral, mature end-product having low free-ammonia and abundant nitrate.
Therefore, container-based sanitation could help mitigate this inequity after a disaster, for
the homeless, and for severely disadvantaged communities.
People and communities desiring to implement container-based sanitation
and humanure composting should be allowed to do so in a safe and consistent manner. It
should be noted, however, that federal regulations do outline acceptable methods of
treating wastewater biosolids but do not address the need stated here.130
130 Environmental Protection Agency, “Biosolids Laws and Regulations.”
Mycelium! Worms! Hooray!
When the Carousel system was first installed and material began to be deposited in the chamber, a drainage problem with the vacuum pump emerged, and so, there was some concern that this first batch of compost might be too wet. We were relieved to find mycelium present and the compost smelling like good, earthy soil – both indicators, that although slightly moist, it had not gone anaerobic. In the Phoenix system, we had inoculated the initial chamber with red wiggler worms according to manufacturer recommendations and were thrilled to find an abundant, thriving worm colony hard at work breaking down the material.
Container sanitation peer-reviewed science
Any structure built on the [privy] tank will need to be approved by the local permiting authority.
Faecal separation and urine diversion for nutrient management of household biodegradable waste and wastewater
The notification applies to multiple tents set up side by side having an aggregate area of
401 square feet or greater, if there is not a 12 ft. fire break.
Container-based sanitation (CBS) is a sustained sanitation service, featuring toilets with containers that are frequently sealed and collected
Sewage Treatment: Any premises intended for human occupancy must be provided with
an approved method of sewage treatment designed in accordance with all local, state and
county requirements, or as otherwise specified in this ordinance. No land use permit shall
be issued prior to such permit or approval.
Industrial Use – Class II – A category of uses that includes, but is not limited to: land application of sewage
Section 6.3 Recreational Vehicles Administrative Standards “V”
A. No Permit Required: Recreational vehicles and other camping are allowed on parcels
without a permit provided the following standards are met:
1. There shall be no more than one recreational vehicle per parcel, per zone district
requirements for principal uses.
2. The recreational vehicle shall have a current motor vehicle license.
3. All recreational vehicles shall meet the principal structure setback requirements of the
zone district in which they are located.
4. Vegetative removal and shoreland alteration standards shall be followed.
5. sewage treatment standards shall be followed.
So as long as I am camping and NOT creating sewage then no permit is needed. But if I want a building permit then it is assumed I am making sewage even if I am not! Wow.
Disposal of solid waste
(b)Mixed Municipal Solid Waste does not include auto hulks, street sweepings, ash,Wow!!!
construction debris, mining waste, sludges, tree and agricultural wastes, tires, lead acid
batteries, motor and vehicle fluids and filters, and other materials collected, processed,
and Disposed of as separate waste streams, but does include source-separated
compostable materials
1995, 9523 1803-SDTDC, San Dimas Technology and Development Center,
USDA Forest Service, San Dimas, CA.
basement construction and cost of digester
So again that is a Centralized Composting Toilet
vault toilets don’t release toxins into the ground. The only maintenance they require is occasional pumping, which she says the Forest Service typically contracts to local septic pumping companies.
The below applies only to centralized composting toilets:
- Compost toilets are expensive to maintain. Frequent servicing includes:
- Knocking down the fecal cone as it forms
- Frequently adding bulking agent
- Removing materials that are thrown down the riser
- Removing excess liquids
- Failing to maintain a disciplined maintenance regime may lead to:
- Terrible odors
- Failure to compost fecal matter
- Septic conditions in the compost chamber
- Closure, abandonment, or removal of the building
The Enviro Loo, although not a composting toilet, provides the right environment to treat and stabilize human waste by the natural processes of dehydration and evaporation. The waste is reduced into an inoffensive and harmless, dry ashlike material, which is then disposed of according to county, state, and Federal regulations.
Humans release 7–10 times more nitrogen, 2–3 times more potassium, and 2–3 times more phosphorus in urine than in feces (Table 1). Urine separation combined with vermicomposting especially seems to hold good promise.OK just picked up my FREE Vermicomposting Worm Farm bin Sterilite 4-draw plastic chest. I just need to drill holes in the bins.
- Drill 1/4 in holes every couple of inches along the bottom of the bin to allow liquid to drain.
Ventilation holesDrill 1/4 in holes every couple of inches along the outside of the bin,
Multiple level vertical compost bins are those that allow worms to move up and down vertically within the bin system, with the intention that you add compost/scraps to the top layer, worms travel up to that layer to feed, and they travel down and through the other layers as they choose either to worm ball or lay eggs or whatever, and as the soil over time composts down and turns into worm castings/poop, the soil gets physically heavier and more compact, so thanks to gravity, it moves/is drawn down lower in to the vertical bins system, so that at the very bottom layer of the multiple layer vertical system will only consist of the most processed/advanced worm castings (no food scraps, or other debris), just pure worm poop. And because it is a vertical system you simply access the very bottom bin and there are your worm castings, no fuss no muss and you don’t have to worry about separating out worms as they are likely physically located higher up in the other bin levels in the looser easier to travel through soil, eating at the food level, etc.
I just fill the drawers to the brim so they can move between drawers. I need to add shredded cardboard, newspaper or egg cartons if the bottom tray gets too soggy. they don’t leave because there are holes, they leave because the bin is not healthy. A bin that is spiraling out of control is usually too wet, overfed and smelling really acidic (like orange peels in the garbage!) from lack of air flow. A healthy bin has a rich earthy smell and worms throughout. A good balance of greens and browns as well as a hands on approach prevents that.
Greens are food including the stuff you listed. Browns are bedding, which they also eat but should be in much, much higher proportion than feed.
Add a scant amount of the feed you name to heavily moistened but loosely packed leaves/cardboard/paper and you have a bin.... I'm planning to drill drainage holes in the top 3 drawers and keep the bottom drawer to collect runoff fluid (to use as fertiliser), seperated by a mesh to prevent drowning worms.... if there’s too much moisture the worms in the bottom bin get all of it dripping down and can’t migrate upwards like in a normal tiered setup.... the holes in my bins are 1/2in. i don't think the size of the hole matters that much as long as there are enough of them. if you don't get enough holes the bedding can become extremely moist and start to turn anaerobic and then it becomes a bit smelly due to lack of aeration. i keep my worms indoors so smelly wasn't an option.
UDDT and container-based sanitation vid
Managing Human Waste on a Zero-Waste Homestead
The topic of managing human waste, also known as humanure, is pretty much considered taboo in Western culture. You don’t talk about it in polite company. However, it is imperative that we begin to take responsibility for the humanure we produce. Unfortunately, the centralized systems upon which many of us rely and conventional home septic systems do not score that well on their ecological report card. In many parts of the world, waste collected by municipal sewer systems is dumped into the ocean or injected into the groundwater.
a ventilated UD fecal storage tank normally is to dry (worse in case of vaults, more volume, longer retention time --> drier).
As there is a need what to do with the feces, we decided to do a vermicomposting box.
Most people don’t carry large amounts of dangerous pathogens in their intestines (otherwise they’d be very sick), so what they flush isn’t usually festering with germs. It is after sludge floats through the miles of pipes for days that it becomes colonized with all sorts of bugs that naturally dwell there, growing and multiplying. “When sewage swirls down the pipes for days and weeks, its pathogen load is huge,” Aaron explains. “But if you get it right after someone flushed the toilet, the pathogen load is much lower.”
AI: Yes, in theory, septage can be removed from a dry toilet, but it's not recommended because septage is hazardous and contains an unknown amount of pathogens. Septage is the liquid and solid material that's removed from septic tanks and other sewage treatment units. It's resistant to dewatering, so conditioning chemicals are used to treat it. Composting toilets are an alternative to septic tanks that don't require a septic tank and can be built in areas without access to a sewer system. Some composting toilets collect material in a chamber that can be emptied into a larger composting container to finish the composting process.
Only Store Properly Treated Biosolids
Ensure that only properly treated biosolids that meet all state and federal
pathogen reduction regulations are delivered to the facility. Unless
biosolids will be stored at remote sites for limited periods (60 days) and/or
during cool weather months, vector attraction reduction should be met prior
to storage.
The biosolids cake produced at _____________________
________________________________(treatment plant name) is primarily organic. It is
beneficially reused as a soil amendment on agricultural land (land application), _______________
(other uses here, e.g., compost).
long term storage of biosolids in Canada
Ried Nelson, co-owner of Advanced Composting systems, the company that produces the Phoenix Composting Toilet, criticized Hill’s methodology and disputed his claim that the Phoenix and similar toilets are ineffective at breaking down waste. According to Nelson, most of the toilets that are having problems have seen far more use than they were designed to handle. The toilets should not need to be emptied more than once a year unless they are used more frequently than anticipated, said Nelson. Some of the toilets are also improperly maintained, he said, or installed in cold climates without the proper heating facilities, which Nelson’s company also sells.
The toilets should not need to be emptied more than once a year unless they are used more frequently than anticipated, said Nelson.
Hill recommends letting nonhuman organisms do most of the work before the remains are brought to a treatment plant. He sells a setup in which the waste falls into a crib that is open at the bottom, allowing worms, beetles and other small allies to crawl up from the soil and eat the waste. Someone must periodically rake the fresh waste over to the side, spray it with water, and cover it with a plastic sheet. Hill claims such a toilet can go 15-20 years without being emptied.....
Over the past few years, Furlong and her colleagues have published a series of studies demonstrating how well worms break down fecal sludge. In one study published in the Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development in 2014, worms helped reduce the volume of fecal sludge by 76% over 30 days, compared to 17% without worms.
Cecilia Lalander, a researcher in environmental engineering at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala...."In my own house, I dream of having a urine diverting, vermicomposting toilet,” said Lalander.
Composting toilet systems.
“Composting toilet system” means a method that collects, stores and converts by bacterial digestion nonliquid-carried human wastes or organic kitchen wastes, or both, into humus.
Composting/Incinerating systems
All composting/incinerating toilets must be State of Wisconsin approved. The product must have the "NSF" mark on the product in order to be certified and code compliant. If you have any questions, please contact the zoning department.
So that's the same as Minnesota. Strangely HALF of the composting toilets recommended are not NSF certified. hahahaha Well why list them then? Very strange.
Not all systems sold by these companies are approved. Please check withOnly TWO brands are NSF-certified: Sunmar and Clivus Multrum
the company for approvals prior to purchase! *** Cecilia Lalander, a researcher in environmental engineering at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala....
"In my own house, I dream of having a urine diverting, vermicomposting toilet,” said Lalander.
At the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, researchers have developed a urine-separating toilet, a bit similar to those used in some summer cottages. This is to be able to find out the plant nutrients in the toilet waste.
- The urine is collected in a drying bed where the plant nutrients in the urine then turn into a pellet-like shape, making it easier for farmers to spread in their fields. EcoFlow vid on using peat moss or Coconut husk to "compost for replanting projects"
Public domain composting toilets must be installed in a manner that is consistent with all state and local requirements.
architectural designer Dan Welch installed waterless composting toilets in his family’s home, and recycles their biosolids on-site “for beneficial purposes” in a manner approved by Whatcom County Health Dept. and City of Bellingham under State of Washington rules. Although he argued those rules prefer a two-stage “batch composter” for improved sanitation, the County health official required him to choose a continuous composter from the State approved list, rather than his own site-built design.
proposed two innovative urine diverting batch composting toilet systems to treat human waste on-site, but both were rejected by Whatcom Health Department. One was a proprietary design from Sweden not on the state approved list, the second was a similar site-built system Welch designed himself. Both proposed “batch” systems use removable 5 gallon composting chambers, with waste combined into two 90-gallon “primary composting” tote containers kept in a lockable accessory shed, where the excrement ages for 1.5 – 3 years so it can be disposed of safely. Welch argued their design was best way to compost human waste in a residential setting and satisfy Section 4.4.7 of the WA DOH On-Site Wastewater rules which state “Means must be provided to keep separate waste undergoing treatment from finished end products.”
Delaney said he has a long history in Appropriate Technology and he said that composting toilets should not come under the jurisdiction of the California Plumbing Code because there are no water inputs or outputs. A composting toilet is not plumbed.
Delaney also mentioned that with thousands of homeless people living in Humboldt County without access to any kind of toilet, there is a tremendous amount of untreated human waste going directly into the watersheds. Delaney noted that composting toilets are far more affordable than septic systems and that makes housing more affordable.
Kalson said that the County cannot be sure that future owners of properties with composting toilets will be responsible for the systems. He gave an example from Mendocino County where an elderly couple “produced barrels of waste with no means of disposal.”
County’s Ordinance toward compromise wherever possible including reducing the mandatory checks on composting toilets from requiring a County employee to check on them twice a year, to having the landowner provide certification by an expert once every three years; an allowance for composting toilets built to pre-approved plans under public domain; and an allowance for manufactured composting toilets if landowners have an appropriate way to finish the composting in a second site.
Waterless toilet configurations will include a commode(s) paired with a composting processor and/or the use of a secondary composting processor.
When full, the commode bucket will be emptied into the compost processor. Microbes in the compost processors will be chowing down on our excreta; this is the act of composting. When, one year after it has been filled, the contents of a full composting processor are a nice, healthy manure, the manure will be applied to the landscaping per WE·Stand section 403.8.6...
“1307. The collection method shall connect commode directly to composting chamber or present water-tight barriers to user contact with human wastes during normal operation or in event of failure.” Andrew Skinner, state plumbing program chief, said during a phone conversation in the summer of 2017 that he would consider this inconsistent with a bucket-based system that requires the commode to be emptied into the composting processor by hand. The more recent 2017 ANSI/IAPMO WE·Stand does not include this requirement.
“403.8.4.3 Transfer. Where unfinished excreta or diverted urine is transferred between
processors or from commode to processor, transfer and cleaning of containers and provisions for limiting user exposure shall be according to the owner’s manual.” - explicitly allows for transfer of un-composted excreta between the commode and the compost processor.
Our buckets will have secure, watertight lids for transfer, as per 2017 IAPMO WE·Stand
Research indicates that sixty-gallon containers stored outdoors can achieve thermophilic conditions.21“Microbiological assessments of compost toilets: In situ measurements and laboratory studies on the survival of fecal microbial indicators using sentinel chambers” by L.Tønner-Klank et al. (see attached copy, or
So the latest international code says
"Pipe, pipe fittings...devices used or entering into the construction of plumbing systems, or parts therefore" -
so that confirms what I was told: No plumbing discharge, no permit needed.
IAPMO/ANSI WE-STAND 2017 Water Efficiency and sanitation standard "In Summer 2019 we received the actual permit through the city of Portland for a composting toilet and urine diversion system for all our living units."
So I have determined that a "device" has "pipes" - and "HWTD" or Human Waste Treatment Device is discussed
Septic Tank: Wastewater treatment device that provides a preliminary form of treatment for
wastewater, comprising sedimentation of settleable solids, flotation of oils and fats, and anaerobic digestion of sludge...Macerators and any other similar devices that are used for pulverising of solid waste are not authorised to connect to Council’s sewerage system. Solid waste includes, but is not limited to, sanitary napkin, placenta, surgical waste, disposable nappy, mache bedpan and urine containers.
waste treatment recirculating device.
macerator/chlorinator - "a waste treatment device"
flow-measuring device...
pre-treatment device connected to the sewagerage system
waste treatment device or a human waste storage facility"hydraulic device"
or a drain connected to any such device or facility.
100mm PVC pipe spreader bars are used as inlet devices. These are placed high in the gravel and surrounded by larger gravel/rocks (50-100mm),....towers (made from 300mm stormwater pipe or manufactured stormwater collection pits) as outlet devices
separate pipe work (including the back-flow prevention device
The installation of a GDD [greywater diversion device] will require that the greywater is discharged below ground (e.g. sub-surface or sub-soil),
Dosing siphons are passive devices that deliver a set quantity of water in discrete doses
full water reducing devices
If a reed bed is chosen as the secondary treatment device
Vermi-Urine-Diverting Dry Toilet (Vermi-UDDT
Urine diverting flush toilets (UDFT) and urine diverting dry toilets (UDDT) – see Fig. 1 – are the most common type of urine diverting toilets (UDT) which are commercially available worldwide.25
The product of composting toilets qualifies under federal regulation 40CFR503 as a biosolid which is also categorized as sewage sludge...A waterless toilet shall be capable of reliably performing decomposition, settling or solids separation, nutrient and pathogen reduction, and avoidance of nuisance conditions. Features toSo Sonoma County CA is not considering UDDTs
be evaluated include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Time and temperature control;
2. Solids mixing or turning ability;
3. Liquid fraction separation;
16) Can biosolids be used for composting?
Yes, biosolids may be composted and sold or distributed for use on lawns and
home gardens. Most biosolids composts, are highly desirable products that are
easy to store, transport and use.
Biosolids for Reclaiming Minelands
Municipal solid waste (MSW) compost had the highest percent [vegetative] cover after 4 years (Figure 6).
Field Greens WLSSD anaerobically-digested biosolids
The State of Minnesota recognizes these four tiers of composting facilities:
1. Backyard Compost Site (no permit required)
“Composting” means the controlled microbial degradation of source separated compostable material to yield a humus-like product or mulch to be used as a soil amendment. (MN Rules 7035.0300)
“Source Separated Organics” means organic material that is separated from mixed municipal solid waste at the source by the waste generators for the purpose of composting. (MN Statutes 115A.03)
Generator. "Generator" means any person who generates waste.
Mixed municipal solid waste does not include...sludges,
Biosolid sludge, also known as biosolids, is a nutrient-rich, semisolid material that results from the treatment of domestic sewage in a wastewater treatment facility
Subd. 25a.Recyclable materials.
"Recyclable materials" means materials that are separated from mixed municipal solid waste for the purpose of recycling or composting, including paper, glass, plastics, metals, automobile oil, batteries, source-separated compostable materials, and sole source food waste streams that are managed through biodegradative processes.
Permit requirements vary based on feedstock (yard waste, manure, livestock, source-separated organic waste, & solid waste).
In urine-diverting toilets, urine and faeces are collected separately so that nutrient content can be recycled unmixed. Faeces should be sanitized before use in agriculture fields due to the presence of possible enteric pathogens. Composting of human faeces with food waste was evaluated as a possible method for this treatment. Temperatures were monitored in three 78-L wooden compost reactors fed with faeces-to-food waste substrates (F:FW) in wet weight ratios of 1:0, 3:1 and 1:1, which were observed for approximately 20 days. To achieve temperatures higher than 15 degrees C above ambient, insulation was required for the reactors. Use of 25-mm [1 inch] thick styrofoam insulation around the entire exterior of the compost reactors and turning of the compost twice a week resulted in sanitizing temperatures (>or=50 degrees C) to be maintained for 8 days in the F:FW=1:1 compost and for 4 days in the F:FW=3:1 compost. In these composts, a reduction of >3 log(10) for E. coli and >4 log(10) for Enterococcus spp. was achieved. The F:FW=1:0 compost, which did not maintain >or=50 degrees C for a sufficiently long period, was not sanitized, as the counts of E. coli and Enterococcus spp. increased between days 11 and 15. This research provides useful information on the design and operation of family-size compost units for the treatment of source-separated faeces and starchy food residues, most likely available amongst the less affluent rural/urban society in Uganda.
Niwagaba, Charles & Nalubega, M & Vinnerås, Björn & Sundberg, Cecilia & Jönsson, Håkan. (2008). Bench-scale composting of source-separated human faeces for sanitation. Waste management (New York, N.Y.). 29. 585-9. 10.1016/j.wasman.2008.06.022.
Sarah Nahar: To Have Excretory Justice, We Have to Deal With Our Crap - 2024 Rich Earth Summit
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