Thursday, September 12, 2024

Jeffrey Dahmer just a Northern European Protestant "progressive" gone wrong? Missle Envy & the Surplus Value of Consciousness

 Lionel Dahmer was of German and Welsh ancestry, and Joyce Dahmer was of Norwegian and Irish ancestry. It has been claimed that Dahmer was deprived of attention as an infant.

 well it's kind of difficult to separate any "issues" considering automation is the number one cause of job loss whether in China or the U.S. - but "jobs" as wage-slavery didn't exist until the 1600s really. Even in my own family - the source of money was as a craftsman, self-employed - or farmer - until my grandfathers. So the modern industrial "career" and 'wage" system I think is really still spreading around the world - destroying the last hunter-gatherer traditional cultures that remain. So when people are forced to live in a smaller area and are forced to fight off the threats - this then causes over-hunting and over-fishing, etc. and so the tribe is forced to start farming or reach out for assistance somehow. 

The epidemics are still taking revenge from Mother Nature since the equatorial rainforests have some 50% of biodiversity on Earth. I coined a phrase, "the surplus value of consciousness" as a structural analysis in my 2012 book since Marx being a classical political economist - as Michael E. Hudson points out - it is really Marx's final work on the rentier parasitism of unearned income from land value speculation that is the key to driving late-term capitalism. The global economic real estate speculation crisis of 2008 causing central bank deflation - and some 40% of the economy now based on speculative derivative trading - yet it is still the land itself that remains the ultimate "monopoly." Hence the fixation with leaving Earth to create "new land" somehow as the ultimate means of capitalistic expansion. 

Professor David F. Noble critiques Marx relying on the "Edenic respites" of technology as just symptomatic of Platonic philosophy - which is the basis for then Freemasonry and modern science - and so I think even in the colonized native communities there is a hope that somehow technology can save us. People obviously don't want to be labeled as "Nobel Savages" and fetishized as tourist commodities or just objects of desire - the so-called "psychic economy" of the New Left philosophy as the focus of Pierre Bourdieu - whereby the embodiment of labor is also a type of consciousness. I forget the term he uses. Habitus. 

Well everyone on Earth is now raised on their "smart" cell phones (literally cooking their brains!) and computers and t.v.s but factories in terms of the "free market zones" are basically prison camps - since temp workers and subcontractors have eroded any kind of paternal system of care by the business. Even a small business will attempt to lower its labor costs by using immigrants or some kind of Fordism - economy of scale mechanization that degrades the "habitus" of the worker through bad ergonomics, "just in time" scheduling - no one is "not" working now by being ruled by their "smart" phones for work. The "craftsmen" gets destroyed and what remains is a cog that wears down and is replaced. 

First it was sugar, coffee, alcohol and stronger drugs. Now it's electromagnetic pollution and holographic AI implants. Ever since Newtonian mechanics - the world is constructed as an extreme of body parts just as Jeffrey Dahmer (see the new Netflix doc) - projected his personal trauma as a mechanized body parts factory. His resource (oversexed muscles) was cheap and plentiful - and as the documentary points out - he was not racist against nonwestern cultures - in fact he drank their blood and ate their meat to try to become one of them -apparently. Dahmer was defended by psychiatrists in terms of materialistic idealism (he was just "sick") when the nonwestern cultures (what little remains of African or Asian values in modern U.S. society) relied on traditional morality - Dahmer was just plain evil.  

So Stan Gooch's book "Total Man" was a great psychoanalysis of how extreme left brain or extreme right brain manifests as extreme ideologies that are dangerous - and the missing factor is some integration of our cerebellum deep unconscious connection to emotions and motions and the lunar energy that rules life on Earth. Gooch was focused on Neanderthals and I tried to get him to focus on the San Bushmen (I got a couple hand-written letters back from Gooch when he was living in his caravan in Wales and then he died a few -maybe 10 - years later). 

We obviously rely on science that itself is a construct of a "religion of technology" (David F. Noble) based on Platonic "materialistic idealism" - from geometric irrational magnitude as a spacetime continuum (now called Quantum Field Theory, etc.) - and so this external measurement process using tools as right-hand dominance and left-brain dominance - (see math prof. Joe Mazur's book Zeno's Paradox) - this cut us off from our deeper music-meditation psychophysiology based on coherent biophotons as communication with this ether-information nonlocal force that originally was called N/om. 

The "natural resonance" with N/om was originally evolved out of the equatorial rainforest from our deep primate past and it was also matrifocal in terms of psychophysiology - based on female orgasmic energy through the right-side vagus nerve - and so the rainforest is also called the "Mind" of Earth by some cultures. So the "surplus value of consciousness" is this drive to reconnect via the deep unconscious of the brain - what Roger Penrose calls "protoconsciousness" as quantum nonlocality (the term seems to be from Bernard d' Espagnat - I highly recommend his quantum physics book "Behind The Veil"). We all get reunited with this superluminal phonon-force truth at death but the music-meditation training enables this reconnection as well - as a means of restoring life and matter, a "new" force as quantum negentropy that is precognitive and thus also creates new spacetime. 

That quantum nonlocal superluminal phonon force is also what powers photosynthesis and so algae as the oldest life on Earth, also being the main source for modern industrial energy (coal and oil) - algae is thus the future of the surplus value of consciousness via the "indeterminate reflection" of dialectical materialism as Slavoj Zizek would say. I have focused on embracing algae as the only means to stop "biological annihilation" and some policy makers are indeed pushing algae now big time. But again our deeper psychophysiological blockages are driving us through "Missile Envy" into "biological annihilation" - as this "surplus value of consciousness." It's what Zizek called the "jouissance" from Barthes - but in fact Zizek is just another Platonic philosopher. Noam Chomsky told me he would have liked to study noncommutativity if he had the time.

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