Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Jarod Yates follows up on Friedwart Winterberg's nuclear fusion Phonon Ether research connection to antigravity propulsion

 I posted the below compilation of my comments on Winterberg - starting in 2018

  Professor Friedwardt Winterberg, father of nuclear fusion rocket: "The origin of charge is explained to result from a field of virtual phonons, having their source in the zero-point fluctuations of Planck mass particles bound in the vortex fragments...This requires that the force between Planck mass particles of equal sign is repulsive, but between those of opposite sign attractive. While the law for the conservation of energy is conserved during the collision between a positive with negative Planck mass particle of mass mp, the momentum fluctuates by Ap = mpc..." That's from my blogpost 2018. And so as I cited in my 2012 pdf - it is Winterberg who first connected de Broglie's violation of the conservation of momentum, through the noncommutative Law of Phase Harmony (1923) that enables antigravity propulsion in WEstern science. "The particle-wave duality of the de Broglie pilot wave is explained by the emission of watt-less gravitational waves from Schrödinger’s “Zitterbewegung” of elementary particles obeying the Dirac equation." Which is another way of stating, as Winterberg explains, that the "quantum potential" as nonlocal is actually noncommutative spacetime as the hidden momentum or antigravity energy from a phase shift of negative spacetime curvature. Winterberg also states this is the secret power of suns - again this is the quantum degeneracy pressure source.

Winterberg conjectures then that a Lunar Eclipse thereby resonates and amplifies these antigravitational waves from the core of the sun and so during a Lunar Eclipse - such amplified waves would change the results of the electron trajectory in the quantum double-slit experiment.
And so the "anomalous gyromagnetic ratio for the electron" is from the noncommutative zitterbewegung and also explains the cause of the Lamb shift in the energy levels of the hydrogen atom. Professor Friedwardt Winterberg pdf on virtual phonon-roton as the ether. So Winterberg states that in this model, just as with de Broglie's model, momentum is not conserved (contrary to Newton's 3rd axiom) - and this is due to spontaneous symmetry breaking - from quantum time-frequency uncertainty. Winterberg then states the model is based on "coupled harmonic oscillators" - unlike Schroedinger trying to use "normal mode" or uncoupled harmonic oscillators. And so the "coupled harmonic oscillators" create a natural resonance as the superluminal ether. Boy Bushmen explains that top secret aircraft due use nuclear propulsion. This leads me to believe that Winterberg's nuclear propulsion, using the same principle that Tom Bearden describes, has been put into development. (posted on my blog in 2018). Great followup research! thanks 
 Winterberg, Friedwardt. "Teichmüller space interpretation of quantum mechanics" (PDF). Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie 38 (2013) published in the de Broglie journal this description: "One positive mass Planck mass particle is in essence a small black hole with a space-time singularity at its center. But in the presence of negative masses this singularity can be avoided by Einstein-Rosen bridges (wormholes)." and this: Hypothesis of Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Negative Mass "In the world of positive mass, ground state is a point that energy is low, but in case of negative mass, ground state is a point that energy is the highest. Accordingly, in the world of negative mass, energy level is filled from the highest to the lowest, and stable state means the highest energy state, so the catastrophe to energy level of minus infinity never happens even if negative mass spontaneously emits energy.... Assuming that negative mass and positive mass were born together at the beginning of universe, it satisfies the various problems that previous dark matter and dark energy possess, such as, centripetal force effects of galaxy and galaxy clusters from "
 Professor Winterberg revealing the secret of fusion energy propulsion: Jeff Smith, Nexus Magazine Sept. 2014 pdf " a plasma if charged to a high-enough density will act as a superconductor and will repel all external magnetic and electrostatic fields. If the area of the plasma is great enough, positive buoyancy or antigravity occurs."  here 2003
Dr. Winterberg revealed there certain essential principles behind the hydrogen bomb, known already to the United States’s enemies—but not to its own scientists....One speaks of “inertial” fusion, because the detonation wave moves faster through the fuel than the fuel can be blown apart by the explosion...A number of capacitors are charged in parallel, and discharged in series, which produces a pulse of very high voltage....The outer current confines the charged, fusion-reaction alpha particles within the cone, and the shock wave goes over into a thermonuclear detonation wave, supersonically moving down the cone. The wave starts in the small region near the vertex of the cone, and only there is magnetic confinement necessary, which is why a high gain is achieved....This is a gain factor of 1,000!

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