Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sri Aurobindo in Letters on Yoga, Volume One, p. 306, says the future body may be radio-active!? Or Force-Active?

 As I said it may become as you suggest
radio-active: Th´eon (Mother’s teacher in occultism) spoke of it
as luminous, le corps glorieux. But all that does not make it
impossible for the supramental to act in the present body for
change. It is what I am looking forward to at present.


Stuart Hameroff is relying on the "mixed polarity" of the pyramidal neurons. , "a cortical pyramidal neuron showing internal networks of mixed polarity microtubules, a network of mixed polarity microtubules" This is for self-aware consciousness but Oxford biology professor Denis Noble emphasizes that the microtubules are in all the cells, relying on water. So for the "self-aware" consciousness or sentient awareness Hameroff is relying on the separation from water via the brain fatty amino acids. 

So the "pi resonance" that Hameroff refers to was also the focus of a master's thesis I read (discovered from Oliver L. Reiser's promotion and correspondence with him: Andrew Cochran - that cited David Bohm - I think it was in 1965. The claim is based on the entropy or "specific heat capacity" of the molecules for life. The argument is that the nitrogen, oxygen, carbon based molecules have a very low specific heat capacity so that a negentropy or negative entropy can be maintained as quantum coherence. So this master's thesis points out this "pi resonance" secret of 1/2 spin is also what enables photosynthesis. scroll way down for details. 

So Basil J. Hiley on noncommutative quantum biology is pointing out also that it's the negentropy of energy itself that is noncommutative and thus the basis for the nonlocal awareness or what Penrose calls protoconsciousness. So this nonlocal awareness is a process of active-information that is a newly discovered energy (hidden in the Schroedinger equation) - aka the "quantum potential" - but Hiley describes it also as a Coriolosis Effect (so you have a twisting inherent to 2D reality so that spacetime is inherently curved back on itself). So this is an active information-force that is noncommutative meaning it is an eternal motion or process that is never static. The aperiodic crystal was a bad metaphor used by Schroedinger as Denis Noble points out - since life actually relies on water as a macroquantum molecule with negentropy. 

But in terms of all matter being light then what Penrose calls "negative resonance" is this "negative frequency" of light that Louis de Broglie first discovered when he critiqued relativity. Penrose relies on this same de Broglie-Einstein relation to create his protoconsciousness equation. So I had this discussion with Anirban Bandyopadhyay who disagrees with Penrose - Anirban is working to build an AI brain that is physical based on his idea of mathematics. Again the problem is that if someone is trained as a scientist then they are indoctrinated into Platonic mathematics or "commutative geometry" based on symmetry, etc. The aperiodic crystal can be viewed either as a Fibonacci series that can be noncommutative or the Golden Ratio that is commutative. 

But the truth is that the "active information" can not be contained by spacetime - as Basil J. Hiley points out in his latest talk - he promotes the Alain Connes lecture I sent him - on how spacetime emerges from this noncommutative nonlocal negentropy that Connes simply calls "two, three and infinity." So this means that many of our diseases today originate from the microtubules being damaged and this then damaging the mitochondria but the "superradiance" of the microtubules relies on a "negative resonance" that is achieved via the "active information" itself - which then manifests into the macroscale (of matter). This is reverse-engineered as the truth of logical inference as internal listening in meditation which then activates this noncommutative truth of "two, three and infinity." 

What Daoism and South Indian yoga does - as a nonwestern alchemy science - is to then apply that noncommutative truth on the macroscale based on body posture exercises, visualization, diet, seasons of the year, emotions of different organs based on color of light, etc. The problem is that we have an accelerating ecological crisis due to the commutative geometry that is the structural drive of science - the "language" as the "music logarithmic spiral" of expanding dimensions of technology. So since everyone gets brainwashed by the wrong mathematics - the Pythagorean Theorem is used by any construction worker for example - then we are in denial on a deep psychological level about the trajectory of what googlescholar calls "biological annihilation." A good website that documents the Geophysics of our crisis is thanks, drew

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