I finally finished Professor Martinez' fascinating read, Kinematics: the Lost Origins of Einstein's Relativity and admittedly the mathematical logic arguments got quite opaque - turgid, etc. Still I think I was able to see the secret kernel involved. I already pointed out that debunking simultaneity was the key to Einstein's relativity insight. Fortunately Professor Martinez has several articles published on this topic:
So I had already read Poincare's 1905 book on Science and hypothesis - since I knew it was a big influence in Einstein. Actually I didn't know that at the time I read it? Maybe I did - it was 20 years ago or so!! https://www.martinezwritings.com/m/Relativity_files/Material%20History.pdf
This book review is more of an expose! Wow. Glad I never read that book that Martinez is debunking. What is the secret Martinez reveals? Essentially in German there was not a clear translation of speed as magnitude distance and velocity as displacement with direction. So this created an asymmetric algebra of noncommutativity as the core of Einstein's relativity! The "speed of light" is regardless of direction but since Einstein relied on coordinates of points then his algebra allowed a "negative x" to equal a positive x since both had the same speed of light without any regard to spacetime direction.
In 1916, Einstein used statistical thermodynamics, Bohr's theory of spectra, and Rutherford's statistical law of radioactive decay as “hypotheses” about the emission and absorption of radiation to derive Planck's radiation formula. Einstein remarked that the role of “chance”—in quotation marks—was a “weakness” in his derivation, and that his hypotheses were not confirmed results.
Einstein, despite being one of the founders of quantum physics, could never accept "spooky action at a distance" (the quantum measurement problem from the Born Rule) since it implied "telepathy" as Olivier Costa de Beauregard argued was indeed the case! But Einstein also rejected Louis de Broglie's pilot wave model as too simplistic despite Einstein approving of de Broglie's Ph.D. thesis.
Yet textbooks usually argue as if it were the smaller system, such as the rocket, that is really contracted. ...Instead, Einstein’s resolve was to claim that there is no one
true length of any body, that length is just a relational property
So this is the same emphasis of Professor Basil J. Hiley - the "phoronomy" used by Einstein. It does not have to be limited to observable effects. OK now we delve into the thickets - Martinez' paper on Einstein's math
OK so this is the image that reveals this key secret that caused such great misunderstanding of Einstein's relativity - specifically that the debunking of simultaneity relies on the speed of light causing an asymmetry of spacetime as an algebraic observation of matter. As Martinez points out this claim was based on a new definition of time in regards to the speed of light - before the application of the relativistic spacetime effects. Since this was a third coordinate system that was more primitive to spacetime causality then its basic algebraic ambiguity of asymmetry left scientists befuddled at best.
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the image above from Professor Alberto A. Martinez, page 401, Kinematics: The Lost Origins of Einstein's Relativity |
So Einstein defined (p. 310) speed=light path divided by time interval. But the light path allows for negative time that is noncommutative as a magnitude with no direction. And since the speed of light is constant no matter what direction, therefore the spacetime perception is relative.
Normally Relativity of Einstein is presented as completely symmetrical since the two different coordinates cancel each other out as detailed above. But one critque of Einstein is that because the one way direction of light as speed is "by no means self-evident" (Einstein) then in fact Einstein just redefined the ether. But in fact when it is realized that empty space does not exist due to the constant motion of energy from 1/2 spin then indeed this is the new definition of the Ether as Einstein also realized.
And so Alain Connes has explained that assuming the speed of light is invariant then the foundaiton of reality is noncommutative.
In fact Basil J. Hiley quotes Einstein as admitting that Heisenberg was correct and a spacetime continuum would have to be rejected.
p. 388 Professor Martinez titles the section "Asymmetries in the Basic Algebra" as per the image above from page 401.
Wow - corroboration of my claim!
Cassini, A., & Levinas, M. L. (2018). Einstein’s reinterpretation
of the Fizeau experiment: How it turned out to be crucial for special
relativity. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies
in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. doi:10.1016/j.shpsb.2018.08.004
Wow they LIFTED that quote! They reference it but not as a block quote: p. 12 above and p. 13 below of a direct copy and paste! landau and lifshitz 1994:
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