Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Military research on noncommutative probability theory and 1/f pink noise

  The discussion on the origin of cognition moves from the elementary biological process, for instance cell to cell communication [59,60,61], generating the conjecture that this is based on quantum mechanical coherence, one form of non-commutative probability theory, a theoretical perspective that we believe to be related to SFBM processes on the basis of the fact that the dynamical approach to FBM [4] was derived by the quantum mechanical theory of quantum dissipative processes of Weiss [62]. We think that at this elementary biological level crucial events, namely form of compressible randomness, are generated by SOTC. This fundamental problem goes far beyond elementary biological processes. In fact, the fast and slow thinking aspects of decision-making processes [63,64] establish a complex interaction [65] between the brain of the single individuals and the society networks.

Entropic Approach to the Detection of Crucial Events 



















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