Wednesday, July 31, 2024

How to coverup the Noncommutative truth of music and reality? David Wright book on Math and Music

So by ignoring 2 to the 19th as the Perfect Fifth then the noncommutative ratio is also ignored. Very nicely done! It's 3 to the 12th and 2 to the 19th for 2 to the 1/12 and 3 to the 1/19th. Because this is noncommutative it is more dense than the real number spacetime continuum.

You can not get a separation of pitch if you do not include the Perfect Fifth! An octave is the "same pitch" and so it has no natural overtones and undertones process to generate the 12 note number scale. Truly astonishing that he is claiming the "Circle of Fifths" is actually just from the octave.

Why? Because it is NOT a Circle of Fifths! It is a noncommutative nonlocal Perfect Fifth as the truth of the Pythagorean Logos Tetractys. 































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