Friday, July 12, 2024

Incorruptible Imperishable Matter: The Resurrection of the Physical Body belief in Christian denominations including Saint Augustine!

I was recounting yesterday a funeral I attended - of my relative - and this preacher emphasized the physical resurrection of Christians at the end times. That was a bit of a shock that a preacher in the 21st century would make that claim....




 Wow Saint Augustine believe in physical resurrection of the bodies at the end times.

   The Resurrection of the Body in Western Christianity, 200–1336 

Reviving the Ancient Faith: Stories of Church of Christ google books 

I think this is the denomination I encountered at that funeral!!

So it's a more conservation off-shoot of "Disciples of Christ" - starting at the Fin de siècle

 So they believe in a Millennial Resurrection! Fascinating! First the "saints" are resurrected and then 1000 years later the rest of Christians are physically resurrected.

So they believe that human government is evil and God will devour it...and this was a reaction to the Civil War! Fascinating.

June 2024 sermon - in favor of physical resurrection of the dead

 In 1980, sensing an irresistible call of the Lord to preach, John became the senior pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he ministered for almost 33 year

So they argue for an incorruptible spiritual body - a different kind of matter but nevertheless matter.

















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