Friday, July 12, 2024

Deep Listening is Noncommutative! Is Digital Technology really making us more Ecological? Greenwashing Eco-Porn in PhytoAcoustics


Sounding non-human: digital listening to the animal-plant lifeworld

The sounds of life: how digital technology is bringing us closer to the worlds of animals and plants, by Karen Bakker, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2022,

 Khadeeja Amenda is a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies in Asia programme at the Department of Communication and New Media, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Her doctoral work is on the history of sounding, and contemporary sound and sensory practices of listening, in Hyderabad, India. Hi Dr. (candidate) Khadeeja Amenda Please, as per Alain Connes Fields Medal math professor, consider noncommutativity as the truth of biological life acoustics. Not digital math. thanks, drew hempel


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