Sunday, June 23, 2024

Living Willow tree Biodome DIY build: Cut 4 feet length willow posts 1 to 2 inch diameter. Put in a circle 10 foot radius...

 willow dome, bio-architecture, living structure, living dome, permaculture, bio-dome, eco-architecture

 This is pretty much how the Pygmies build their houses I think - so this structure is 225,000 years old!!

1. Cut willow “posts” that are 1- to 2-inch diameter by 4 feet in length.

These need to be as straight as possible. You’ll notice that certain places on any willow tree will have long straight sprouts that make the perfect material to start your willow dome. The number of posts needed depends on the diameter of your dome and your goals for building it – read through the rest of the directions for more clarity on how many you’ll need for your project.

 a 10-foot radius (for a large party dome) is feasible.

 Pound the posts in to a depth of one foot, keeping them as straight as possible.

  By spacing them so they’re almost touching, you’ll end up with a solid wooden wall within a few years, as the posts will fuse into a single unit as they grow together. Otherwise, there will be space between the posts, resulting in a structure akin to an open air gazebo.

  • Entrances: Decide how many entrances you want for the dome and leave 2 to 3 feet of space between posts at these locations.
  • Note: Use the posts immediately after cutting them or stick them in a bucket of water to preserve their vitality until you’re ready to use them.

 The goal is to bend each of these toward the center to meet a branch growing from the opposite side. Once they are long enough to reach each other, each pair should be lashed together in the middle with biodegradable twine.















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