Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I make Mystery Science Theatre 3000 Fan history! University of Minnesota Eugenics expose!

 “I know Ken’s a lot stronger than we are. There’s a reasonable scientific explanation for that.” Good breeding. Wheaties. Oat bran.
Wheaties is a General Mills cereal known for its association with athletes and sports. Marketed as “The Breakfast of Champions,” the wheat and bran flake mixture was first sold in 1924. As for “good breeding,” here’s a historical note: up until the 1990s, the University of Minnesota was home to the Dight Institute for Eugenics Research (later renamed Dight Institute for the Promotion of Human Genetics), named after medical professor Charles Fremont Dight (1856-1938), who donated his entire estate to the University. Dight was an enthusiastic proponent of eugenics—human breeding—persuading the Minnesota legislature to pass a sterilization law in 1925, and writing a fan letter to Adolf Hitler in 1933 praising the Nazi’s efforts to “stamp out mental inferiority.” (Thanks to Voidisyinyang for the correct wording and the University of Minnesota bit.) 


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